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Tony Blair and his book


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Whatever the man does won't prevent his opponents from finding ulterior motives or otherwise detracting from his gesture - probably the same people who would have attacked him for making money from his book had he decided not to donate the profits.

Interesting that the Torygraph doesn't mention the bill for guarding Lady Thatcher and other members of her government who are still considered terrorist targets. And that the DM, a couple of months earlier, put the bill for guarding the Blairs at £2 million, saying that was higher than Thatcher's costs (having regularly walked past her London house in the past, I know that she had at least as many police officers outside as TB).

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 I think its Cherie who is the driving force, apparently her upbringing left her with a real insecurity about money.....

Caller on Jeremy Vines show asked why he couldn't either donate anonymously or just say the money would be going to charities without specifying which - that way there would be none of the comments about trying to salve his conscience or it being blood money.

The guy from the British Legion obviously thought the anti war brigade should just shut up.......[:@]

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That was my first reaction, Russethouse - that Mr Blair should have just donated the money to the British Legion without publicising it.

Not necessarily anonymously, just without telling anyone apart from them what he was doing.

Then when I thought about it I realised that, by making the donation known, he is probably going to increase book sales and thus increase the donation.

Think he should also say 6,000 Hail Marys (Maries?) if he wants complete absolution.
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If the British Legion get a few million in the pot that wasnt there yesturday ,,And they can use it to make the lives of injured soldiers better in the future ...Then who cares where the cash comes from. Perhaps some people would be happy to see exhausted wives pushing injured soldiers about in wheelchairs than see the Blair cash buy them an electric one they can drive themselves ?

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Let's not forget all the previous Ministers in Ireland get security and bullet proof cars at public expense.

The Labour regime at one time changed ministers frequently to dole out the perks.

Not to mention the Admirals and high up army bods that are on permanent pay when retired.

Blair like the royal hanger on Andrew don't pay tax as they are 'diplomats'.

Blair would also be getting tax relief on his 'donation' if he did pay - on the book blood money he is getting for sending soldiers on a falsified war that thousands of innocent people died to make his personal blip of fame he thinks he has in history.

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Why would I need a reference - I would never work for anyone but myself.............

On the other hand do some digging yourself and find our how and why the sycophants the abusers of priveledge and the rich stay rich...

I have given links previously about the UK tax avoidance schemes for the rich but it seems most UK serfs are too busy working & paying taxes to take a look at the way they are being robbed blind.

Wake up smell the claret and champagne drunk by the tax avoiders.

This week in UK the puppet government appointed a non-domiciled and tax avoider to a government postion - what a joke.


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[quote user="Frederick"]If the British Legion get a few million in the pot that wasnt there yesturday ,,And they can use it to make the lives of injured soldiers better in the future ...Then who cares where the cash comes from. Perhaps some people would be happy to see exhausted wives pushing injured soldiers about in wheelchairs than see the Blair cash buy them an electric one they can drive themselves ?[/quote]

Completely agree Frederick.

However, laudable a charity as it is (& some of my family are serving members of the armed forces), I'll not be donating my tax rebate to the British Legion.

It's going to stay where it's most needed.[B]

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I won't be buying the book; I had enough of bliar when he was PM. And my blood pressure must have benefitted from not seeing that wife of his on TV news.

My reaction when I read about him donating the proceeds was that it was blood money. If he wanted to donate, he should have done it privately and not had it all over the papers.

I noticed in Smiths yesterday that the book can be bought for half price if pre-ordered, as happens with some other books. I wonder how the orders are stacking up.
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