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Tiger Woods


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[quote user="Richard"]

Feel free to chip in with any more[/quote]

Just received via email - not mine.  For me golf is akin to watching paint dry



Poor Tiger

1. Tiger's rear view mirror has a new warning:  ANGRY WIVES ARE


 2. What's the difference between a Cadillac and a golf ball? 

Tiger can  drive a golf ball over 300 yards.

 3. What club did Elin use to "rescue" Tiger?    A

bitching wedge.

 4. Phil Mickelson has already called Elin to get some tips on

how to beat  Tiger.

 5.. The police asked Elin how many times she hit Tiger. She said,

"Put me  down for a five."

 6. Tiger & Baby Seals have a lot in common.  Both get

clubbed by  Norwegians.


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[quote user="hakunamatata"]Maybe the old saying is right then, Money is the root of all evil. The sooner the truth comes out the better for all concerned, people are left guessing too long.[/quote]


Too much money may lead to bad behaviour but the full quote is " The love of money is the root of all evil".

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="hakunamatata"]Maybe the old saying is right then, Money is the root of all evil. The sooner the truth comes out the better for all concerned, people are left guessing too long.[/quote]


Too much money may lead to bad behaviour but the full quote is " The love of money is the root of all evil".


No No chaps, you can never have too much money, as the man said life is like a **** sandwich the more bread you have the better it tastes. Also remember the George Best storey?                 George, drunk, laying in a Hotel bed with Miss World, empty champagne bottles all over the room,  pound notes scattered everywere, in comes the waiter( huge football fan) and says "were did it all go wrong George?"

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Nick P jested; [quote]Also remember the George Best storey?                 George, drunk, laying in a Hotel bed with Miss World, empty champagne bottles all over the room,  pound notes scattered everywere, in comes the waiter( huge football fan) and says "were did it all go wrong George?"[/quote]

...and George rolled over and replied; "Some say it was with Adam Smith, although there is new research indicating that the origins of modern economic liberalism can be traced back to Franciscan theologians in the Middle Ages.  Personally, I think we would have been better off as Buddhists...anyone for a new liver....?"

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Golfer Tiger Woods, fighting to fend off

intense media scrutiny over allegations he cheated on his wife, has won

a court order banning publication in Britain of any photos or video

showing him nude or having sex. 


firm Schillings, which specialises in protecting the reputations of

celebrities, obtained the injunction on Woods' behalf on Thursday at

the High Court in London,

A letter from the lawyers accompanying the injunction

contains a statement that "this Order is not to be taken as an

admission that any such photographs exist". 

            Excuse me If they don't exist why would you take out an order to stop them? Hmmmmmm, dear oh  dear it gets stranger and stranger.

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Speaking as a 'golf widow' and golf is an important part of my household, as OH was in his teens a potential pro with a handicap of 3. He witnessed Tiger have temper tantrums on the pro tour and throw his clubs about.  This is 'not on' in golf.   Taking drugs is almost unknown in golf and is 'non U' , but it has been speculated that Tiger has taken steroids.   Golfers are not tested for drugs as yet.

OH admires  Tiger's  golfing skills, but sadly many celebrities are surrounded by toadies that sometimes convince their paymasters that they are not only golfing stars, but they can almost walk on water, are god-like etc.

Clearly Tiger thought he could get away with it, and chose 'gold diggers' who are all now selling their stories.

Not unusual.


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[quote user="Iceni"]"Taking drugs is almost unknown in golf and is 'non U' "

Hmm, cannot imagine T Woods or many other US uns understanding such subtleties.

BTW whatever happened to John Daly?


To be precise -  was unknown, but clearly  times have changed.  But not tested as yet, as in many other sports.  Unheard of in Palmer, Player & Nicolas's era.

John Daly was more of a boozer- if he took drugs it was not for performance enhancement, but because he was John Daly.


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[quote user="Iceni"]"Taking drugs is almost unknown in golf and is 'non U' "

Hmm, cannot imagine T Woods or many other US uns understanding such subtleties.

BTW whatever happened to John Daly?

John[/quote]John Daly is still out there playing some good golf.

Whether Tiger will be back or not is yet to be seen if todays announcement is anything to go by.

Now that would be a shame if Tiger gives up golf.

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You know Dog has got a point here.  Hasten to add, I know nothing about this particular case (the combination of Golf and celebrity tittle-tattle being enough to bore the donkey off of me).  However, I think it was that wise young cove, Jesus, who said something like;  "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.." at the stoning of an adulteress.  Perhaps most here do have moteless eyes (far be it from me to cast aspersions), in which case, I suppose (at least from a Christian perspective) you have the green-light to fill yer boots...[img]http://static1.videosift.com/thumbs/m/on/Monty_Pythons_Life_of_Brian_Stoning-s.jpg[/img]
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[quote user="Quillan"] Nothing worse than a woman scorned and all that.[/quote]

Personally speaking it would be not so much the ridicule that would upset me, I could cope with that, it would be the man I loved having become such a shoddy, shallow person, and definitely very 'used goods'. Destroyed trust is hard to live with.

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[quote user="Iceni"]Tegwini, you imply that alcohol is not a drug but I suspect you mean that is more acceptable to you than other drugs.

And if golfers are not tested how do you know how many take drugs ?


The implication is yours not mine.  Clearly you can't be tops in most sports with any kind of drugs- incl.  booze.  Alcohol is legal hence judged differently - and not my judgement as I never touch it.

As for golfers and drugs- just google it.  Random tests only, and Craig Parry an Australian pro, and Nicky Price blew the lid on beta blockers which calm and help performance by reducing the stresses of the game.


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Teggers advised;[quote]As for golfers and drugs- just google it.[/quote]

Wow!! Thanks for that!  Armed with this research tool, I have been able to clear up a few things in the last minutes that have been bothering some for a while.  Please feel free to share in this treasure trove of new-found wisdom.[:D]




...and finally, the big one...


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Personally speaking it would be not so much the ridicule that would upset me, I could cope with that, it would be the man I loved having become such a shoddy, shallow person, and definitely very 'used goods'. Destroyed trust is hard to live with.( quote Sue)

I agree with that.

It's well known that 'golf groupies' hang around the big prize pro tours -  some  offering easy favours.  For a betrayed wife there's

also the problem  if the OH picked up more than an easy 'lay' !


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You would think, wouldn't you, that if any sports players needed some sort of drug to "liven" them up it would be snooker players.  I seem to recall that Bill Werbeniuk took beta blockers to counteract the effects of consuming copious amounts of lager both before, during and after each game.

During all this week some sort of snooker tournament has interfered with my sleep patterns in front of my television, so it was with some amusement I heard on the news today that the winner of said competition will not only get a substantial cheque, but his own bodyweight in Pukka Pies, the sponsors. Blimey!  I quite like the odd "kate and sidney" but 15 stone of them[+o(]

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