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Murdoch Empire's new low


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[quote user="Russethouse"]Hmmm - http://www.forsarah.com/html/sarahslaw.html I have mixed feelings - with or without the News of the World I think people are more wary. I can't remember ever buying the paper but I was always pretty cautious about my kids.....[/quote]

Is the automatic assumption that all men are dangerous the same as being wary?

I recall seeing an item in a tv programme in which a small child was apparently "lost" in a shopping complex. Hidden cameras showed a number of men who were concerned for its safety but none dare approach the child or talk to it. The vast majority of men are caring and concerned - but the red tops profit from sensationalising a small number of terrible cases. "All men have got it in them to do bad things to children" - I know that this true because my neighbour, an avid reader of the News of the World, told me.

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Isn't it time for the chattering classes to move on and concentrate on the more important things going on in UK?

So a few journos listened to some voice mail - probably shouted into a mobile phone in a public place and already overheard - who cares.

Every household in UK has a £80,000 debt -  a leaving present from a few bankers.

The police run themselves for themselves - someone now remind me where UK is in world league of corruption...

I can only add that I am for once proud of Ross Kemp for staying silent so far.....

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[quote user="Clarkkent"]

[quote user="Russethouse"]Hmmm - http://www.forsarah.com/html/sarahslaw.html I have mixed feelings - with or without the News of the World I think people are more wary. I can't remember ever buying the paper but I was always pretty cautious about my kids.....[/quote]

Is the automatic assumption that all men are dangerous the same as being wary?


You have heard of Myra Hindly and Rose West [8-)]

I think most parents tell their children to be wary of strangers.....

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[quote user="Clarkkent"]

Mrs Brooks (or Miss Wade as she was) and her proprietor and their obsession for selling papers by appealing to the more base instincts of the population have done more than offend people by illegal phone hacking: they have demonised men.


If Brooks has done what is alleged she has done then good riddance and whilst I acknowledge the need for her and her likes to sell papers I would not go as far as saying she and her proprietor have "demonised men". If you are referring to 'outing' paedophiles then all the papers and indeed the TV could (or should) be accused of this.

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It amazes me the way people talk. Murdoch is the head of a multi national company. From the comments one would think that he was personally tapping phones and paying bungs.

Now before somebody says its his company so he should know - just think about how much your managing director or chief executive knows about the day to day activities of your job.

I think that people should be careful on what they wish for. He could fed up with the whole shooting match and sell up to a Russian Billionaire.

Then the politicians could be dancing to the tune of the Russian Mafia (ironically amusing and rather frightening at the same time)

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[quote user="Dog"]

Isn't it time for the chattering classes to move on and concentrate on the more important things going on in UK?

So a few journos listened to some voice mail - probably shouted into a mobile phone in a public place and already overheard - who cares.

Every household in UK has a £80,000 debt -  a leaving present from a few bankers.

The police run themselves for themselves - someone now remind me where UK is in world league of corruption...

I can only add that I am for once proud of Ross Kemp for staying silent so far.....


 Oh yes, another stellar moment : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4403026.stm

As for 'who cares' well for a start the parents of Milly Dowler, not only did 'Journo's' listen to her messages they deleted some, this gave hope tothe Dowlers who thought she may still be alive, ,,,,,

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I think you took my words on Ross Kemp out of context.

The nasty criminal that murdered Milly Dowler is the one that deservedly needs demonising. I just do not believe the family suffered because a mobile phone was made use of because it was insecure. This family are being abused by politicians for thier own ends.

As usual I am sorry to say that it is the usual sinister corrupt characters in the UK behind a lot of the abuses. I will  even give you a link...



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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="Clarkkent"]

[quote user="Russethouse"]Hmmm - http://www.forsarah.com/html/sarahslaw.html I have mixed feelings - with or without the News of the World I think people are more wary. I can't remember ever buying the paper but I was always pretty cautious about my kids.....[/quote]

Is the automatic assumption that all men are dangerous the same as being wary?


You have heard of Myra Hindly and Rose West [8-)]

I think most parents tell their children to be wary of strangers.....

