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I had no idea ....................


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[quote user="Bugbear"]that UK MP's are actually given medals just for visiting Iraq.
What an insult to those out there actually fighting and, in some cases dying.[:@][:@]




Apart from quoting old news that has been going round ex-pat sites and inciting the same degree of moral outrage from people who have never seen a bullet let alone come within 100 yards of one, did you actually read the article before posting your inaccurate and misleading opening line?   If you did, please tell us how many MPs have got a medal for "just visiting Iraq"??[8-)]

Its also been discussed on here before, surprised you missed it as its about the UK.[:-))]

 See here http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/2/1992354/ShowPost.aspx#1992354

where another poster who also could not be bothered to read the article first tried some gutter press type spin on it and failed, just as you have.

These MPs,  8 of them of the 220 in the scheme, have been supporting troops in war zones for a minimum of 10 years spending at least 22 days a year doing it, so that is a minimum of 220 days spent in a war zone and 200 days more than Prince Harry!!  At least these MPs support the troops on the ground.  It is an unofficial medal and not a  medal that is awarded to service personnel.  Its called the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme Medal.  Its made of silver and is attached to a crimson, gold and green ribbon representing the colours of the Lords, the Queen and the Commons. I got a silver medal once for winning division 3 of our sunday football league, you going to start a petition against the award of medals for that as well[blink].

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You have a remarkable insight into what publications we might or might not read Nounours.  I'd guess there would be little point in telling you where I got my information as it would only puncture your puffed up bluster.

I stand by the gist of my posting and hazard a guess that no politician has ever come close to any danger whilst in Afghanistan, furthermore I'd be surprised if it cost them as much as a brass farthing for their visits.

10/10 for any politician who goes out there though but please don't try to make out that it is any more than a photoshoot.

That was some football league you played in if they could give out silver medals for any of the divisions, I only ever got plastic.


As I am English and like to read about what happens in the UK I reckon it's quite alright to post stuff on this site...sorry.

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[quote user="nounours"]Apart from quoting old news that has been going

round ex-pat sites and inciting the same degree of moral outrage from

people who have never seen a bullet let alone come within 100 yards of

................ did you actually read the article before posting your inaccurate and misleading opening line?   [/quote]

It may be old news to you but it was new to me as the clue in the title of my OP, if you took the time to actually look, as in "I had no idea...............". As to the history of individuals and what they have, or have not done, you have absolutely no knowledge. which makes your comment both silly and ill informed.

[quote user="nounours"]................... you going to

start a petition against the award of medals for that as well[blink].

Again, if you look closely you will see that I didn't start the partition, that is down to someone called Stacey Hobin.

This is starting to get a bit boring and very regular now NN, so please try and actually read the postings before spurting out yet more negative drivel. Or better still, perhaps to ignore stuff completely unless you have something positive to contribute.


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[quote user="nounours"] did you actually read the article before posting your inaccurate and misleading opening line

These MPs,  8 of them of the 220 in the scheme, have been supporting troops in war zones for a minimum of 10 years spending at least 22 days a year doing it, so that is a minimum of 220 days spent in a war zone and 200 days more than Prince Harry!! 


Part ll.

The bit I missed, yes I did read it and clearly you didn't. No MP has spent 22 days a year in a war zone, and certainly not 220 days. They don't have to, merely have to spend the time with the military. Drinking tea at Bovington camp counts just the same.


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[quote user="Jay"]Can I ask what this topic has to do with Living France, French life - or anything to do with France at all? Isn't there an English forum you can post on?

Blimey! I've been posting on here for years and never knew you had to confine it to all things French...you learn something every day, don't you?

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Gary,  my friend, you now look very foolish, wouldn't it be better if you just went and sailed your boat or got the bike out today?

Jay is right, this has nothing to do with France but as you and Weedon say its posted in the right place and "allowed".  The subject of "other topics" is one created a long time back against the opposition of many, to boost postings and satisfy those who had nothing better to do but post irrelevant rubbish about Romanian trampolinists and dancers and save phone calls to mates in France.

The non French postings soon became the majority and saw many excellent and informed posters like Miki, Dick Smith, Teamed up leave and many others who still post on here, just to post the odd entry in gardening or healthcare.  As predicted this topic has now become the place to be bitter and twisted about a country most no longer live in but retain a wish to control the lives of those who continue to do so.   Sometime ago it was suggested that a certain poster might like to post more about the inequalities and items of concern in the land he has a physical presence in, but that was met with bluster about how integrated he was, I know more about France than you do etc, but since then nothing about issues in France has been seen.[:(]

 There are English forums in the UK you can love or hate the Daily Mail/Mirror etc  and most immigrant countries have their ex pat sites, but again they are all filled with the sam "sort of did you see" posts copied either directly from the various UK media or slanted to meet the political requirements of the poster.  When this Forum stuck to France and French topics it was the best, it led the way in things like healthcare, tax, employment, setting up businesses but now its rarely used and genuine posters are just driven away by so called funnymen.  Just look at the ferrets thread, 5 posts before Coops gave a sensible answer. Why did the daft posts stay, perhaps because the mods found it more important to post about what's happening in the UK than encourage new posters like that person to use this Forum to find out things and perhaps help others who live here [:(].


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Clearly with your great knowledge on this forums history, and the fact that you only joined on  28-1-2010, I again ask the question.


Why have you rejoined this forum using another user name?


I doubt you have been watching this forum for years and not posting on it.

I like Bugbears posts, and if you think this forum is just for new members to join who would like to find out more about  France, I am puzzled as to why you have "just joined" ? [;-)]


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[quote user="nounours"]

Gary,  my friend, you now look very foolish, wouldn't it be better if you just went and sailed your boat or got the bike out today?

How easy it is to be brave in the virtual world of an internet forum, I'm no more  your friend than I am foolish.

I really think you should look closely at postings you have made before launching further personal attacks on me. I've yet to see a single one from your keyboard that is either accurate or positive.

I guess that you were on this forum as someone other than 'nounours' but I can't quite work out who you posted as before. A point compounded by the fact that your profile contains no personal information whatsoever. I did think 'Ron' at one point but now, I don't think so. Perhaps you'd like to let us know.[8-)]

This forum has, like all forums, evolved to suit the majority of its current members. It contains a good mix of both serious and light-hearted postings and long may it continue. The Mods on here operate in a very fair and unbiased way and should be praised for that, rather than 'knocking' them for allowing something that you, as an individual, disagree with.

Dealing with posts you don't like is pretty simple, don't respond.

Anyway, I'm done with this thread now , some far more important things to do but, please, spout away, if it makes you feel good.

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I had no idea ............That you have to agree and cowtow to old posters to enjoy and  remain on this Forum.

 I am sure you find Bugbears posts interesting Ebaynut,but  you don't live in France do you? I will avoid his posts as they have little interest to the French resident,  and get on building my summer house by the beach in the Vendée[:P].

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Nounours - please let me assure you that there is absolutley no reason for you to worry about the content of the various sections of the forum, we have moderators to do that.

As you seem to be familiar with past events I'm sure you'll also remember the Code of Conduct where it states that the running of the forum is not to be discussed and forum members with a comment or complaint should contact the moderators. Thankyou.


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[quote user="nounours"]

 building my summer house by the beach in the Vendée[:P].


Bl**dy hell!!! They'll be thinking it's Clacton next.  [+o(]

Beach huts, or to be more precise if we're going to make this a real French forum, un abris or even un chalet de la plage are definitely not allowed in this up market part of France. I've checked with the local Mary, the DDE, ADMR and Drire and it just ain't going to happen.

By the way I also miss Betty (you can call me).

Could it be


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