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Fat Slags?


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Male slags do exist, but the original poster specifically mentioned Viz where the fat slags are women. The OED gives .... the most usual sense - a prostitute or promiscuous woman; a slattern. I don't think that the derogatory sexual sense applies to a man.


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[quote user="woolybanana"]He was just trying to stir up controversy, I fear.[/quote]I fear you are correct.  This is, after all, Viz's raison d'etre also, is it not?

Well done Hoddy, Tony, Pat, Cathy et al.  I winced when I saw this thread and its title but after the last one just went on and one with sexist comment piling on sexist comment I nearly lost the will to live in the end.  I certainly came within a gnat's wotsit of quitting the forum altogether.  Happily there are plenty of kinder, more open minded, less judgemental types still on this forum so I shall carry on trying to make my 9k by the end of the year.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Not just the BLAME, Kathy.  She gets to hold the baby AND be responsbile for it! [/quote]

Weather the father wants it or not! 

And, they get to keep the house and have their child supported by the father until the child (I use the term loosely as I have a friend that has just finished supporting his 23 year old law student daughter) decides to stand on their own feet.  Women don't get it all bad, but that's a discussion for another day.

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I can't let you get away with that Crossy. Here's the tale of another woman who is very close to my heart. She left her husband and took her two children with her. She did not ask for or get the house. He owes her many thousands of pounds in maintenance and doesn't even pay the £5 per week that the CSA say an unemployed man should pay.

Wild generalisations help no-one. I know that a lot of decent men out there do, quite rightly, contribute to the upkeep of their children.

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I don't see how it's a wild generalisation.  I know men that wanted their children to stay with them but had no say, they were awarded the mother.  How many men do you know that get custody?  Ok, a lot might not want it but there are many that do but don't get a look in.

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[quote user="crossy67"].  I know men that wanted their children to stay with them but had no say, they were awarded the mother. [/quote]It is not always a choice left to the parents - there seems to be a legal acceptance of this as a principal (there certainly was in the days when my parents were using my sister and me as points in the divorce war.)  Your very use of the verb award sums this up.  B*gg*r the kids.
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I think it's much more common these days for joint custody to be awarded. As it happens my nephew was awarded sole custody of his son and a very good job he's making of it. Again, we have too few modern examples to make a case that is anything more than hearsay.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]Again, we have too few modern examples to make a case that is anything more than hearsay. Hoddy[/quote]True - we are the wrong generation really!  Since my own parents' divorce, it's my belief that kids can now actually give evidence and make their own feelings known in custody hearings.  Don't know how common this is or if I have got this right?
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[quote user="crossy67"] I don't see how it's a wild generalisation.  I know men that wanted their children to stay with them but had no say, they were awarded the mother.  How many men do you know that get custody?  Ok, a lot might not want it but there are many that do but don't get a look in.  [/quote]

It is a wild generalisation, men do go to Court, they can do things through the legal process and once having made their case in  front of the Judge, are awarded custody of their children.  I know this happens because I did it, it was painful but not impossible, it depends on many variables and whether the couple involved have lawyers involved, want to knock lumps out of each other at the expense of the children etc etc.

As somebody who lived in one of the rougher areas of metropolitan Essex for many years I saw hundreds of young women (because of my job) who got pregnant because it was a status symbol and now, on the rare occassions I go back there, the numbers seem to have increased, so many children with children and grandmothers in their early 30s, difficult to work out who's who in the family.

But that doesn't detract from the offensiveness of the title of this thread and still for me, the MAN has the responsibility for stopping children coming into this world, not the woman, if some callow stupid youth wants to have sex, fine, he should take the responsibility for it and be MADE to take the responsibility, it's his d**k that started the process after all.  And if not, he should take Woody Allen's advice and make love to his best friend!

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

[quote user="crossy67"]   [/quote]

 the MAN has the responsibility for stopping children coming into this world, not the woman, if some callow stupid youth wants to have sex, fine, he should take the responsibility for it and be MADE to take the responsibility, it's his d**k that started the process after all. [/quote]

Very very true.

In my youth as now I always insisted on using a condom despite often the protestations of the females concerned, I have heard many tales like "I am on the pill"" (easy to verify but can you be sure she takes it?), I have a coil fitted" (impossible to verify so it was condom or nothing)  "I have been told I cannot have children", "I have had a hysterectomy" etc, those who used the last two were often the most insistent. I have come across many of them later in life with their children [:-))]

Then came the advent of HIV and condoms then became more acceptable, I dont actually think that all these women were out to get pregnant by whetever means, more that their pulsions took over their rationality.

Anyone remember the case a few years back of the girl that after begrudgingly accepting that the guy was going to wear a condom or no nooky, then took it away after the act, locked herself in another room and inseminated herself?  The guy was later made to pay child support by the CSA, IIRC he had actually wanted to be a part of the childs life (and was present at the birth) but other than financially he wasnt allowed to.

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Funny, Chance, I have had the opposite experience in more cases than I would care to document on here (because I'll no doubt get called a slag then.)  You may be the responsible type but I have met plenty of guys who are not.  Happily, I cannot imagine any fate worse than getting pregnant so they either wear one or go without.  But I can perfectly see how young women in particular get in this fix.  You would be amazed how hard it can be to fight a guy off once his "blood" is up.
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Both being heterosexual I guess it is inevitable that we will have opposing experiences [;-)]

I dont doubt what you say at all though and as a man it saddens me, you are talking about attempted rape.

My ex was a very god fearing catholic from a very strong catholic family, I knew what she had suffered at the hands of her ex partner (I knew him and he was a real nasty peice of work), the guilt that she felt for the shame she believed she had herself brought on her family who had effectively ostracised her, en bref she was a victim or damaged goods.

I respected her immensely, still do in fact and was happy that our intimacy would only go so far as a result, she was another girl that was very anti having children, perhaps too anti given my previous experiences.

Gradually her self respect returned and I even managed to negotiate a reconciliation with her family, her mother who I like a lot is a particularly strong character was perhaps the root of the problem, I knew that we would not go any further in our physical relationship unless we were to marry and that once we did we would be under immense pressure to rapidly bring children into the world, and not just one or two, she didnt want this and at my age that was fine by me.

Surprisingly despite this for a couple of days a month she could not resist her pulsions and I had to not only exercise extreme self control but literally fight her off, the remaining 26+ days she struggled with her guilt and became more and more nasty towards me, it was what finally made me end the relationship.  

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[quote user="Chancer"]

 you are talking about attempted rape.

[/quote]Yup, and you'd be amazed how quickly "we both fancy one another" can turn into one. 

Catholic guilt?  Do not get me started.  I was discussing just this thing with my mother the other day.  She was telling me about the awful feelings of guilt she suffered when she admitted to using birth control in the confessional.  Edit  - oops there's an error of syntax for you - but you know what I mean! Ultimately, she just had to keep turning my father away in order not to be condemened to hell for eternity or have more kids which they could not afford and didn't want, and that just ruined an already rubbish marriage.  [:@] Sound familiar?

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