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I'll never be able to understand this


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[quote user="Quillan"]

. Whose to say which morals are right. We jump up and down when we hear about somebody getting stoned, their hand cut off or even worse but thats our perception of morals and us saying theirs are wrong. Who's to say which is right or wrong because like them we too have been brainwashed by a cult, the Christian cult.


[/quote]My gut tells me that murder (and any form of violence for that matter) is wrong.   I don't need a god or anybody's idea of a deity to tell me that, thanks.
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Sharia Law seems to be strong on punishment of offenders whereas the UK now seems less concerned about that - more on protecting their rights. The Koran (sp) offers contradictory statements on punishment and retribution leading many to see Sharia Law as man's interpretation of the word of God rather than the literal word of God.

But I only an atheist or an agnostic - cannot remember which - so I know nothing of such things.



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[quote user="Richard"]Don't think so. Keeping in context, JC himself said there is only one way to god and that is through him.

Assuming Christianity is the one true religion, then all other religions are false. It's logical.

I'm not saying I believe it, I am just pointing out what the bible says.


You seem to forget that it is not the Christians but the Jews that are the chosen people - even in the New Testament. 

(Unfortunately I had the Bible stuffed down my throat from an early age until I was old enought to decline (18 according to my parents).  By the age of 7, I could recite all the books of the Bible in order in less than 60 seconds.  So, although I know the biblical teachings inside out and back to front, I personally don't subscribe to any of the rubbish.  The books of the bible is still a good party piece though.   IMHO organised religion is just a means of securing power, exhorting money and intimidating the general populous into subscribing to some sort of moral code.   So excuse me if I don't respond to any more comments on the subject!)

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Quillan - Certainly Mr Bush and his friends frightened me with their ideas and ideals... and you're right that fundamentalism is alive and well in the 'west'

However, I'm still with coops that violence can never be the answer.  The really sad thing is that I'm not sure that ending the violence or torture can ever be acheived and sometimes it just feels hopeless...  and of course I mean violence and torture wherever it happens...

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Richard"]Don't think so. Keeping in context, JC himself said there is only one way to god and that is through him.

Assuming Christianity is the one true religion, then all other religions are false. It's logical.

I'm not saying I believe it, I am just pointing out what the bible says.


You seem to forget that it is not the Christians but the Jews that are the chosen people - even in the New Testament. 

(Unfortunately I had the Bible stuffed down my throat from an early age until I was old enought to decline (18 according to my parents).  By the age of 7, I could recite all the books of the Bible in order in less than 60 seconds.  So, although I know the biblical teachings inside out and back to front, I personally don't subscribe to any of the rubbish.  The books of the bible is still a good party piece though.   IMHO organised religion is just a means of securing power, exhorting money and intimidating the general populous into subscribing to some sort of moral code.   So excuse me if I don't respond to any more comments on the subject!)


The Jews were the chosen people until they allowed their "saviour" to be crucified. After that it was opened to everyone, the gentiles.

(I can't say whether it is all true or not. I do not know the truth and I believe no one ever will. Having been an atheist for many years, I became a christian for 5 or so years, and studied the bible a lot. I don't personally believe everything in the Bible, although there are of course many sound principles and morals that I do agree with, same in many religions. I do feel that atheism is just as much a "religion" as christianity, and Richard Dawkins really opened my eyes to that with his book the God Delusion. It's almost a mirror image of the bible imo. I enjoy looking to see all the paganism that has crept into christainity like Easter, Xmas etc and comparing the original teachings to what exists now. And I do agree strongly with you that organised religion is a means of control and is actually not part of any god being that may exist. As for George Bush, he could arguably be counted as a false prophet himself.)

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