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Carrot Cake


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I love Carrot cake and I also love my Mary Berry Ultimate Cake Book... so today I had a go at making her version of this wonderful cake.

Normally, I follow her recipe and do what she says and I have a perfect cake... but today my carrot cake was nice but not great. [8-)]

I know there are several excellent cooks on this fourm so I was wondering if anyone has a tried and tested recipe that they use and could share with me... or maybe share a few tips on  how to create the perfect carrot cake.

many thanks


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Had a look at it on the web and it looks OK. What is different between this recipe and your usual carrot cake recipe. In fact I wouldn't mind seeing both to compare.

The recipe I saw didn't have cannelle in it, and I cannot remember having carrot cake without cannelle.
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This one comes out perfectly every time and is THE best carrot cake ever. It is best eaten two days after making it.

4oz walnuts finely chopped

8oz carrots grated

6oz plain flour

8oz caster sugar

1.5 tspn each of bicarb,cinnamon and baking powder

0.5 tspn salt

8 fluid oz sunflower oil

3 eggs

1 tspn vanilla essence

Mix all dry incrdients together in a bowl, then add eggs and vanilla essence, then oil and carrots. Bake at 175 degrees for approx one hour until skewer comes out clean.

Ice with mixture of 6oz cream cheese, 3 oz butter, icing sugar to taste and zest of one orange.

Hope you enjoy it !

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Hi Idum - I've never made a carrot cake before... love it but never made one.  Usually I have to make lemon cake, chocolate cake or fruit cake... and the odd ginger cake thrown in... depending on the wants of the family.

As Greyman is in the UK I thought I would have a go at this today.  My books is the same as this one... http://halfahalf.wordpress.com/2007/09/21/carrot-cake-recipe-by-mary-berry/

It's ok but not as moist as others I've had and doesn't seem to have loads of flavour... the frosting is the nicest part.  It also seemed to lack a crumbly texture... usually I find Mary's recipes to be brilliant... maybe it was me but I'd like to see what other folks add to theirs.


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[quote user="Théière"]What the cannelle [:-))][/quote]

You're not taking this seriously are you [:D]

Thanks Lavorgere - there's more oil in your recipe... maybe that will help?  How fine do you grate your carrots?


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Ah Gardien, my jaw dropped when I read that. I too saw the program and I really thought that that Lemon Drizzle Cake looked really horrible. I frankly would not have served that to anyone. I was sat there thinking that he gave it to his staff and what were the chances of them saying, my this is awful, not a lot, I supposed.

I even wondered if it could pass the muster that my family must eat when things are not so good and that is to be served hot and smoothered in custard. It just looked 'heavy' to me. Some of his other stuff looked OK, but not that, not at all.

So now, I really would like to know how it was, wasn't it like a 'loaf'? Was it actually 'light'? Pray tell all.

Now I too have been making my version of a Nigella 'couscous' lemon drizzle thing recently. It is almost like a flapjack/cookie, quite chewy on the outside, but very lemony and softish in the middle, quite lovely, but not a cake as I expect a cake to be, hence I called it a 'thing'.

What was 'what cannelle', if it was what is cannelle? just seen it is cinnamon as mentioned on the recipe posted.
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LOL By that logic, my hips would put me off making anything.

I am a gynae girl. I was never andro, although that is the way the femail population is going. Even when I was young and very slim I had a figure, Neat waist and definite hips, I had friends who were far 'straighter' than I was.

I have lost weight in the last couple of years, good for my poorly knees. But I am still a well rounded lady and even if I lost weight, those hips would still be there. Incidentally it is not so bad for one's health to be a pear when the fat lays, as being an apple.
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Going from one extreme to the other, that is, Nigella versus Lorraine Pascale whose series was on the TV recently and whose carrot cake recipe I posted, there's just no way to find any points of similarity between the two.

Lorraine is black, beautiful, super slim and was a super model besides being a fully trained pastisière.  And, when she bites into her creations with those great, big, super white teeth of hers, it makes me want to take the damn whatever it is off her hands and eat it myself!

I am personally an admirer of Gary Rhodes: not his hairstyle but his beautiful CLEAN hands and the way he talks and handles the food.

Can't be doing with Jamie Oliver, at least not since Dame Edna pointed out that his tongue was too big for his mouth and, after that, I just fancy that he spits into the food as he talks and that puts me right off anything he might cook, regardless of the merits or otherwise of the dish [:'(]

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I saw a bit of one of Lorraine Pascale's programs recently, Admired the icing on the cake. Didn't see enough of cake to decide if I liked the look of her cake or not.

I have posted on food boards in the past, but this particular board has made me realise just how fussy I am about my cooking and baking.
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I agree with Sweets,


Jamies food looks like what we used to serve in the Scouts (I.E. dropped on the floor before it made it to the table) [:D]

How many tins/bowls does Gary use, he transfers it to this one and then that one and over to another one, who want's that much washing up! [blink]

The best food I have eaten.......Le Manoir


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[quote user="idun"]So now, I really would like to know how it was, wasn't it like a 'loaf'? Was it actually 'light'? Pray tell all. [/quote]

The recipe has got 5 eggs and 4 lemons in it and yes, it's made in a loaf tin. Light as a feather, moist and lemony (you just use the juice of one lemon in the icing and the zest of all 4 in the cake & the icing). 

A slice with a cup of tea at about 16.00 goes down a treat.[:D]

The recipe is on the BBC Food website.

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Sorry Rose, only just seen your question. I just grate the carrots in my magimix so not too fine. Do try the recipe - it is so good especially after a couple of days as it just gets wonderfully moist and the flavours really come together.
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Lavorgere - thanks for coming back to me.  I've re-made the same cake this evening but I grated the carrot more finely and I added some orange zest and a teaspoon of mixed spice... I'd seen both these ingredients in several other carrot cake recipes... so thought it may add to the flavour?

I thought I would try Mary's recipe once more just in case I'd made an error... my guinea pigs will be anyone who comes back for a cup of tea tomorrow afternoon after lunch [:D]

But... I am going to give your recipe a go next time; I love baking so trying new ideas is always pleasing!

Thanks very much. [kiss]

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