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X Factor anyone?


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I can't stand all the snivelling and all the "I am going to give it 110%" And all the "I am doing this for my baby with cancer, an my nan with dementia" also all the "I am doing this for all the people in the little celtic village I come from."

Also all the "lets all hug together jump up and down and shriek cos we are through to the next bit."

Can Cowell get something better than a bic biro to chew on? Or is it product placement?

Why can't they get a Craig Revel-Horward (sp?) type who can analyse performance rather than the two simpering lovelies? They just love everybody - except for sticking the odd stiletto heal into the ijiots from Ireland.
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Except that after you've tried 110%, it might still be something that "isn't to be" and you will have to wish all the other contestants the "best of luck" and go away, "sick as a parrot", but don't worry, you will live to  "fight another day", n'est-ce pas?
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Yes Q, I have something to say about it - I was actually amazed that Danni not only chose to say what she did, but also that she repeated it. Frankly I hope she got a piece of Simon Cowells mind, and that she apologizes this evening.

Lucky I'm not employing her - she'd be getting her P45.....

Anton du Beke  (on SCD )was silly, and apologised for his gaffe straight away, Danni should do the same.

BTW Danyl is a local lad and went to the same school as my children.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Yes Q, I have something to say about it - I was actually amazed that Danni not only chose to say what she did, but also that she repeated it. Frankly I hope she got a piece of Simon Cowells mind, and that she apologizes this evening.

Lucky I'm not employing her - she'd be getting her P45.....

Anton du Beke  (on SCD )was silly, and apologised for his gaffe straight away, Danni should do the same.

BTW Danyl is a local lad and went to the same school as my children.


RH, you are getting positively gossipy - in fact you sound like a character in a soap I once saw (and only once), Dot Cotton was she called? [6]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Yes Q, I have something to say about it - I was actually amazed that Danni not only chose to say what she did, but also that she repeated it. Frankly I hope she got a piece of Simon Cowells mind, and that she apologizes this evening.

Lucky I'm not employing her - she'd be getting her P45.....

Anton du Beke  (on SCD )was silly, and apologised for his gaffe straight away, Danni should do the same.

BTW Danyl is a local lad and went to the same school as my children.


My wife and I quite like the program, some of it is quite funny and it is entertaining. Many obviously like it else they wouldn't put it on every year.

I was quite taken a back by her comments which show her in a very bad light. Personally I think she should be sacked. I notice that quite a few people have said the same thing on several forums (MSN etc) although there is hardly any mention in the press. If I were her I think I would be very worried as who knows what damage her stupid comments have done to the guys chances of progressing further or even winning. I wonder if he has any rights as far as claiming compensation is concerned based on the assumption she is paid and that the final 12 have some form of contract that they are in a way employed the same as her. I wondered how the law stands especially under the 2003/2007 Discrimination and Sexual Orientation acts and in particular part three which states.:

Harassment occurs when the workplace is allowed to become a hostile environment for members of a certain sexual orientation, whether through direct threats, methods of intimidation, unwanted advances or even verbal or physical "jokes".

I thought Danyl was quite good and will hopefully be in the show for some time. The girl from Essex, although a good singer, drives me mad when she talks and in the way she 'holds' herself. Those that make jokes about Essex Girls will, I fear, be having a field day with her. The girl from Wales is also quite good I thought. We won't mention the twins although I have to say Simon's comments when they auditioned for the show sum's them up nicely.

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[quote user="woolybanana"][quote user="Russethouse"]

Yes Q, I have something to say about it - I was actually amazed that Danni not only chose to say what she did, but also that she repeated it. Frankly I hope she got a piece of Simon Cowells mind, and that she apologizes this evening.

Lucky I'm not employing her - she'd be getting her P45.....

Anton du Beke  (on SCD )was silly, and apologised for his gaffe straight away, Danni should do the same.

BTW Danyl is a local lad and went to the same school as my children.


RH, you are getting positively gossipy - in fact you sound like a character in a soap I once saw (and only once), Dot Cotton was she called? [6]


  Actually you reminded me - unless she apologises this evening I'm going to complain to offcom......when has commenting on discrimination been gossipy.

