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X Factor anyone?


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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Renaud"]  So it surprises me that Russethouse and Quillan (usually shining beacons of good sense) are huffing and puffing about this small slip-up in the candyfloss of this preposterous programme [/quote]

Agree completely - the world has gone PC mad!  Danni hardly 'outed' Danyl given he went public in the News of the World the week before.  In any case who gives a monkey's!

You cannot possibly be allowed to make such a monkeyist comment like that -  the M word should not be allowed!

What is Danyl ? It sounds like a pharmaceutical brand name is it similar to Preparation H?

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[quote user="Renaud"]

The BBC has recently ruled its comedies are not to be "unduly intimidatory, humiliating, intrusive, aggressive or derogatory". That just about leaves A Question of Sport as their sole 'comedy' output.


I can't agree with that. Shooting Stars, which recently had a new series, is all of those things. And the whole point of those Ricky Gervaise programmes, The Office and Extras, as much as I can't warm to the man himself, are very funny and based on humiliation and, indeed, offensiveness - because they show just how pathetic the offensive so-called jokes really are. Plus Armstrong & Miller, Mitchell & Webb - hardly anodyne, safe options. Right now Top Gear is on - although not a comedy it is a total counter to the Birkenstock-wearing, Guardian-reading brand of Ken Barlow PC-ness. And I like it.

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The BBC "unduly intimidatory, humiliating, intrusive, aggressive or derogatory" ruling is recent. Will, I am not sure how new programmes to be commissioned will be able to continue with the un-PC elan that make the programmes you mention great.
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Like Wooly not having had UK TV for a few years I havnt got a clue what you are all talking about!

I think that a female Australian singer or celeb may have said something disparaging about a wanabee singer who may be gay or bisexual and that a young celeb may have died yet I dont know the names of any of these objects of your interest.

It sounds like the program makers (popstars was it?) have worked out exactly what tickles the fancy of the viewing public and how to boost the ratings.

A program that I really enjoyed watching (whilst not of the same genre or made to sell votes on premium rate lines) is Popjob on Virgin 17, last week it featured teams from Beauvais Airport and a theme park (Asterix I think).

They held auditions to find the hidden singers and dancers amongst them, chose two teams and then trained them with voice coaches and choreorgraphers for a televised finalé, it was really heartwarming to see these ordinary people working as team members and not as hypercompetitive individuals trying to get the others voted off etc, and the final results were fantastic to watch.

For anyone with french TV I highly recommend it.

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="woolybanana"][quote user="Russethouse"]



  Actually you reminded me - unless she apologises this evening I'm going to complain to offcom......when has commenting on discrimination been gossipy.

The only thing that may save Danni from it becoming a bigger story is the untimely death of Stephen Gately ...



One phone call to offcom saved tonight then. [;-)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 I thought it was a pretty pathetic apology, but it was better than nothing......

 Danni is judging an entertainment  competition, some one's sexuality is irrelevant


Perhaps also she should not have been so catty about the girls who were voted off.   BTW, I thought they looked fine. [Www]
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I didn't watch the results tonight, working unfortunately so thanks EbayNut for the info.

The girl group who were knocked out were (allegedly) pole dancers and like Danyl mentioned this last week to get it out in the open and over and done with. The female judges point was that because the girls had then said they wanted to be judged on their singing abilities rather than what they used to do for a living they then came out wearing rather over the top sexy cloths. Nothing wrong with the cloths normally, I mean both the female judges had worn far more revealing cloths in the past but it just seemed a bit hypocritical wearing them after saying that.

Danyl Johnson admitted he was bisexual to the Daily Mirror in an interview which Danni Minogue (I hope I spelt that right) picked up on and made a sarcastic comment after his performance last night. So in fact she wasn't 'outing' him it was just a snide and nasty comment about his sexuality which is against the law especially when made in front of god knows how many million people on live TV.

I think the show is good because there are a lot of talented people out there who would never get the opportunity to perform in front of record producers and agents how ever hard they have tried in the past. It has discovered some truly outstanding artists in the past even if they have not won the actual show. Of course some of those who audition are totally useless and would be better off taking part in a kite flying competition along side the train spotters of this world but I do find it a bit nasty when they keep repeating the bits where these people make a total idiot of themselves.

I see once again a few members are slagging off something without ever watching it. I don't have a problem with people knocking something that they have tried and don't like but to talk about something they have never seen only shows how easily they can be manipulated by others.

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Frankly Quillan, I hate that type of programme (though I have never seen X- factor) because it usually gives so much false hope to mediocrities and encourages the superficial celebrity. TV can do so much better than trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I would much prefer a cult of the technological or the genuinely worthy.

