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How to start each day with a positive outlook.


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1. Open a new file

2. Name it "Gordon Brown".

3. Delete it immediatley & send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of "Gordon Brown?"

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

GOOD! -----

It's already worked with "Blunkett"!

Tomorrow we'll do "Alistair Darling".


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Hazel Blairs

Patricia Hewitt

Tony BLiar

......in no particular order of complete loathing.

Trouble is Macs don't ask that questions that's a PC question surely?

Mac says "Are you sure you want to remove the items in the trash permanently?"

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[quote user="Bugbear"]True, it works only on PCs running windows.

Did you know that a major part of Bill Gates magnificent house was actually designed on a MAC................[:D][:D]


He must have a beautiful house - all the best things are designed on Macs.

I think I am correct in saying that most computer games or at least the graphics are designed on Macs.

I am having to use someone elses PC to use internet as Orange will just not work with my Mac.

PCs are bloomin awful - and the keyboard short cuts are different- I haven't the slightest idea how to create a dipthong or an umlaut.

Things may get even crazier as my brother is building me a laptop with Linux and some weird operating system.

At least the Mac gets rid of the trash permanently!

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote]Things may get even crazier as my brother is building me a laptop with Linux and some weird operating system.[/quote]

Linux is an OS.........................




Shows what I know about 'puters - I know it has Linux the other thing must be an www interface thingy.

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Mainly, probably because 99.9% of commercial application software is written for the IBM PC Architecture.

Mac has always been the de facto province of DTP, media (for hard copy publishing)  and Graphic Design, etc.

Serious image morphing in such apps as Three Dimensional Design has usually been carried out by Sun RISC processor systems: same with CAD-CAM for (e.g.) airplane and car design.

CAD for such as Silicon layout switched from Mini-Computers such as DEC to PCs as CPUs and memory became more powerful and multi-tasking was easier.

Client-Server protocols starting with 486 series CPUs allowed major users to downsize from Minis and Mainframes in a distributed environment, as processing speeds rapidly increased.

The latest Quad processor 64 bit PCs using advanced Graphics Cards are pretty impressive!


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Mainly, probably because 99.9% of commercial application software is written for the IBM PC Architecture.

Mac has always been the de facto province of DTP, media (for hard copy publishing)  and Graphic Design, etc.

Serious image morphing in such apps as Three Dimensional Design has usually been carried out by Sun RISC processor systems: same with CAD-CAM for (e.g.) airplane and car design.

CAD for such as Silicon layout switched from Mini-Computers such as DEC to PCs as CPUs and memory became more powerful and multi-tasking was easier.

Client-Server protocols starting with 486 series CPUs allowed major users to downsize from Minis and Mainframes in a distributed environment, as processing speeds rapidly increased.

The latest Quad processor 64 bit PCs using advanced Graphics Cards are pretty impressive!




That does not inspire me to buy a PC.

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[quote user="Dog"]What I don't understand about people that buy PCs is that they will spend loads a money on flashy cars and things but won't pay for a quality computer.[/quote]

I would prefer to buy a new computer on the previous years technology every 2 years for not a lot, than buy the latest top spec computer for lots of money that will be out of date within 6 months.
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It may have missed the notice of 'non-believers' [:)]  but all newish iMacs are built with Intel processors.

That means that you can, if you want to, run windows alongside the OS platform.

MS Office is available for Mac, as is Photoshop. (two programmes I personally use most)

Time Machine (which comes as standard on all new Macs) is the best back-up programme I have ever seen. Completely automatic hourly back-up.

The best bit, for me, as someone who regularly downloads programmes from the web, is the ability to remove them completely (if they're not wanted) by simply dumping them in the Trash Bin (Recycle bin). Try that with Windows and you'll be in all sorts of trouble.

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I don't disagree that the Mac architecture and OS are superior in most ways to the current and earlier incarnations of WinTel, built around the core IBM (AT)PC architecture. For example, right from the off, Mac OS allowed much longer file suffixes; etc.

However the reality is rather like the "Which is best: VHS or Betamax?" "Lear's 8 Track or Cassettes?"

Clearly Betamax quality was far above that of VHS: as was the 8 Track format capable of far better frequency response (Wider tape; faster speed across the heads).

Trouble is both Betamax and 8 Track died early and pre-recorded film films on tape were quickly dominated by VHS: as were music albums dominated by cassette format.

Commercial software doesn't start and finish with productivity suites, such as Office.

More critically, Database products and networking hosts and most essential system software is PC based. As is Web; both from the ISPs systems right through to such as Web Apps. Whilst graphic designers may well render their creation in Mac: it is translated into PC format unless Java which is universal.

Incidentally, I have suffered a number of critical translation errors and problems when work in (e.g.) Excel (PC Format) is converted to Mac protocol for printing.



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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Commercial software doesn't start and finish with productivity suites, such as Office.

Incidentally, I have suffered a number of critical translation errors and problems when work in (e.g.) Excel (PC Format) is converted to Mac protocol for printing.


I,m not talking from a commercial point of view, simply a home, home/office user. That said a lot of the stuff I still do relates to CAD and spreadsheet-based technical design and automotive engineering for third parties.

Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet application in this environment and the MS Office 2008 version for Mac works flawlessly. When I bought my new iMac I transferred all my spreadsheet and word data from my PC across without any problem whatsoever. CAD was more difficult and required updated Mac software.

At the end of the day, I suppose,  its horses for courses.

Works for me..............................[:)]

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Incidentally, I have suffered a number of critical translation errors and problems when work in (e.g.) Excel (PC Format) is converted to Mac protocol for printing.


It does not surprise me you need to take a selection of complex pages and talk with the prepress department. There are different options for you to save files in and for them to open them - you need to find which works accurately for you.

Or save your files in Acrobat and embed the fonts.

Many clients do not understand how much prepress work is necessary to prepare files to go to print. It can be expensive and difficult. Too many printers just take files give a proof and if you sign it off they print even if they see problems. Too bad you signed the proof! Pay up.

Not they way I liked to work. Quality and accuracy come from a no blame culture where each stage is checked by qualified professionals. If a problem is spotted at any stage the job should be stopped and the client informed.

The jobs that hurt my head were when you got different files in diverse programs from various people all over the world in different languages, most of which you had no idea what they even said.

It is quite a puzzle doing forensic checks on files that arrive from a client you are not familiar with to access the level of competancy of the work. I also checked files for many design agencies before the files were sent around the world. Design agencies often make expensive lovely looking stuff that is fatally flawed for printing.

Now I know why I retired at 48.

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