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If only..

Edward Trunk

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What an excellent idea but why limit it there, why not all those greedy bankers etc. I am sure it would focus their minds a bit more and make them less likely to gamble with our money.

Sadly we couldn't do this but I don't see any reason why, accompanied by a lot of lorries loaded with cheap European tomatoes, that we could not put some stocks up at various places in London, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square for example. It would get people out of their offices at lunchtime and give them something to do. The only problem though is would there be enough tomatoes?

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Now if we are fantasising, then I would like to take groups of bankers, hedge funds managers and traders and deposit 'em on a basic desert island, stripped of their Armani suits, Rolexes, Blackberries etc and just leave 'em in their underpants for a month or so and see how they do.

Shades of the wonderful story, The Admirable Crichton (J.M.Barrie) and made into a great movie starring Kenneth Moore.

Now, since these people specialise in wheeling and dealing in what others have created, it would be interesting to see how they might fare..........

Would make a wonderful reality gameshow: all that would be needed is two spotty-faced oiks from Tyneside with impenetrable accents and an instant hit is assured!

Celedor see here!


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