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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I know you told me never to mention it on here, but that erection problem of your's is taking it's time to resolve......



A clue .........................Google it.

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Well, I reckon it's one of

1.   The date when BB wil retire

2.   The date that the world will end according to some ancient (Mayan?) calendar

3.   The Olympic Village will be ready in London

4.  The date when the EU wide driving license comes into being but that can't be right cuz that's Jan 19th 2013

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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I know you told me never to mention it on here, but that erection problem of your's is taking it's time to resolve......





A clue .........................Google it.[/quote]

I did, Gary: and Google returned 344,000,000 hits.

And I'm a bit busy this afternoon!

If it takes 15 secs per hit to search 'em all, I reckon that's 23,888 hours: or if you like, 995 days: all provided I don't stop to sleep, eat, micturate, defecate or even procreate.

Let alone vote.

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Yes, isn't it great?  I can be as wicked as I like after the pilgrimage!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, it seems that next year, when we will be doing the walk, is a Holy or Jubilee Year as the Feast of St James falls on a Sunday. Therefore Plenary Indulgences are there to be had.

Do you or anyone else know what the qualifying conditions for a Plenary Indulgence might be?[blink]

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I believe (ha,ha) that you have to be Roman Catholic to receive indulgences of any kind, Sweet. Since you asked that question,  I'm guessing that you're not. ;)

There are several requirements to gain the Jubilee (plenary) indulgence, set out in THIS LETTER.  The history of Compostela indulgences, on the same site is interesting. HERE

Are you planning to walk from Charente Maritime?

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Hi Âme. Although Sweet 17 and I have not decided anything definitively, the vague idea was to start from St. Jean Pied de Port, mainly because of time as the Camino Frances will take at least two months. We are still in the planning stage and have fifteen months to decide. Your interest is really appreciated as this is one daunting journey we are taking!

Sorry Sweets, it's me answering for you this time!![Www]

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It's a very long time since I was inside a Catholic churh but to gain a plenary indulgence you had to do something like go to mass every day in lent I seem to remember.

But that's going back to the days when ladies had to cover their heads in church and you couldn't receive communion unless you had fasted since the previous midnight, and everything was in latin, and there was no evening mass at all and.... I could go on.

Catholicism isn't what it used to be at all.
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Bonjour Ame and Bubbles and Jen, my Walking Companion

Yes, we're going to have a tremendous adventure and, you know, we don't mind if anyone from the Forum would like to join us for a few days or even a few hours.


I've got to get au fait with this Plenary Indulgence thing.  And, Ame, you're wrong, I WAS baptised a Catholic but it's been such a long time since I was practicing that all the rules and so on have no doubt all been changed beyond recognition.

I think I'll just have to go to a non-English speaking priest to say my confession (distinct advantage that) and I've also told my OH that I'd see if I could get "joint life" on the Plenary Indulgence.

Only joking as there's not much to laugh about today with everything closed and me thinking 1 May was tomorrow!  [:(]


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Aha! My assumption was wrong Sweet, so you will get your reward in heaven. [:)]

Most of the larger shops near here had an ouverture exceptionelle yesterday morning. Also, Intermarche opens on Sunday mornings, since last year; the branch is near a village with a large British community, though perhaps that is just a coincidence.

(tried to reply last night but the server was having a hissy) bon weekend
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[quote user="Âme"]Aha! My assumption was wrong Sweet, so you will get your reward in heaven. [:)]


Ame, do you think that, if I asked nicely, I could have my reward NOW instead of later?

Seems a long time to wait for some unspecified reward, don't you think?

BTW, I don't think I am under any illusion that I'll get to heaven, wherever that might be.  As long as we get to Compostela, that will be good enough for now.[:D]

Alors, bon week end!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

I WAS baptised a Catholic but it's been such a long time since I was practicing that all the rules and so on have no doubt all been changed beyond recognition.


Ditto, but.......how long does a Catholic have to practice before becoming qualified???????[:P]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]As long as we get to Compostela, that will be good enough for now.[:D][/quote]

Too right!  And you made me laugh again! [:D]

An Irish Catholic friend of mine commented last year apropos the plenary indulgence for visiting Lourdes in Jubilee year, that 'it's like the Vatican offering a BOGOF'. [:-))]  (that's 'buy one, get one free' for anyone who's not familiar with the acronym)

I went twice *polishes halo* but... it's only half an hour from where I live [:$]

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="sweet 17"]

I WAS baptised a Catholic but it's been such a long time since I was practicing that all the rules and so on have no doubt all been changed beyond recognition.


Ditto, but.......how long does a Catholic have to practice before becoming qualified???????[:P]

They do say Practice makes Perfect, Steve.  Only problem is, I think Perfection so very boring, don't you?[;-)]

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="sweet 17"]

I WAS baptised a Catholic but it's been such a long time since I was practicing that all the rules and so on have no doubt all been changed beyond recognition.


Ditto, but.......how long does a Catholic have to practice before becoming qualified???????[:P]

They do say Practice makes Perfect, Steve.  Only problem is, I think Perfection so very boring, don't you?[;-)]


Can't comment, I have never been perfect, - almost, but not quite [:P]

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