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But was your great etc grandmother an innocent but buxom and appealing serving wench who was taken advantage of behind the arras by a randy earl, then thrown out onto the streets as a shameless hussey. He probably did that to all the girls so you might have trouble getting your claim validated

We aristocratic bananas used to wait until the tweeny maids were on their hands and knees buffing up the fireplace before introducing ourselves[;-)]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

But was your great etc grandmother an innocent but buxom and appealing serving wench who was taken advantage of behind the arras by a randy earl, then thrown out onto the streets as a shameless hussey. He probably did that to all the girls so you might have trouble getting your claim validated


LOL  that was it exactly WB [:D]  The baby was born in marlyborne workhouse but the earl did put his name on the birth certificate.  My great uncle apparently did try to contest his right to the title... but he lost.  My mum wouldn't say anymore as she felt it was just too shocking  [:$]

p.s. normie... we're kindred spirits [;-)]

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Makes you think, doesn't it, Rose?

THIS  is mine.  My mother was having a moan on the phone to me last week because her father became a Catholic, sold it, didn't work a day in his life (although he was a barrister) and had 11 kids who all got sent off  to boarding school from the age of 5 onwards.  He was hit by a motorbike in 1946 and killed.   When his wife (my grandmother) finally died, all the kids were left with about £1000 each.  Talk about squandering your birthright!

My ancestral home of course is far less impressive than Norm's

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Oh, Coops, I do like the looks of Norman's barrel.  Gosh, I didn't know it was so large and impressive![:D]

As for Combe Florey, Norman, do you mean the Waughs' country pile?  The nearest I got to it was the Health spa across the road and, at least over there, they had central heating!

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Ancestors are very interesting............

On my maternal side, my grandfather was descended from the Duke  of Suffolk: You know, the guy who owned Suffolk and chunks of Norfolk!

He was heavily engaged in the siege of Thérouanne in the P d C: and every time we turn off the A26 and go through, I doff my mental cap to him.

His granddaughter was Lady Jane Grey.

I have often been tempted to stop in Brandon Suffolk and shout "Get off my land!"


More seriously, the two names Charles and Henry run through the family right up to my grandfather (And even myself since my middle name is one: not telling!).

Now Mrs Gluey's forbears are much more interesting!

Her great great uncle was was called Johan Georg Eccarious. He was a close friend of Engles and Marx and escaped from Thuringia  about the same time as Marx to avoid persecution and probable imprisonment for his political views and activities.

Once established in London, he was instrumental with Marx and others, in forming the International Working Man's Association, where he served variously as Chair and Secretary.

See Here:

See here:

Mrs Gluey is presently researching this and we plan to go to Amsterdam, soon, to examine the archives of the International Institute for Social Research.

Fascinating stuff.

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THIS is my maternal grandmother's family pad.  I have to remind my mother that if they had not become Catholics, they probably wouldn't have got as far as kid no. 8 thus our existance would have been in some doubt.

Happily, the paternal side of my family actually did proper, honest work and were Northumbrian and  mostly miners. 

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Gosh! Aren't you all posh!

I researched my family and there was no-one rich or famous. The only one that was at all interesting was the pregnant (and apparantly abandoned)great great great (can't remember how many greats) grandmother who was convicted of 'uttering false coin' and sent to prison whilst her two small sons went to the workhouse.

Hard times to be poor.
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We're supposed to have John Bunyan, yes he of Pilgrim's Progress, back on the maternal side.  Traced the family back to Northants in 17.... something, just cannot tie the two ends up...... but it's a short hop from Northants to Bedford in 16.....something and Bunyan is a family name.......last used in my grandfather's generation .......not posh, but certainly a celebrity!

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