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Jaqui Smith is innocent ?


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I doubt many of us plebs would get away with claiming that a spare room in a relatives house was their main home.

If the rules allow this disgraceful and disingenuous behaviour then the rules stink and it speaks volumes about the mindset of those who set and police them.

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She has certainly used a fiddle though probably on the side of legality and been caught. Whichever, she has to resign.

However, she and her husband will have paid off their mortgage and acquired a nice little nest egg by the time she loses her seat at the next general election. And of course, she will have an inflated pension to make life more bearable.

The rate are leaving the sinking ship and taking every penny they can with them.

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Incredible, now she would have us believe that spending Christmas at her sisters house counts towards the time she spends there [:-))]

It's surely it's only a question of time though, the fact that there is police protection for those nights she is actually there will be a matter of indisputable record.

First sign of her imminent resignation will be when Moron professes his full support and confidence in her.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

First sign of her imminent resignation will be when Moron professes his full support and confidence in her.


[:D][:D] So true.

What gets me is that ordinary people doing similar would be carted off to court and punished.

This Muppet will end up saying sorry, it was a misunderstanding, or it was someone elses fault, probably give the money back and then simply carry on as if nothing had happened.

"Off with her head"


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What is wrong with a state owned block of flats that go with the job if you need accomodation in London....You get yourself voted in ... you have to work in London so the keys of a flat are given to you with the House of Commons pass ...If you need the flat fine no expenses involved there you live ...If you dont like the place and want to live elsewhere then fine ...get your own place but no expenses ...your choice.... the flats on offer .... ...When I worked for the civil service if you took a stamp from the stamp book to send a letter to your dying granny they would string you up for it .....MP,s different laws for them ...so they like to think...but people have long memories roll on the election
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[quote user="Frederick"]What is wrong with a state owned block of flats that go with the job if you need accomodation in London[/quote]Excellent idea Frederick, plenty of them standing empty in London too.

Think of all that extra work they could get done too if billeted under the same roof, yeah [:$]


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[quote user="Frederick"]What is wrong with a state owned block of flats that go with the job if you need accomodation in London....You get yourself voted in ... you have to work in London so the keys of a flat are given to you with the House of Commons pass ...If you need the flat fine no expenses involved there you live ...If you dont like the place and want to live elsewhere then fine ...get your own place but no expenses ...your choice.... the flats on offer .... ...When I worked for the civil service if you took a stamp from the stamp book to send a letter to your dying granny they would string you up for it .....MP,s different laws for them ...so they like to think...but people have long memories roll on the election[/quote]

Well said, Frederick.

Excellent idea.

Nothing too posh, mind you.

Council estate in somewhere like Tottenham perhaps - Broadwater Farm springs to mind.
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It is another scandal that the MOD has empty property all over UK that they have to pay for it ('cos they used to own them then sold them to raise money and now rent them back - probably from a politicians cronies company).

Apparently they have blocks of flats EMPTY in London.

MP's should use these.

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[quote user="Frederick"]What is wrong with a state owned block of flats that go with the job if you need accomodation in London....You get yourself voted in ... you have to work in London so the keys of a flat are given to you with the House of Commons pass ...If you need the flat fine no expenses involved there you live ...If you dont like the place and want to live elsewhere then fine ...get your own place but no expenses ...your choice.... the flats on offer .... ...When I worked for the civil service if you took a stamp from the stamp book to send a letter to your dying granny they would string you up for it .....MP,s different laws for them ...so they like to think...but people have long memories roll on the election[/quote]

Ah! A number of years ago, of course, many MPs rented flats from Westminster City Council and others: handy for the office, of course.

And then, of course, exercised their Right To Buy at discounts of up to nearly 80% off market value.

First ensuring that all the nice little MPs had filled their boots, Blubber Jowls, AKA Prescott, insisted that the RTB legislation was capped, "To avoid people buying their council owned properties and profiting like speculators!"

By which time, the MP P takers had of course sold theirs for hundreds of thousands in Capital Gains Tax free profits (If they had elected their London address as their primary property: which most did- temporarily.).

One law for them: and another for hoi polloi.


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Does anyone remember Sunnyside Farm a TV comedy set on a farm run by two inept brothers the greedy owner always found a way to rip them off.

The farmer asked his account how the figures for the previous year were, the accountant told him that the corn crop failed, the hay was ruined, the potatoes died of blight, the sheep all got foot rot and died, the cows had TB and had to be put down.

But the good news was with all the EU subsidies and recompense for these disasters he had made a whacking profit.

Quote greedy farmer " Sometimes I think I can 5hit money".

Sounds just like the crooked MP's.

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