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Debating chamber?


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well you will have to come and visit in the Jura then - maybe I can teach you to ski! don't think I ever said I am a qualified ski instructor. Or would you prefer snowboarding or Xcountry?   (I sort of misunderstood your 'stuck in a snowwoman' expression).

Opps excusez l'anglais. Ici j'ai plusieurs amies françaises, et nos conversation sautent tout le temps d'une langue à l'autre sans qu'on se rende compte.

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OOOps or is it oh làlà - soz.

Actually don't want to spoil the fun, but torture is a very current and difficult topic in the UK at present- re. the future closure of Guantanamo Bay. Very heated debate about whether our Gov should pander to the US and refuse to disclose the facts re. torture at Guantanamo and other locations. the UK press is buzzing with it and there was a very heated discussion last night on Question Time.

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As we all know that a cover up is on the cards, It doen't matter to me.

It is an absolute guarantee they tortured people. By releasing the report we may find out that the torture was not that bad. By not releasing it, it means it was!

Barrack should blame it all on the previous administration and get his slate as clean as possible and as fast as possible. IMO

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