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What does everybody think about the way UK is treating its Gurkhas?  We seem more worried about Gerry Adams, who is a proven terrorist than we do about our loyal Gurkhas.  I am not being outspoken on this one because I have been in trouble before with my thoughts but I would be interested to see what everybody else thinks.
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I've stopped cursing at the tele reports on this this evening - it's a disgrace, an absolute 18 carat New Labour mealy mouthed lying discrace.  And the Minister, Phil Woolas, who is fronting this couldn't lay in his bed straight, let alone tell the truth about this, spin, spin and more spin.

Just another example of the British Government making up the rules as they go along (same as the DLA ruling) and another example of not wanting to pay for what appears to be about 4.500 people, many of whom have served the UK as soldiers.  But they will pay for Jacqui Smith's household effects - morals, they've got the morals of 30/- whores.

The two remaining VC's have been given special permission to stay but there is a chance that the others involved in the campaign may be deported.  Well, as the UK doesn't seem able to deport people that they should be - like convicted criminals and failed and appeal exhausted asylum seekers - if they deport any of these men, I hope that they all loose their seats at the next general election and those that don't, I hope that anybody who supports this has their seat plugged into the mains.

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Well, its not just me then, I have learnt to be careful on forums with my forthright views so I bit my lip ce soir but had to find out what others thought.  I spent a day with the Gurkhas at Bisley during the annual army shooting competition, I was writing an article for a shooting magazine at the time.  A more respectful and gracious bunch of men you could not hope to meet.  We have released IRA into the community we let in terrorists from all over the world and we treat these wonderful men with utter contempt. Perhaps if we gave them the pension the were fully entitled to they would not even want to settle in the UK but we cant even do that.  I am glad, so far that everyone, except the government are in agreement. But its the "government" as we laughingly call them that are letting these men down.
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Well said all. I too cannot understand what the government is playing at here. As mentioned, they have in the past allowed some of the worst hatemongers openly anti British immigrants to stay and yet they betray the Gurkhas.[:(]
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[quote user="woolybanana"]Just a soupçon of disapproval then, Tony. Well said![/quote]

Surprised you can read so much into such a simple post WB ;)  I'm slightly calmer this morning but I just do not believe that the British Government - I use the term loosely - from a Party I used to care deeply and passionately about can continually treat people who have done nothing wrong, whether Ghurkas or their own citizens, so badly.

From each according to his means and to each according to his needs seems to have been replaced by 'pull up the ladder Jacqui, our bum's are fireproof'.

And as for the budget - again, I use the term loosely - of this week, it's the economics of the mad house.

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NuLab now, Tony, are a party in total disarray, clutching at final straws: as this callous action proves.

Yesterday (Radio 4 news at 1.00PM) I heard an impassioned critique from Joanna Lumley, one of the Gurkhas leading campaigners for justice: her platform offered nothing which might honestly be disputed.

Indeed, Ms. Lumley summed up the Judge's findings in the recent Judicial Review most articulately: yet Government seem to express utter contempt for the conclusions and clear directions of one of their own Judges and thus the law!

For me, Government having made a complete and utter nonsense of immigration and asylum (and thereafter tried to justify the results of eleven years of slavering incompetence by banging on about "Multiculturalism), seek to sell their tawdry wares masquerading as "Policies" to the electorate by actions such as this, in order to "prove" they are finally doing something.

For me, the singular difference between the Gurkhas and far too many immigrants is that the Gurkhas retain an immense pride in fighting for the flag and being part of a military and national heritage and consider themselves to be British: and are proud to be so.

Which contrasts rather interestingly with the recent counter-parade in Luton, for example.

For me, integrity is the simple act of honouring commitments: whether express or implied.

Perfidious Albion indeed!


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Yes, the government's actions with respect to the Gurkhas is a national disgrace.  I heard the minister on TV yesterday saying that if we had an "open" policy with regard to the Gurkhas, over 100,000 people would arrive in the UK.  What total nonsense.[:@]
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Is anybody really surprised at the actions of this morally bankrupt bunch of !£{)&*% though. This is just another (predictable) example of their callousness and disregard not only for the rule of law but for natural justice and compassion.[:@]

And what if 100,000 did arrive. The current predictions are that the UK population is set to grow by 4.4m by 2016 anyway so 100,000 is a flea bite in that context. I'll bet they would make far more welcome, productive, and self sufficient, immigrants then the majority of the rif-raf UK currently seems to welcome with open arms.

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In the past I've felt various emotions regarding the government in power. These have ranged from fairly happy, neutral, dissatisfied, disguntled, disgusted etc....but never have I felt the absolute HATE that I have for this current bunch of incompetant, morally bankrupt and dishonest load of ^*%$£.

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Let us be totally honest, Derek.

Today's genre of politicians are in the game for one thing and one thing only.

The lofty concept of serving the state and its people has long gone.

Their sole purpose?



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I could not agree more.When I saw the item on TV I was so angry.These men have fought for our country for years.What right have this rotten,corrupt bunch of idiots to make a judgement on these men.They are not fit to lick their boots.I do not think it would happen in any other country.Only in the UK.
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Absolute disgust at these Whitehall morons with their gold plated pensions. The biggest danger they have to face all day is working a shredding machine.............Possibliy they will have to do a risk assessment before they even do that.
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I agree with Peter; disgust is the right word. By chance I'd been watching one of those traffic police programmes the night before. On it there was a Somalian immigrant who either didn't know the rules or had just decided to ignore them. He was caught for the same offence twice in four days. Driving without a licence or insurance and endangering the lives of others without thought. Then we refuse these men who have risked their lives for this country.

I shall be interested to see the publication of the MPs receipts next week. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have a bye election or two.

This is an appalling decision.

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I haven't checked the British Army Rumour Service website lately, but their comments, and action during the last Gurkha situation were a joy to read.

There are no words to describe the latest action of the UK Govt in respect of the Gurkhas, at least no words that can be printed here.

I too have experienced the Gurkhas at Bisley, also as security here in the UAE. Very professional, friendly (unless you are a 'baddy') and all round superb gentlemen. I counted it an honour to be considered a friend by them, and boy, can they give a cracking salute when they know you are ex Forces. Salt of the Earth doesnt begin to describe them. I despair.

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A Labour Immigration Minister said, on TV yesterday, that the British people would not want an “estimated” 100,000 Gurkhas & their families arriving into the UK. It amazes me how out of touch the Government seem to be on this matter. Like everyone else who has posted here I think it is an absolute disgrace.

One of the solicitors summed it up perfectly after the new rules were announced - "This government should hang their head in shame so low that their forehead should touch their boots".

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[quote user="ali-cat"]A Labour Immigration Minister said, on TV yesterday, that the British people would not want an “estimated” 100,000 Gurkhas & their families arriving into the UK. [/quote]Oh I see, so we wanted the untold thousands of other ner-do-wells, benefit scroungers, and would be terrorists did we ????????? [:-))]

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[quote user="ali-cat"]

A Labour Immigration Minister said, on TV yesterday, that the British people would not want an “estimated” 100,000 Gurkhas & their families arriving into the UK. [/quote]

And when he was challenged on these figures the Minister concerned, Phil Woolas, had to admit they were wrong and it was revised downwards 3 times and now stands at just under 5,000.  The man's a fool.

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