[/quote]Yes we all warned our children to be wary of strangers but in the past we were not afraid to intervene if a child seemed to be in distress. Nowadays we dare not intervene for fear of being branded child molesters. I remember a paeditrician being attacked by a mob because the ignorant thought that was the same as a paedophile.
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I am not sorry that N.O.W. is no longer on the news stands.

When I first came to UK (so very many moons ago that I think Murdoch was still in his mother's arms) I was very homesick and internet was not yet invented, that I thought of perusing through the pages of N.O.W. to find news of France.


Never read it since !  Appalled that such trash could be printed, let alone read so widely and make money for some one.


You can rightly deduce that I've had a very sheltered up bringing  [:$]

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I think you took my words on Ross Kemp out of context.

Its a matter of record that Rebekah Kemp as she then was, was held in custody for eight hours ater attacking her husband Ross - what context would you like us to take it in ?

As for men being demonised - I do think men are more aware of how easy it is for things to be misconstrued, but then as a woman I'm careful too. Another thing that added to this was every parent wanting to accompany a school outing, or scout master, brown owl or youth club owner having to be police checked - and even if you had been cleared for one activity, if you wanted to do something else you had to go through the rigmarole again........

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''We are Sorry''.....stunning!

Is that the best a bunch of so called 'journalists' could come up with?

It may be a trendy 'cultural' thing these days to believe that saying 'Sorry' makes everything ok - but quite frankly it's hollow and means nothing.

I for one am sick and tired of hearing people apologise - it's like some kind of weird disease!!

Simon :-)
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I was pleased and surprised that Ross Kemp had not made public any insider knowledge he may have of his wifes actions in her professional capacity.

The bigger scandal within this phone hacking scandal is that she has alluded to a much bigger scandal, it is possibly.... like the last two times police forces had to be restructured, is because of Masonic malpractices.

A Liberal MP has already asked questions. Even the BBC has made mentioned it.

You just have to read betwen the lines.
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Forgot to add if you are worried about kiddy fiddlers and paedophiles..


You will have to read it all.
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There is a lot of things yet to be proven and perhaps, as I am reminded of what Frenchie said in the DSK thread, that we should wait and see. Clearly though with people resigning (jumping before pushed perhaps) and the fact that Murdoch has publicly apologised and has also apologised in person to one of the alleged victims (well family) that there is no smoke without a fire and something clearly has gone on and its quite nasty. Now we start to see all sorts of claims, some wild, some perhaps not, but it is true to say that it is an opportunity for some news papers and other media companies to 'stick the knife in' to Murdoch. Personally I wouldn't like to be a news paper journalist at the moment as I am sure you would be labeled the same as these minority 'hacks' who have been involved in all this. I am also sure there are some very honest journalists out there, who are equally angry at what has allegedly gone on, although the problem for the public is in identifying them.

I think it is very important that these commission's set up to investigate all these things are transparent and very open. Likewise it is also very important for the honest journalists to stand up and be counted and that those that have allegedly perpetrated these possible crimes come clean allowing the news paper industry to clear out all the corruption. The same should be said of the police, the police have to feel trusted and be trusted and the highest penalties should be invoked on any and all corrupt policemen otherwise the public confidence in them will never return. As I said all this must be done (very) openly for all to see.

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The Liberal left is attempting to vindicate its own hypocritical idiocy by attacking every possible chimera that it can find. There is no discussion, just hot air and pompous posing. Whereas, in truth, they are as bad as anyone else; they read the newspapers, spread the lies and worst of all, did it with taxpayers money which they trousered in greater and greater wodges.

Masons, newspaper proprietors, journalists (unless they work for the Guardian); really it is an attempt at cheap revenge for sorting the brothers at Wapping and a few other places and because masons are an easy target.

Include the left-leaning BBC in that too.

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You know, every time I hear Murdochs name I find myself humming the music from that James Bond film "Tomorrow Never Dies". Are there any parallels I wonder, I read somewhere that the screen writer did indeed base the character of Elliot Carver on Murdoch.
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