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Whilst I'm all in favour of any measures that the government might introduce that really encourage employment, I'm baffled as to how anybody could think that paying an employer £2500 for hiring somebody who has been out of work for 6 months or more, would have that effect.

That sum represents (say) a month or so's worth of the cost of employing somebody on £20,000 p.a. How many companies that have a 'freeze on hiring' are going to say "OK, the Govt is picking up the tab for Mth 1, so let's go out and recruit" ??

Oh, and if a company really was recruiting, it's going to take the best candidate, not necessarily somebody who has been out of work for a while. Few, if any organisations are that charitable.


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Your missing the point of all these measures.Just think how many Civil Servants are going to be employed in administrating his ideas. It's all about jobs for the boys and no-one seems to notice. Instead of scrapping his 10% tax fiasco they now employ another lot to adminster the giveaways. I hate to think how many "Extras" G.B. P.M. has actually employed during his term.All producing nothing but paperwork.


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The devil will be in the detail. I will have to postpone recruiting a long term unemployed person until I find out how long I will have to keep him/her before dismissal and then recruiting a replacement.

In the meantime have written to James Gordon to apply for the job of "And here is another way to waste taxpayers money" but suspect that I am over qualified.

BTW did you know that he is the son of an Ebenezer.


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[quote user="Iceni"]In the meantime have written to James Gordon to apply for the job of "And here is another way to waste taxpayers money" but suspect that I am over qualified.[/quote]

You could always lie about your qualifications on your CV, get the job and reduce unemployment by one. Result!


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