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£140 a week for all pensioners


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It was the main item on the BBC news at 6 tonight. It said that the real beneficiaries would be mothers who took time out to raise families. Another thing it mentioned was that if this did come in then the winter fuel allowance may possibly stop. Still it's all very much up in the air and seeing is believing.

One thing I did think was it would be good for women as the current system seems to discriminate them. I have always been in favour of ending all discrimination be it religious, colour, age and sex. In an ideal world I think they should have split the difference between men and women's retirement age and we could all retire at 62.5 years. I say this because the current changes are in some ways unfair, there are lots of couples out there that have planned their retirement based on the ages they would have retired at (the husband may have set everything up to retire at 60 via a private pension or whatever), perhaps to travel or whatever and now at a strike of a pen it all changes.

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Indeed Gardner - I paid a full stamp when I had a choice and SERPS too. Looking at this I think I am entitled to more than £140. Not all women by any means will be better off.

Funny how when these decisions are made I seem to be a loser even though I have always paid my dues. I dare say there are plenty of people like me on this forum

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This will be in several years time and everyone will be 66 when they get it, or maybe the age limit will have gone up even further by then.

No idea as to what will happen to people who do not live in the UK, they may have a residency thing attached to it, something perhaps they will look into.

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[quote user="Quillan"]The money they say getting rid of all these people has enabled them to increase the money and still save a considerable amount. Thinking about the million's and million's that must be involved there must of been thousands of people working out these payments in the past. It makes you wonder.[/quote]Like the CSA you mean which, in it's entire history, has yet to collect more than it cost's to run each year !

Even if adopted at very best this proposal could not be implemented until male and female retirement ages are fully harmonised, and raised to 66 - or higher. That age rise, according to Roz Altmann on the radio yesterday, is itself sufficient to fund the measure.

Whilst they are at it though how about a top to bottom, no holds barred, review of the horrendously complex tax system. My vote would be for a flat tax but of course that would sweep away the smoke and mirrors so conveniently and frequently used by government to obfuscate and make it appear that you are getting something when, in net terms, the opposite is more likely to be the case.

It's academic anyway as frankly I can't see Dave/Nick's administration staying the course and because they have been bold enough to grasp the nettle and challenge the status quo the fickle (if not thick) UK electorate will probably blindly vote in yet another Labour government.

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