The only thing that may save Danni from it becoming a bigger story is the untimely death of Stephen Gately ...


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From what I deduce has some painted trout said something homosexualist?.

I tend to go along with those that think it's hilarious how two faced the English are -  illegal drugs don't exist and the broadcasters do not properly reflect society and the way it speaks and thinks.

Why isn't it all seen as mind control and that's why the gullible are forced to watch such trash and then are invited to vote (so democratic at £1 a time or so) making talentless people millions - then the bozos buy the manufactured dross - by this time thinking it is real music?

Are these sort of programmes LCD for the monosodium glutimate generation?

Bring back the black and white minstrels some say... me I'd prefer to watch East European naked tractor pulling not.

One day perhaps it'll be realised it's all down to the contraceptive pill.

There was a good programme on the box last night about Gandhi but the average watcher of  XStrictlyEastCoronationTubbysNakedSwapFoodWatchFootball if they even had a thought - think he owned a Rose Nursery in the East Midlands.

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I feel rather humbled by being in the same company as such obviously superior intellects as Woolly and Dog.

Those of us with small brains actually rather enjoy things like soaps and reality TV competitions. Or perhaps it's because they provide a bit of mental repose for those of us who have to use our brains to earn a living?

I think it was a bisexualist rather than homophobic comment, and was hardly convincing bearing in mind that said Australian woman's sister is something of a gay icon (or so I am told). Perhaps it shows that the colonials are rather behind the times in thinking they are free to speak their minds on such subjects without others who feel more enlightened rushing to attack them.

To quote another trash TV star - am I bovvered?

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I think you have to accept that the psychology of the UK viewing public has changed over the years. X factor is always the main talk of the classroom and the young office on Monday mornings, it's what they are all into currently and of course there's plenty of room for another mediocre pop singer or two.

I really don't think many people will take much notice of the comment regarding the sexuality of the contestant. The fans wont care and will continue to vote regardless. In a way, Stephen Gateley's increased popularity after he came out ten years ago only serves proves the point.
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Just been out for a long dogwalk to try and loose my new Mr Angry persona before posting (OK the persona maybe not so new).

I am all for world peace and I don't like the thought of people genuinely feeling hurt and abused*.

I am right up there in agreeing that R Brand and J Ross should be defenestrated for their "prank" (also maybe because I don't like them anyway).

It takes a lot for me to agree with Bruce Forsyth, that people have lost their sense of proportion. I think it pathetic and anodyne the way that everybody is now so concerned that somebody somewhere might take offense at some broadcaster's remark - one hardly hears from people who are actually offended.

Adrian Childes reporting Carole Thatcher for the 'G word', not even on air, and the ensuing fuss was contemptible. Banned from the BBC! Nobody was actually hurt or insulted until the sneak reported it.

Anton De Beke's use of the P word - who actually was hurt? Ohmygard!, somebody has not observed the platitude-only nature of 2009 TV. 'Quick get back to bland-only utterances.' I heard a bit of a radio discussion about his slip and it was hilarious how the broadcasters kept referring to the "P word".

I didn't hear Dannii's offense but I cannot think that this 'painted trout' had any intent to wound or offend anybody, indeed the word 'bland' could be invented for her.

So it surprises me that Russethouse and Quillan (usually shining beacons of good sense) are huffing and puffing about this small slip-up in the candyfloss of this preposterous programme (Dannii should be fired indeed)

- the effect of the dogwalk is wearing off folks -

Just think we are discussing people called Anton, Danyl and Dannii - how sad is that?

The BBC has recently ruled its comedies are not to be "unduly intimidatory, humiliating, intrusive, aggressive or derogatory". That just about leaves A Question of Sport as their sole 'comedy' output. Happy? Russethouse and Quillan?

*I think Obama got a nobel prize for saying somthing like that.
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[quote user="Renaud"] 

So it surprises me that Russethouse and Quillan (usually shining beacons of good sense) are huffing and puffing about this small slip-up in the candyfloss of this preposterous programme [/quote]

Agree completely - the world has gone PC mad!  Danni hardly 'outed' Danyl given he went public in the News of the World the week before.  In any case who gives a monkey's!

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