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Stupidity doesn't begin to decribe it


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Like Thatcher proudly boasting how she had cut government debt by selling off anything in sight (Mantra: if it moves, privatise it: if it don't, develop it!): national debt rose dramatically duing and right after her time in office, BTW...........

NuLab are now desperate to lower their PSBR requirements: as the idiot Darling's projections are so far out of kilter he and more critically, his advisers, realise they will have a very hard time indeed floating all the new gilt issues they need to raise probably circa £200 Billion.

Particularly so as S & P (Standard and Poors: the credit rating agency) are about to downgrade Britain from being an AAA rated obligor.

After all the government BS about Northern Rock, one could weep...........................

Why not sell the damned edifice to Virgin in the first place?



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