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That's how to discipline kids!!


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 I was smacked when quite young too: I knew my mother was pretty angry when I'd put every last teaspoon between a round pipe and a square hole in the hallway floorboards, but I can still remember feeling VERY hard done by when I went to sleep on her bed and she apparently thought the gypsy's had taken me, she only found me because she wanted to wear stockings when she reported my 'loss' at the police station (which speaks volumes :-) :-) ) I just woke up to a slap......



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powerdesal sed;[quote]I really do praise your memory Buelligan - genuinely, I certainly can't remember being two or three years old. I certainly can't imagine being such a child prodigy that I would have understood the dangers of electricity had it been explained to me at that age, even simplified. 

I find it equally surprising that you feel that way.  I certainly have memories dating from long before I could speak - albeit they are a little hazy.  I clearly remember significant (to me) events and conversations that took place before I was two (I am sure of this because the subject was the imminent birth of my sister, which took place when I was 18 months old).  I find it very strange that you consider a child of two would need to be especially gifted in order to understand something so terribly simple.  But there it is...[:)]

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I certainly can't recall any conversations when I was that age.

I've just asked Mrs Sunday what would happen if her niece told her 2 year old not to prod something into an electrical socket otherwise she would die.  She reckons the kid would just say "What's die mean?"

She made the point that parents tend to insulate their children from death. It's always Grandma's gone to heaven or the dog's gone to meet Jesus - rather than "he ran across the busy road and got squashed by a bus"......


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[quote user="buelligan"]I was brought up in the African bush.  I suppose I was aware of the possibility of great harm from animals, reptiles, climate, insects, sea creatures, infection, scarcity, terrain and terrorism from a very early age.[/quote]

I dont remember many sea creatures in the bush, I was probably in a different part of Africa.  Mind you, there was not much terrorism then either, just the Congolese bandits from over the border.

With all due respect Buelligan, I really do think you are ''gilding the lily'' a bit (which is a nice way of saying I think you are spouting bull****)

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Think what you like. [:)]  I was born and lived mainly in the country outside Nairobi.  I spent long periods at the coast near Mombasa (where, as a young child, I was stung by a portuguese man of war - I now have quite a reasonable insight into the harm that can come from sea creatures).  I don't suppose you've heard of the Mau Mau?  With all due respect Steve, I think you owe me an apology![:D]

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My youngest memory was my father taking me my Aunties house (I now know she was a childminder) on a sledge during a bitter winter, I stated school in 1964 and I am sure that it was before that, other than that no memories at all until I was I reckon 6 or 7, no memories even of the first day at school etc.

What year was the big freeze?

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Length of memory varies enormously from person to person. Like Buelligan I can remember things from my very early childhood, including at least one from before I was eighteenth months old. There has been a good deal of interesting research on it. I think that it is just one of those differences between individuals.

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[quote user="buelligan"]

Think what you like. [:)]  I was born and lived mainly in the country outside Nairobi.  I spent long periods at the coast near Mombasa (where, as a young child, I was stung by a portuguese man of war - I now have quite a reasonable insight into the harm that can come from sea creatures).  I don't suppose you've heard of the Mau Mau?  With all due respect Steve, I think you owe me an apology![:D]


You are right, I do apologise. I also remember the Mau Mau (not just heard of them)

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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="Chancer"]

What year was the big freeze?[/quote]

1961- IIRC



Well that would have made me two years old, so I did the google search that my lazy self should have done instead of asking the question, twas 1963 so my earliest memory was at the age of 4 and nothing after that for a few years.

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