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Interesting situation


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Now that the crew of a sailing boat has been captured by the Iranians I wonder if the British government will use more pressure to get them released than has been apparent in ensuring the release of the couple held captive by pirates.  Apparently the day release boy Miliband has already or is planning to telephone his opposite number in Iran to plead...sorry... demand their release, otherwise we (UK) will.......well we shall jolly well stamp our feet and call them beastly names.
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It would seem there are only two Brits on the boat - BBC news dosen't even bother to tell the nationality of the other crew members - it all looks like inefectual british politicians pretending to be a world power to look powerful and impotent.
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Apparently Peter Grondholm, the CEO of GAC, the world's biggest shipping agency and services company was having a busman's holiday aboard. To shift their oil, what is one thing the Iranians need from the wicked westerners?[:D] I wouldn't like to bet on the life expectancy of the officer in charge of the ship that arrested him.

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20091202/tuk-five-britons-released-by-iran-dba1618.html

All British and released today according to the above report.

Not much news of the couple held by pirates though.  I would have thought that with all the sophisticated equipment on board the racing yacht they might have stood a better chance of recognising they were in Iran's waters than the couple being aware of pirates close by.

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I dont believe they were sailing ,,,No wind folding prop out of action so no forward movement under engine . They drifted on the current over a line on the chart which put them into Irans water. I think a rescue message for assistance might have gone out a bit sooner. As it is Iran has helped out the crew of a boat who were in difficulty by towing them to a safe place . They have later towed them out to meet up with another tow to their destination ... Any sailor would be happy with that .
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