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Yes Wooly I undertsand where you are coming from but they do have to cater for all tastes and just becuase its not your taste then why should the program be taken off. I don't like soaps, football and nature programs I wonder if I should insult those that do (as another forum member does when somebody does something, says something or watches something he personally does not like). Theres plenty out there for everyone and there has been some excellent drama on UK TV of late especially on the extra chanels like BBC 3/4 and ITV 2/3/4. Nobody is actuaslly forced to sit down and watch these things and as RH said there is always the off button.
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Myself and my wife always watch x-factor as its something we like. Is was a pathetic apology from Danni about something she should have never said, Especially on live TV. And to say it was something they were joking about before the show is complete rubbish the bloke had to defend himself by saying he wasn't gay..

Final 5. Lucey,Stacey,Danyl,Jamie, The really young lad can't remember his name. As for a final 3 thats gonna be really tough. But maybe Lucey,Danyl,Young lad! We will see.  Anybody else want to predict then?

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Heard about the Danni incident but I never watch the show - I agree with Wooly that it's a pile of garbage so I have no idea / interest in the winners who will, no doubt, be moulded, plastic wrapped and marketed like all the other 'musical products' of the last few years.

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[quote user="Scooby"]Heard about the Danni incident but I never watch the show - I agree with Wooly that it's a pile of garbage so I have no idea / interest in the winners who will, no doubt, be moulded, plastic wrapped and marketed like all the other 'musical products' of the last few years.

I don't watch TV, its for wimps. I just happened to be walking through the living room when it was on. [Www]

Remember Simon has a living to make out of all this.
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I"m with Quillan on this one and those of you who say that the X Factor appeals to the lowest common denominator are wrong. Colleagues of mine in the highest professions watch the show, I am sure out of the 12 million viewers recorded there are quite a few doctors, teachers and lawyers. A number of comedians, band members and entertainers have degrees of the old school, the younger products of such shows are just taking a different path on today's age and deserve to be given the chance. Simon Cowell is a very astute man.

I have only been a member of this forum a very short time and greatly appreciate some of the contributors' knowledge on France and things French. I am always keen to listen and learn. What I can't understand, however, is the attitude of some members towards things on which they are not qualified to comment. Who do they think they are? They've been living in their own bubble too long and it's only themselves they're fooling.

BTW - Danyl or Joe to win!
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Well I have never seen it but I did read Simon Cowells, sorry I mean Piers Morgans book "Do you now who I am?"

He was, perhaps still, is a judge with Simon Cowell on pop idol America (I think).

Anyway I enjoyed the book, it tought me lot about the celebrity world and wanabee celebs and the publics thirst for ritual humiliation on these type of programs.

Simon Cowell is very shrewd and chooses and coaches his judges with precision.

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I don't care much for the concept of these programmes (not the sort of music I like - I haven't been much into pop music for years.)  But if other people like it, so what?  Who are we, the taste police?  I daresay lots of people hate Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Wire, The Unit, the new BBC Emma.....

But it seems to me that in my lifetime the amount of television airtime has multiplied several hundred times.  What are they going to fill this space up with if not cheaper, subsidised by phone-ins etc, programmes?  It's unrealistic to expect wall-to-wall expensively produced drama and Attenborough-level documentary these days.  If a few seasons of the X factor help to pay for a couple of good dramas or documentaries, then great, I'm all for it.  I don't have to watch, there are thirty of forty other channels around which I can watch, even on free to air.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

...... Of course some of those who audition are totally useless and would be better off taking part in a kite flying competition along side the train spotters of this world but I do find it a bit nasty when they keep repeating the bits where these people make a total idiot of themselves.

I see once again a few members are slagging off something without ever watching it. I don't have a problem with people knocking something that they have tried and don't like but to talk about something they have never seen only shows how easily they can be manipulated by others.


I take it you have taken part in kite flying competitions and have tried train spotting (I have done neither).

It is not just the people on the programme that keep making fools of themselves.

I am sure all the people that refuse to watch the programme and dislike it for its obvious failings have seen enough within a minute and realise the manipulation and the manipulated on both sides of the screen.

BTW you really do not have to indulge in something to find it distasteful -take a few second to think about it....



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[quote user="DerekJ"]If you watch TV at all it's just about impossible not have seen extracts of the program. For some reason I can't understand it features regularly on the mainstream news programs.
[/quote]Maybe it's the same problem - 24 hour and all night news coverage so all they've got left to fill the space is "news" about their own products.  It's also free advertsing for their own channels, isn't it?

Chancer : Not great, I'm afraid.  I had an exploratory op' last week as the knee has not improved,and it looks like they will have to completely re-do the thing as the surgeon found four broken screws!  I'm doing rehab' every day until I see him again next month.  So I'm still pretty much going around on wheels.

Thank goodness for the telly, I say, trash or not!  It's something to do and occasionally stimulate the brain, and to take my mind off other less pleasant things.

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[quote user="DerekJ"]If you watch TV at all it's just about impossible not have seen extracts of the program. [/quote]

Not true for me, never seen or heard of any UK  program other than on this forum.


I am really sorry to hear that, I hope that the next op is more succesfull.

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