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The Hum

Rose (& Greyman)

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Having just passed the big 50 this year I may be experiencing the start of the downward slope to dribbling or perhaps it is something others can speculate about ..... I've started hearing the Hum. This apparantly widespread phenomenon has been driving me nuts of late. It is described here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum, thanks to wiki. Before I started googling it I was following the common pattern of turning the house upside down, switching off power, searching the neighbourhood and wrapping my head in blankets. The low frequency humming sound is clearest at night and when inside the house. It seems to have no discernable location or cause but it is persistent and once your mind focusses on it the distraction can cause sleepless nights. It is said not to be tinnitus which I am told manifests in a different way and although I am open to the idea that it could be, in my case it just doesn't 'feel' like an internal problem. When I work away in UK I never hear it, indeed on recent trips I have actively tried to focus on trying to hear it with no luck. It seems to be 'loudest' in winter and although heard when outside it is clearest indoors.

I have ruled out all obvious causes - we are in a quiet country location with no roads, machinery, power lines etc. close by. As the sound is constant (for me a bit like someone blowing across the top of a bottle but for hours without taking a breath) I don't think it can be wind related as this would come and go.

Last night I finally slept to the music of Bach Cello concertos - very nice and exactly the right frequency to cover it - but I don't know how long OH can put up with that !

If it continues I will try the doc but like I said I don't think it's me ! Has anyone else come across this or have any ideas for a solution ? I did read one website that suggested sleeping outside so I'll rule that one out now.

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Yep, I've heard it for years and have tried turning off the electricity, the water, the gas, the woman, even had a go at sex, but it it still there. I even thought it might be the sound of adolescents growing and if you had seen the Banabas you would know what I mean.!

My conclusion is that it comes from power cables powering the undeground city of Sleaze which is peopled by all those nasty, thieving rats of bankers, politicians and others of their ilk who make our lives difficult. The power is needed to torture the little sods.

It is a real phenomenon though.

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[quote user="greyman"] Has anyone else come across this or have any ideas for a solution ?  [/quote]

This sounds familiar to me; I find I can ignore it during the day but at night when I am trying to sleep the best thing I have found is to try to breathe more deeply than normal and to really concentrate on my breathing so that I am really only aware of that and all else is blocked out. I have also taken to drinking a tisane before bed; a 'nuit apaisante/tranquille/paisible' helps I find ...


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Things do go south come 50.

But what you are describing can be cured with homeopathy.

Although in my case I waited and all was well and I know have contact with various Theathians that play the kazoo constantly but are excellent drinking companions.

I have know given up the american whistle and play kazoo left handed.

My enjoyment of  Clem Snide & Cake has expanded and I now wear short trousers.

Good luck maybe hatha yoga will help.

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Your audience includes someone who in about 1978 spent almost 2 hours searching every pipe, tap, gas outlet, window etc etc for an elusive ticking noise (and dragged her elderly mother in on the search as well!) .    It turned out to be the bubbles in her G&T....... I was not popular with my mother.....

Chrissie (18)

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[quote user="Chrissie"]

Your audience includes someone who in about 1978 spent almost 2 hours searching every pipe, tap, gas outlet, window etc etc for an elusive ticking noise (and dragged her elderly mother in on the search as well!) .    It turned out to be the bubbles in her G&T....... I was not popular with my mother.....

Chrissie (18)


I thought mind altering substances died out in the late 60's [:D]

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