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You couldn't make this up.


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If you were largely responsible for bringing your company to the brink

of ruin and resigned in disgrace without a payoff, would you expect to

be employed as a consultant / advisor at £60,000 per month by the same


But according to media

reports, Andy Hornby, the disgraced former Chief Executive of HBOS is

being paid £60,000 per month (thats £720,000 per year!!) as an advisor

to Lloyds Group (which now includes HBOS).

Needless to say, since the UK taxpayer now owns a big chunk of Lloyds, they are effectively paying him £720,000 a year for his "advice".

What a complete farce!
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I think the most illuminating statement this week was the banker who told the House of Lord Committee that he regarded his £1m per annum as 'relatively modest'. A demonstration if we needed one of how the gulf between the rich and poor continues to widen.

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Stepping to one side from this apalling business ...

News of the state of HBOS does not seem to have reached Nigeria yet, I have just received a phishing e-mail claiming to come from the Halifax On-Line Service Team:

Account Notification
We take measures to make sure we keep you safe online and it's important that you do the same.
Our records indicate that your account has been inactive for a long period of time.
As a new security measures to protect from fraudsters accessing your internet banking account,
We have temporarily placed your account on limited access.

Back to the matter in hand, Some of the wealth of these incompetents will be in the form of shares. These will now be worthless.

Strip them of their knighthoods and peerages, adjust their assets to reflect an income of £20,000pa for the last 10 years and seize the rest as partial compensation for the damage they have done.

Oh, and make them walk through the streets of our major cities with signs round their necks inviting the throwing of rotten fruit ...

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