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This is another 'Is it me' thing.

Now, I thought that the general idea with these things was that when you cut yourself, you should be able to avail yourself of said product and stick one on .............. quickly.

I can remember (when back in the UK) ranting and raving over one's ability to extricate a simple plaster from the packaging.

It's the same here. New pack bought a week or so ago. Cut myself to ribbons today (well, a little scratch, said OH) and pulsing blood by the litre. It took ages to remove the thing from it's multi-layered protective covering. Meanwhile, me bleeding to death.[:(]

In the old days, you used to get a packet of elastoplasts, pulled one out, whizzed off both sticky backs of the thing, and Bob's your uncle.  

You'll all be pleased to know, I'm sure, that I survived.  Blood pressure up though. OH shaking head. 

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It is a cunning marketing ploy. Open 10 pack - contains five small plasters which are useless to small to be any good - three which are round and of no use to anyone the wrong side of puberty and two which are just right. Unfortunately as you started to one decent sized wound but added two in the process you need to open a new pack.
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Gardian, you obviously haven't got the hang of applying sticking plaster.  What you do is, you yell at your OH to come help you quick before you die bleeding.

Mind you, if you've cried "wolf" too often, she might be immuned to your calls for help.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Gardian, you obviously haven't got the hang of applying sticking plaster.  What you do is, you yell at your OH to come help you quick before you die bleeding.

Mind you, if you've cried "wolf" too often, she might be immuned to your calls for help.


Well, it was herself who was summoned to apply the life-saving plaster. Trouble was that her eyesight is dodgy, my patience is (allegedly & perhaps occasionally) short, so between us a bit of a muddle.

Funnily enough, I needed to apply another plaster tonight. Mrs G had turned in, so first I had to find the place that she'd told me that she'd put them so that they were readily accessible and easy to find in an emergency. Found them after 10 mins. Hardly worth bothering by then.  Actually, they weren't too bad to extricate, so I don't know what she was going on about. Impatient.[:)]


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