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Hot weather


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I've been reading the UK press and there seem to be lots of comments about hot weather and Govt advice about how to cope, similarly reports of extreme rain in other parts of UK.

Normandy seems to have had absolute intense rain over the last few days. Tonight (my night) I listened to the incredible rain on the phone from SWMBO, a neighbour lost all power, phone and was flooded - needing the pompiers.

Are we going to have another 2003?

Just for interest, we (in Fujeirah) have had weeks of unusually high humidity with the 'normal' high temperatures. Of course its the humidity which is the bad point. Our site ambulance is busy all day picking up bodies that have collapsed with heat stress / heat exhaustion, due of course to the high humidity +high temps. We had 51 deg C at the end of May, which was very unusual, and 76% this AM at 0715 with a temp of 37.

With Ramadan coming up in August and the probable refusal to drink water during the day we are getting a bit concerned about the possibility of actually losing people, even though work stops in the open between 1200 and 1500. The work carries on inside buildings which, if anything, can be more debilitating as there is no aircon yet, and the humidity effect is worse as there is little airflow, even with air movers.

Its just not nice here at the moment.

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Gosh !!! I thought we had problems here in France. Monday it touched  40 but cooler today at  29. How on earth do you cope, I would not be able to function at all.  You deserve every penny,  euro  or whatever you get  for working in conditions like that....Bravo.

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Given that we are only 5 mins from the border with Normandie, we haven't had more than a few drops of rain in more than a fortnight! It hath been very threatening at times, temps above 30 after lunch etc, but no actual rain. Sleep has been in short supply at times due to overnight sweating! A good downpour would be welcome, but not this weekend please, as we have the LM Story meeting at Le Mans, a low-key revival event, full of French cars of all periods, padded out with the usual UK historics.
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You would have been welcome to last nights downpour, the gravel at the top of our drive is now the gravel at the bottom !!!

The roof drains were apparently running like aira force, it sounded horrendous over the phone.

SWMBO has had to shutdown the computer regularly over the last few days due to lightening storms, always assuming that the net hadn't already dropped off due to the heavy rain.

I hope the weekend stays dry for you/

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[quote user="powerdesal"]

Normandy seems to have had absolute intense rain over the last few days. Tonight (my night) I listened to the incredible rain on the phone from SWMBO, a neighbour lost all power, phone and was flooded - needing the pompiers.


There have been localised storms mainly on the Normandy coast - inland, we've had no rain since first week of June.

Worst affected in past few days have been all of the Atlantic coast, from Brittany through Loire Atlantique, Vendée, down to the south west - this according to the storm report map (of actual thunderstorms) on French TV last night.  Also a band of storms from south west up to the north east (Alsace).

So far it's been a bit like last summer - unusually dry in Normandy once you get away from the coast.  We've had "unusually dry" summers since 2004, apart from a couple of years ago. Dry summers, or at least prolonged dry periods, don't seem to be unusual here any more. Personally, I don't like it - I'd rather it were cooler and we had a rainy or a showery day at least once a week. The forest stream to the lake is now a trickle and I've pumped the well dry on occasion in order to water the garden (that's 5 cubic metres at a time) but at least it is still refilling overnight. For the moment.

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Highest temps we have had so far in Dept 11 Aude us 38 and by gum that is hot.  Trouble is what can you do apart from sit under a shower or swim if you are lucky enough to have a pool.  Today is better, only 30 and a cooling wind which makes you feel like you are not burning BUT YOU ARE.
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