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Loop Current grinds to a halt.


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Last year spent Christmas & New Year in the UK and suffered poor weather.

This year due to the the effect of oil dispersants spread in the Gulf of Mexico by BP and the concomitant weakening of the Loop Current the amplitude of the Gulf Stream has been effected; this affect will increase the probability of inclement weather in the UK, so I have decided this year to give it a miss. The affect will be mitigated in deux-sèvres due to its proximity to the Gulf of Gascony but more than likely some chilly periods will occur.

"The Day after Tomorrow".[:D]


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I can't say if his claims are true or not, I am no expert. What I can say is it's worth Googleing Earl of Sterling, it's quite amazing what he is in to (as an American). When you read some of his blogs etc it seems the biggest cause of this (according to him) and a lot of other things is banks, big business and the Illuminati (?). I advise people to go and do their own research on this guy and make your own minds up.
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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

Can't beat a bit of scaremongering and inaccurate science!



I have been watching for a couple of days the thread running on GreenLand with contributions from 4# et al; by the way the blogger uses the word STIRLING a place in Scotland, STERLING is a term to describe an alloy of silver often used in hotel cutlery; to continue I thought I would give it an outing on this forum, so thanks for your contribution.

Quote: The view is echoed by the Met Office which has just released a report saying that the Atlantic Conveyor, or Gulf Stream, is not slowing down by as much as had been feared. End Quote......Ha Ha so the MO had fears, Wow!

However in weather matters, particularly with forecasting anything the day afterr tomorrow, the MO has a dubious record; accordingly I put more confidence in the forecasts of Piers Corbyn.


EDIT 15:04    superfluous "t" removed from phrase "hotel cutlery" avoiding possible confusion with Cuttle Fish.

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Frankly until reading the blogs on the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current I was completely unaware that the Gulf Stream transited close to the Florida Keys as it exits from the Gulf of Mexico. But it immediately occured to me that due to the very limited geographical area concerned, it should in principle be easy to ascertain the current flow condition; curiously I can NOT access any US Government Scientific Sites to confirm or not.    Seems to me strange that for something that would be simple to inform, we are being denied that assurance!
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[quote user="powerdesal"]The warmists will never give up, if they cant blame CO2 they will find something else to blame.[/quote]

Ain't that the truth.

People do the strangest things, I wonder how the 'authors' of this fiction would feel if somebody committed suicide taking their wife and four kids with them because they think everything will end horribly next month? Actually thinking about it they probably wouldn't bat an eyelid.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]The warmists will never give up, if they cant blame CO2 they will find something else to blame.[/quote]

Their latest PR ploy is to try and ensure all their advocates apply the term "Denier", as a pejorative sobriquet to anyone who dares argue with their mantra.

No doubt in the attempt to label dissenters alongside Holocaust Deniers and the like.

One notes as with all such unproven hypothesis, (Scarily like Dubya and Tone's argument being based, originally, upon WMD descending on the civilised World in 20 minutes: to Moral Cause and then Regime Change) Global Warming, has transited into Climate Change: and now Carbon.

I've absolutely no doubt in my mind, however, that the hordes of Blair Kids who've gained "degrees" in anything between Media Studies and Surfing, from "Unis", are staunch proponents of this scam, simply on the basis that "It takes a university education to be able to understand the science!"

I do hope the awesome change happens soon; Michael "There will be no Hurricane!" Fish, was key speaker at a Climate Change conference ten years or so ago, and a good university admin chum who was there, was persuaded to purchase a house in P d C, 'cos "Michael Fish assured them within 20 years, P d C would enjoy a climate like Provence: and Provence would be like the Sahara."

Mr Fish, BTW, was employed by the Met Office and not BBC.

Looking at my French heating costs over the past ten years, I can only dream.........................


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[quote user="powerdesal"]The warmists will never give up, if they cant blame CO2 they will find something else to blame.[/quote]

That's so last year, it's all down to methane this year. The science museum is even running a display in which we all blame animals, mainly cattle who produce 5% yes just 5% of the worlds methane. MP's and others are probably responsible for the rest as they talk crap most of the time.

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I get the impression watching animated gifs of the gulf stream west of the 40° longitude for the last 7 years that possibly the penetration across the atlantic has been less pronounced, based on meandering of the main stream and the formation of eddy currents to the south of the main stream, during the winter of 2009 and the winter to date of 2010.

The CCAR gif for yesterday 16/12/10 for the portion of the Gulf of Mexico between Cuba and the Florida Keys is modestly positive.


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[quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]The warmists will never give up, if they cant blame CO2 they will find something else to blame.[/quote]

That's so last year, it's all down to methane this year. The science museum is even running a display in which we all blame animals, mainly cattle who produce 5% yes just 5% of the worlds methane. MP's and others are probably responsible for the rest as they talk crap most of the time.

[/quote] Vegeterian warmists then. I wonder if they wear shoes made of bark and only pure wool clothes.
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I, as most probably will also, can remember going to school on the school bus down from a Welsh village stuck on the side of a mountain after literally digging our selves out of our front doors.  I remember driving up to the top of our mountain and jumping into snow drifts that were over my head by a food couple of feet.  I remember building snow igloos big enough for adults to enter from the snow on our drive the winter after one of the hottest summers on record (76 or77, I was very young then).

We get 6" of snow and Armageddon is on it's way, a hot couple of days and we are in a drought and crops will fail leading to a disaster the likes of which have never been seen before.

Bull5hit, all of it, as long as I can remember hotter summers and colder winters I will not be worrying.

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[quote user="Gluestick"]Nawh!

it's err...................Global Warming - and Cooling.



For goodness sake Gluey DO keep up. When nothing happened to all the bits that were supposed to turn in to either dessert's of frozen tundras and the IOW didn't sink, to get out of their mess they changed it to Climate Change.

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Perhaps an alternative and all together more sensible approach would be to peruse how the combinations of the North Atlantic Oscillation, together with displacements of both the Gulf Stream and the Jet Stream are affecting weather systems.

The so called 'Loop' doesn't feature!

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