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Gay polygamy??


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Polygamy is illegal in France and the second plus women involved are treated as mistresses. But what if it were a  gay relationship, what would the partners be called and what would the relationship be called (in English or French), and would it be legal?
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PACS is, Coops, the equivalent of civil partnership. A number of my gay friends are PACSed here in France, even those who were in a civil partnership in the UK - since a UK civil partnership is not recognised in France (I believe).

In fact, if you are in a gay couple, it is a very good idea to get PACsed, because of the usual inheritance laws


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Thanks 5-E.  However, I'm not convinced that even a gay couple would equate a civil partnership with a recognised marriage (of course much would depend upon their beliefs).  The two things seem to me to be very different.

Wooly - I'm sure I can find a few gay chaps for you to meet if that's your thing. Whether they'd want to marry you though....

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

  However, I'm not convinced that even a gay couple would equate a civil partnership with a recognised marriage (of course much would depend upon their beliefs).  The two things seem to me to be very different.



You're right. I seem to remember at least one of several homosexual marriages sanctioned by the mayor Noël Mamère and maybe some other  mayors) but that might have been dissolved later as not being strictly legal?


In fact, here is a Wiki extract:




Article détaillé : Mariage homosexuel en France.

Le mariage homosexuel n’est pas autorisé en France. Le débat quant à sa légalisation, assez polémique, existe cependant. À défaut de mariage, il existe depuis décembre 1999 une alternative, le Pacte civil de solidarité (PACS). Le PACS ne permet cependant pas l’adoption au couple pacsé. Il ne permet pas non plus de façon automatique un droit de séjour pour le conjoint étranger. La convention de pacs a été modifiée en janvier 2007[39].

Deux propositions de loi ont été déposées à l'Assemblée Nationale en 2008 et 2010[40],[41]. Ces deux textes feront l'objet prochainement d'un débat à l'Assemblée nationale[42].

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