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Forum Member cooperlola


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Tonight’s news – via MIL, so credit there – is that Deb has had the tubes withdrawn, so is now breathing unaided, and is able to speak. A move to an orthopaedic, rather than intensive care, ward, is now in sight. Whooppee!

I missed Rouen today, because 2 good friends (take a bow, Pia and Amor!) came to help me with paperwork  –  and also because 250 miles, 3 days in a row, is knackering, believe me! – but will be there in good time tomorrow, I hope.

Another credit is due to locals rowing in to help – Alan and Mag have been entertaining our dog Troy for the last 13 days, and Mag has done a mountain of ironing. She insists on doing more! Given that Deb had been away for three weeks, there is no shortage of stuff being washed! There are other offers of help here waiting to be taken up, and visiting Deb will be sensible once she’s in a more “ordinary” ward, thus helping me to reduce the strain of that trip too often. This trial becomes easier by the day. Hopefully I can help ease Deb’s concerns when we chat – yes! – tomorrow!


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Great news, Ian. [:D]

Maybe when you see her tomorrow, if the moment is right, tell her that "her topic" has had (as of now) nearly 10,000 "views" and is up to 24 pages. That's not 10,000 people reading but even so that is a lot of people coming back, probably on a daily basis, just to check how Deb is doing. It is an indication of the esteem in which your wife is held by the members here.

I'm so pleased the news is so positive.
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[quote user="cooperlola2"]

At 59 and 10 months, and much in need of a haircut (Deb would be happy if I resembled Jesus Christ, I think!), your idea of my smile is probably a lot nicer than the real thing!


Oh, I don't know, we've seen a photo or two on the forum [;-)]

I am so glad to hear that Deb has turned the corner, and that small boy and small girl will at last be able to have a proper conversation.

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Re the hopeful transfer down to Le Mans....

A couple of years ago, I had to be transferred from our local hospital in Bressuire down to the principal cardiac unit in Niort following a slight heart 'blip'.  They bundled me, two doctors and a nurse into an ambulance for a blue light run - I was sitting in the back, all wired up with an ECG unit perched on my lap.

We got halfway down, then pulled into a layby to change crews - we sat around for ten minutes chatting until a new team arrived in a car from Niort and the original lot went back to Bressuire.

So I expect Debs might be making a quick pitstop somewhere around Alencon......[:D]


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Deb is sitting up in bed completely lucid. Remembers the accident, everything until she was sedated. Apparently my version of the event is a bit adrift. Deb found her lane blocked by a car lying on its side – having just been punted there by the lorry – and she drove into its roof! The physio is helping her clear her lungs, and that remains a priority to move to the next stage, i.e. outside Intensive Care. If progress with the lungs is good, then we may know more by the weekend. I am also adrift on the number of breakages – she has broken all 4 limbs! She was being given her first solid food for a fortnight when I arrived, so I took over from the nurse, spoonfeeding apple compote!


Breakages apart, and they’ve all been fixed, of course, this is the old Deb!

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Really pleased that cooperlola is progressing well give her a big hug, but not too hard if she has all those breaks

I haven replied on this thread before but am keeping an eye out for news  - It must be hard for you too so make sure you are rested and well for when she comes home.

Judith and Richard

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