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The Kings Speech


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I have seen The Social Network and really enjoyed Jesse Eisenberg's performance (I also like him in Adventureland and The Village, way back...) and Andrew Garfield's too.

I have also watched Inception. That took a lot of concentration. It felt like opening a set of Russian dolls. I'll probably want to watch it again, just in case I missed something crucial!

Toy Story 3 has received a lot of praise and I'll get it on DVD later on.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Certainly a relief to read that the offensive language will be cleaned up for the American Market. I do so hope that the DVD in france will also have a sound track without all those nasty words in it.


[/quote]I didn't figure you for a prude, Pacha.  I remember an interview with Robert Altman about Gosford Park.  He said he put the f word in the script four times so it would get an adult certificate - apparently one of the standards for an R rating in the US.  Odd how swearing is frowned upon and yet one  can watch people being butchered and then sliced up at any time of the day on CSI.  Funny old world.

The only shortlisted movie I've seen so far are TS3 and The Kids are Alright.  Loved both.  I'm not sure I could chose between  them though.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]Us miners are sensitive little lambkins.[;-)][/quote][:D]


I haven't seen The Fighter yet but I do hope Melissa Leo gets an Oscar - she barely makes any movies and yet this has been her second nomination in 3 years.  Wonderful actor (she also speaks superb French - a propos of nowt - when she was interviewed last time she was one of the few actors at the ceremony who didn't need an interpreter.)

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I just got a copy last night and am looking forward to seeing it.

I always find the American morality when it comes to films and in particular TV rather strange. Not a breast in sight but the gore seems always over the top, they particularly like to see the gore from autopsies on the more modern stuff and in great detail (CSI, NCIS etc).

I liked Inception very much, I think it might be best sen at home with nobody about as it's quite intense to get the plot first time round, A very clever film. I got it at the same time as Shutter Island another excellent film.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

All in all I thought the Oscars were fairly distributed this year and awarded on merit, not sentimentality for a change.


I think that means that you agree with the result.

On principle I am opposed to any event that relies on opinion to decide the winner(s) and dressage can be the first to go.


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By "fairly distributed"  I meant that no one film took everything just because of its subject matter.  There was quite a spread across the technical awards which made the numbers rather more balanced than some years.

I haven't yet seen The Fighter or True Grit and I won't bother with the Black Swan so I can't fairly judge the outcome really.

Dressage has some very precise requirments in terms of compulsary movements which you can't say about the art of film so I reckon that's a bit unfair on the sport but I take your point.[:)]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I didn't figure you for a prude, Pacha.  I remember an interview with Robert Altman about Gosford Park.  He said he put the f word in the script four times so it would get an adult certificate - apparently one of the standards for an R rating in the US.  Odd how swearing is frowned upon and yet one  can watch people being butchered and then sliced up at any time of the day on CSI.  Funny old world.


I need to speak up in defence of Pacha on this occasion.  I myself do not like so-called strong language when it is used gratuitously to shock or titillate.  If it's an integral part of the drama or if to edit it out would detract from the story line, then I am happy for its presence.

You are also right about violence on screen.  I don't like details that are too graphic and prefer the violent action to take place "off screen" as it were.  Mind you, it's often worse that way because I have a vivid imagination and I am also very squeamish!

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Well, I get that some people don't like swearing but even my 88 year old mother roared with laughter and totally got the point when Bertie "let rip".  There was a real point to it, and it was not in the least gratutious in my book.  I can't see the problem in this case.  Why should stuff get sanitised just so a few kids can watch it (who probably swear more than their parents already)? - I'm firmly with Altman on this one.
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Galliano has apparently apologised. Stupid man as he is a very talented designer.

"In his statement he said he had remained quiet on the advice of his

French lawyer, but wanted to make his "position clear" because of delays

in the case.

Dior, where Galliano has been creative director for

14 years, said it has "commenced termination proceedings" in the light

of the "deeply offensive statements and conduct by John Galliano"

contained in the video.

In France, making anti-Semitic remarks is punishable by up to six months in prison or a fine of up to 22,500 euro (£19,200)"

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