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Could you feel sorry for him: Clegg?


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Clegg wrote the party's death warrant (or at least its sentence of suspended animation) when he signed the coalition pact. Cameron has pulled off the feat of getting the voters to blame the LibDems whilst pretty much holding on to the traditional Tory voters.



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In an adversarial system, sometimes spite overtakes reason on both sides, I am surprised and dismayed though that the benefactors are people with the kind of reasoning that borrows beyond a countries means and does not want to rein in expenditure. The worst indicator of this to me was the sale of the countries Gold by Gorgon . . . .
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JJ, I now no longer vote.....a pox on ALL their houses!

I don't see anyone electable and the economy is more of a shambles than ever.

But, I guess that's the British way: muddling through?

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Because, RH, I don't think that all the required compromises that are inherent in a coalition government are going to work.

Until you can get turkeys to vote for Christmas, all the public sector cuts, pensions, etc that are needed, then muddling through is all we can hope for.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Pickles, do you think Clegg and his party are finished forever, period, never to rise again in another phoenix-like renaissance from the ashes of this defeat and the AV referendum?[/quote]

I think suspended animation covers it. Clegg etc appear to have compromised so much on their party's values that they might as well join the Tories full-time. I would be surprised if any of the LibDem voters would be prepared to trust him in the future - hence the LibDems will have to have a purge. However, I am rubbish at predicting voter sentiment, so I don't see Clegg worrying about my thoughts!



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As good old Winston said:  "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter".   Just take a walk down most city streets to see the 'average voter'.  Nuff said.

I haven't voted for 10+ years - there's no point in our area with FPTP voting.

Mrs R51

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