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weight loss


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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Skeletal Me you mean, Patf. Well, perhaps when I have got rid of the rest which is another ten kilos, so that I am around the top end of the Body Mass Index range for my height.

But it does pose problems with clothes as I have to get a complete new set of some stuff, so M and S visits or website trawls have become quite exciting. And getting rid of brand new but now far too big trousers is a wrench, but there we are. My weight loss is Emmaus's gain.


Congrats on weight loss but BMI is a crap measure of anything. Sir Steve Redgrave was obesive when he was rowing shoulder size to waiste makes more sense

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I totally agree about BMI.  I think waist measurement is important as is flab.  You know, you don't even need your scales, you just know how much you are spreading and where you are spreading......eeeuuuuhhhh!
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Hi Suej

Am in same boat as you!  Except I have been on replacement thyroid tabs since 1972.  All well even when pregnant but about 5 years ago the docs decided to reduce my 300 mgs to 1.25 mgs and the weight has steadily gone on.  I may eat slightly more than I now need as less active but not really much different to the past.

I find it very difficult to accept at least 3 stone overweight now - I do not like chocolate, cakes, fatty foods and rarely eat desserts (if a tarte I eat the fruit but leave the pastry)  I hardly drink alcohol - may be a glass of wine with my dinner sometimes.

I work on the house and in the garden and am always rushing around.

Despite protests docs insist that medication is correct - my theory for what it is worth is that my system had got used to a certain level of thyroxine which having now been reduced is causing the weight to pile on.

Good luck with your problem - sorry not have been of any help.  My mother had a partial thyroidectomy when she was in her 40s but was not put on replacement therapy and died at 94 still as slim as ever. 


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Sue & Wendy - same here! Not had a thyroidectomy but Hashimotos which started 18 months ago (when I was size 10). I quickly went to size 16, but blood tests show that everything is fine with my dosage of Levethyox despite the weight gain and tiredness.

I used to eat anything I wanted - now I eat as little as I can but can't shift any weight.

I read somewhere that there are lots of people with thyroid problems due to Chernobyl - don't know if there's anything in that, but there does seem a lot of it about.
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Sorry folks,  WendyG, Pommier and I seem to be turning 'Weight Loss' into 'Weight Gain' - perhaps we should be moved somewhere else??


To the other two , I'm interested to read you feel there is some connection with the thyroid treatment.

Do either of you know a forum called 'Vivre Sans Thyroide'?

Will PM you both later this evening,  have got to wobble off to market now....

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