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La Journée Internationale de La Femme.


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Well it is today 8th march. Woman make progress around the world even in such conservative countries like Bolivia.

Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, has included some notable female candidates for the upcoming regional elections of Provincial Governors and Mayors.

Perhaps the most notable is the candidate for Governor of the Province of Beni. Her name is Jessica Jordan; she has caused quite a stir by proposing that criminals be forced to serve their sentences by working in the mines of Potosi and La Paz with their wages contributing to the coffers of the social security.

The elections will be held on Easter Sunday 4th April.

Her website is filled with useful information on the MAS campaign in the Beni.


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The conditions I saw in the mine at Potosi were far too bad for criminals,  yet crazy tourists pay to go down there.

There were some impressive effigies where we made offerings to your wife Pachapapa [;-)]

Is my memory correct that Potosi became the Spanish word for silver?

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Spanish word for silver is "plata", as in rio de la plata.Potosi derived from quechua for thunder.The mountain above Potosi is called the "Cerro Rico" (rich mountain). The silver extracted was minted in Potosi from the 16th century and exported to Spain. the word "plata" is used in South America to mean money. The word Potosi was and is still used to indicate extraordinary wealth, "vale un potosi", he is worth a potosi. Muchas gracias for your kind gifts of aguardiente and coca leaves for OH.[:D]
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Con mucho gusto, de nada [Pachapapa :D]

I really enjoyed the miners market at Potosi where I bought the offerings for pachamama and gifts for the miners and of course a little extra for myself, one dollar per stick of dynamite, one dollar for the fuse and another dollar for a bag of nitroglycerine to give it an extra kick if I recall correctly.

I still have not got rid of the horrible taste of the coca leaves but they certainly helped  at altitude including a failed attempt at Cotopaxi.

Personally I didnt find Jessica Jordan very attractive but  remembering the fierce discrimination that there was in Quito against dark skinned natives compared to those of Spanish descent I wonder if the same is true in La Paz and that her café au lait colouring is acceptable across the spectrum?

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In equador there is a strong social colour prejudice, particularly in Quito, not so marked in Guayaquil. The best Spanish is spoken in equador an offshoot from the strict class structure.

Surprised that they sell nitroglycerine in the market, as it is rather sensitive to impact but the miners use it for breaking up large rocks. Make small cavity in rock, carefully fill with nitro and hit it with a hammer; thats synergy for you. By the way if you are not used to the smell of nitro-based explosives, it will cause a serious increase in blood pressure sometimes leading to momentary cardiac problems. Give a bit of woomph to your hammer head.

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