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Racism or paranoia?


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Well, I guess it's a bit like Mr Hamilton's post-race comments today.  Unless you've ever been - constantly - on the negative end of racism, you cannot know what it feels like and how "paranoid" that can make you.  As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like.  Only those who are the subjects of these offences are really qualified to know - if somebody is offended by something then it's offensive (to them, if not to the rest of us.)  That's all that matters.  It's not up to white society to decide what is offensive to non-whites.  It's up to them.
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Why would someone who is nearing the end of a not very glorious career seek to boost her public profile in this way? Is her name trademarked. The chocolate/racism thing is a nonsense; this sort of action - using racism as an excuse for publicity - also harms race relations by giving the ignorant an excuse to shout ''playing the race card''. No she's not, she's playing the ''I'm so special you can't use my name'' card.

They can compare me to Milky Bar if they like and I won't seek any royalties for using my name, either.

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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]What surprises me is that Cadbury's didn't get her permission to use her name in the first place. If they had, this would never be an issue.[/quote]If they had used her surname as well this would have been necessary.  You can use a forename in an advert without permission because it's not specific (even though you know your audience will understand.)
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Latter for me too.

Cannot see where the racism comes into it. Fact is she has absolutely fabulous dark skin and that is probably why they would want to 'compare' their product to her.

They were right about the diva bit though, seems like she is acting like a diva.

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I am disgusted that Kraft have the temerity to call Cadbury 'Chocolate' it's a pale imitation of real chocolate.

Plus it is very annoying that advertisers can use people names and 'voice a likes' and make totally false or outrageous claims.

Then just have the ad withdrawn after the impact has been made with no real loss.

I am luckily enough to only have experience racism once in Mauritius when I was mistaken for an Indian.
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I like Cadbury's chocolate. I like other makes too, including some of the rather expensive swiss ones, but I like Cadbury's. Not to every one's taste, but certainly to mine. Don't like dark chocolate on it's own and not always as a coating on various flavoursome things, don't care how good it is supposed to be for me either.
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personally I think any opportunity to wind up the vile Ms. Campbell is a welcome one. She's a bully and a lout - witness the various court cases by staff that she has hit and abused - and I doubt she's that thin-skinned that this ad really upset her. Just didn't get her own way for once.

Ya boo and all that ...
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[quote user="cooperlola"]........,...As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like..........,.[/quote]

I think I have some small idea. I worked a while in Saudi Arabia.

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[quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]........,...As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like..........,.[/quote]

I think I have some small idea. I worked a while in Saudi Arabia.

[/quote]Yes, Nomoss, I said me. I was not speaking for anybody else.
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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]........,...As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like..........,.[/quote]

I think I have some small idea. I worked a while in Saudi Arabia.

[/quote]Yes, Nomoss, I said me. I was not speaking for anybody else.[/quote]

Didn't say you were, merely contrasting my experience with yours.

Sorry I spoke, I didn't realise there were restrictions on who can have an opinion.

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Unfortunately having a debate on racism or several other subjects is near impossible because as soon as you offer an opinion which does not fall into line with the politically correct dogma you are accused of an ‘ism’ or a ‘phobia’ which effectively closes down the debate. There are many evil things that go on including racism (not only white / black), religious intolerance, the cast system and tribalism. To use the slur of racism for political and other advantages trivialises the issue and prevents focus on the real issues which effect the individual freedom of those that are truly living in a living hell.

To answer the question of the post I don’t think that it is either racism or paranoia it would appear to be more like manipulation of a situation for their own ends.

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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]........,...As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like..........,.[/quote]

I think I have some small idea. I worked a while in Saudi Arabia.

[/quote]Yes, Nomoss, I said me. I was not speaking for anybody else.[/quote]

Didn't say you were, merely contrasting my experience with yours.

Sorry I spoke, I didn't realise there were restrictions on who can have an opinion.

[/quote]I'm sorry if that sounded in the least as though I didn't care for your opinion or anybody else's.  Quite the contrary.  I thought by your remark that you had read my comment to mean that white people didn't understand what it was to be subjected to racism, when all I meant was that I didn't understand it.  Thus I sought to clarify my remark and in no way to belittle yours.  I appologise unequivocally.  I am very, very sorry if I caused offence or made it sound as though I don't value the opinions and experiences of others, because I do.
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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="nomoss"][quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]........,...As a person who's always been white in a mainly white society, I'm just not sure that I can ever know or undestand what racism really is and what it feels like..........,.[/quote]

I think I have some small idea. I worked a while in Saudi Arabia.

[/quote]Yes, Nomoss, I said me. I was not speaking for anybody else.[/quote]

Didn't say you were, merely contrasting my experience with yours.

Sorry I spoke, I didn't realise there were restrictions on who can have an opinion.

[/quote]I'm sorry if that sounded in the least as though I didn't care for your opinion or anybody else's.  Quite the contrary.  I thought by your remark that you had read my comment to mean that white people didn't understand what it was to be subjected to racism, when all I meant was that I didn't understand it.  Thus I sought to clarify my remark and in no way to belittle yours.  I appologise unequivocally.  I am very, very sorry if I caused offence or made it sound as though I don't value the opinions and experiences of others, because I do.[/quote]


No problem. It's so easy to get the wrong end of the stick on fora.

My post might have been clearer if I had enlarged on it, but I didn't want to launch into a litany on living there. Those who've been there know what it's like, those who haven't should just be grateful.

If the world ever needs an enema I know where to insert the tube [:)]

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