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Oh Joy!


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Oh joy; oh transports of delight!

Sheer ecstasy!

Not only must we suffer endless airtime and mindless diatribes on bladder-bashing: then we have nag thrashing: and now;


Thwack.......................Thwack............................Twack-Twack-Ping; donk-Thwack.


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Disagree with you completely, Gluey.

I get all the housework done, lunch out the way.  I sit in front of the telly, I clap and cheer my heroes (well, OK, mainly it's "Vamos, Rafa!")

Am thinking of getting in the Pims and some strawberries and cream and watch wearing my sun hat...[I]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]And all those tennis ladies in those ikkle short skirts, and the muscled tanned legs. Yummmmmmy. Poor Norman will end up glued to his screen I expect. Which is a change from sitting on the pavement begging so he can...... nah, I won't even go there![/quote]

Do you mean physically? [;-)] [:$]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Disagree with you completely, Gluey.

I get all the housework done, lunch out the way.  I sit in front of the telly, I clap and cheer my heroes (well, OK, mainly it's "Vamos, Rafa!")

Am thinking of getting in the Pims and some strawberries and cream and watch wearing my sun hat...[I]


And don't forget to shout out "Come on X (Whoever your hero is), when he's already leading by 5 games to love: and two sets to love as well...............


It's apparently the same as the tubs of lard in the USA shouting "Get in the hole!" when  a top tour player hits a tee shot on a par five..........



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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Oh joy; oh transports of delight!

Sheer ecstasy!

Not only must we suffer endless airtime and mindless diatribes on bladder-bashing: then we have nag thrashing: and now;


Thwack.......................Thwack............................Twack-Twack-Ping; donk-Thwack.


[/quote] Why don't you watch another channel instead? There's plenty to choose from nowadays :)
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Richard, can you do something about either your browser or the way you quote posts. Every time I check whats going on in the forum and I see a quoted post of yours the quote needs to be edited either by myself or one of my fellow moderators. This is by no means a public telling off, far from it, it's just that it really is a pain in the bottom. Perhaps you could try using either Firefox or IE or does the browser you have contain a compatibility button? I do appreciate that the forum software has its problems, like having to use IE8 in compatibility mode but in that mode it does work for others without a problem. Thanks.
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[quote user="NormanH"]About the time that the Forum members start to reflect modern attitudes[:)]

Not sure what you mean, Norm?

I played serious tennis years ago: and my dear old coach, Mr Esmund Esterby (I kid you not!), member of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Umpire and Line Judge would have been absolutely horrified to see players spitting on the hallowed turf of centre court, abusing umpires and line judges, throwing racquets and above all else not wearing "whites", etc.

And as for the female (One trusts.......[Www]) player's obscene grunts - all aping Monica Seles - dear Old Es would probably have collapsed in a fit of appoplexy.


Trouble is these days, it is not a happening for the afficinonados, it's a crowd event: like almost everything else.

Money: in a nutshell. The long-term Sec. (Now retired) of the club was on Libby Purvis's prog this morning (Steam power wireless and no raunchy dancing girls: boring and old fashioned I know): the club - mainly by leveraging Wimbledon -  earns circa £25 ++ Million per annum: and apparently invests a majority in tennis: like up and coming English stars.

Well: that's worked pretty well then, huh?

Interestingly, John and David Lloyd both played with their parents at the hardcourt club along the road from my business in the late 60s early 70s: and both were valued customers: as was "Dad": and both were at school with Mrs Gluey.


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You have to love the French media!

At long last they have realised.

A selection of their comments after their hallowed team were sent home in disgrace (Second class seats too!).

"A culture of greed and egotism, imported from the Premier League was today blamed by French politicians and the media for their team's disastrous performance in the World cup."

"It's all about individualism, egotism and everyone for themselves! All that really matters is the size of the cheque!" Thus quoth Socialist Party Spokesman, Jerome Cahuzac.

The French media has dubbed the players "A bunch of Seven Year Olds!"

Alain Finkielkraut, a leading philosopher, labelled the players "Products of a scum generation, more interested in starting riots on housing estates than integrating into French society!"


One feels the French are marginally upset!

It's not yet occured to a majority, it seems, that if one takes a mono-syllabic oik, throw multi-millions at them and fête them constantly and tell them they are hugely important and "priceless" then invariably they will behave as prima donnas: and perhaps worse, if they are then allowed to push, barge, grab and kick - provided the ref doesn't see - and then allow them to cloak such malfeasance and lack of any vestige of true sportsmanship in the euphemistic pretence of a "Professional Foul", then the eventual outcome is pretty much foregone.


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[quote user="Gluestick"]"It's all about individualism, egotism and everyone for themselves! All that really matters is the size of the cheque!" Thus quoth Socialist Party Spokesman, Jerome Cahuzac.[/quote]Norman will love that line but personally I'm still trying to decide whether it's meant as a recommendation or a condemnation [blink]

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I had to read it twice, I thought he was talking about England but its much the same.[:(]

We have seen this sneaking up on us in Rugby League and so far Union has only seen a tiny bit of it. My biggest concern is that RU does go the way of Football and RL, I really hope it does not.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I had to read it twice, I thought he was talking about England but its much the same.[:(]

We have seen this sneaking up on us in Rugby League and so far Union has only seen a tiny bit of it. My biggest concern is that RU does go the way of Football and RL, I really hope it does not.


Absolutely here here, Q!

Couldn't agree more!

I thirst for the good old days of JPR, Cliff Morgan, and the rest: and still have vivid mind pics of the French forwards passing the ball in an orchestrated and balletic move up the field and the inevitable subsequent scrum.

I don't like at all this constant kicking the ball into touch: and beefy neanderthals picking up other geezers to try to steal it.

That's not rugby! Anymore than are the constant rucks.

Money: the deathknell of true sportsmanship.


One of the last real players of the sport for me, was Gavin Hastings.

Dave Duckham was an excellent player back in the early 70s; and Billy Beaumont.



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Alain Finkielkraut, a leading philosopher, labelled the players "Products of a scum generation, more interested in starting riots on housing estates than integrating into French society!"

Gluey you may want to read some this guy's other stuff. Chief apologist for Klaus Barbie, and Franjo Tudman. Considered racist by all but FN. Blames immigration for all France's ills. He's a standard "renta-quote" for the French media (UK equivalent would be Tax Payers Alliance or ImmigrationWatch). Anything he says is just to generate publicity for himself.

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Oh, I don't place any value on what was said, particularly, V: and personally, I did find Herr Finkelkraut's comments abusively racist.

What actually amused me much was the singular fact that so many doyens leaped into the breach over a game for schoolboys played mainly it seems by cases of arrested development!

Anyone might be forgiven for thinking the invading Russian army were at the walls of the Bastille!

At present here in UK we are presently inundated by the talking heads commenting on Twee Georgie's budget: perhaps the most amusing (who seems to have a bed in Broadcasting House), being Darling Darling; chief defense talking head for NuLiebor.


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