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Piers Morgan and " Hacking "


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Journalism is an incestuous profession and it was always stretching credibility that the phone hacking was restricted to a few select individuals at the NOTW, there are a lot more stones to be lifted and dark corners to be peered into !

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Clarkkent"]

Oh dear! Who can you believe here, Piers Morgan or Louise Mensch?

Mr Morgan is known to many as the arch-enemy of Ian Hislop, editor of Private Eye. Mrs Mensch is also known as Louise Bagshawe, author of about a dozen chick-lit bonkbusters.


and Jeremy Clarkson whacked him

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[quote user="audio"][quote user="Clarkkent"]

Oh dear! Who can you believe here, Piers Morgan or Louise Mensch?

Mr Morgan is known to many as the arch-enemy of Ian Hislop, editor of Private Eye. Mrs Mensch is also known as Louise Bagshawe, author of about a dozen chick-lit bonkbusters.


and Jeremy Clarkson whacked him


Now there's a fight where I'd be happy to see two losers  [:)]

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Some sources quote that as the original - taken from a play wot Shakespeare might have wrote - (see Wikileaks).

In the following passage, the "letters" refer to instructions (written by his uncle Claudius, the King) to be carried sealed to the King of England, by Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the latter being two schoolfellows of Hamlet. The letters, as Hamlet suspects, contain a death warrant against Hamlet, who will later open and modify them to instead request the execution of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Enginer refers to a military engineer, the spelling reflecting Elizabethan stress.

There's letters seal'd: and my two schoolfellows,

Whom I will trust as I will adders fang'd,

They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way

And marshal me to knavery. Let it work;

For 'tis the sport to have the enginer

Hoist with his own petar; and 't shall go hard

But I will delve one yard below their mines

And blow them at the moon: O, 'tis most sweet,

When in one line two crafts directly meet.

After modifying the letters, Hamlet escapes the ship and returns to Denmark. Hamlet's actual meaning is "cause the bomb maker to be blown up with his own bomb", metaphorically turning the tables on Claudius, whose messengers are killed instead of Hamlet. Also note here, Shakespeare's probable off-color pun "hoist with his own petar", i.e., flatulate, as reason for the spelling "petar" rather than "petard"

Here endeth the Eng Lit lesson



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[quote user="Mr Ice-ni"]

[quote user="Bugsy"]'hoisted  by your own petard'

Seems appropriate don't you think [:D]



 Though "Hoist with his own petar" might be thought to be more accurate.



Oh NO !!!! another bloody pedantic english teacher.

Its not necessary John, cos I no wot I ment.

Oh and welcome to the forum. [Www][:)]

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But Bugsy, if the dropping of the "d" is a colloquialism you were equally right to use Petard. Unless John was querying "hoisted" instead of "hoist"... but even then, who says you were quoting from Shakespeare? :-).

However I'll take issue with you for dismissing it with "cos I no wot I ment". Surely what matters in communication is that others know what you mean.... you should have put "coz people new wot I wuz on abart" :-)
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[quote user="JohnM"]

However I'll take issue with you for dismissing it with "cos I no wot I ment". Surely what matters in communication is that others know what you mean.... you should have put "coz people new wot I wuz on abart" :-)[/quote]

I stand corrected. [:D]

[quote user="AnOther"]Me thinks Mr Ice-ni is not so new to the site [;-)]


I know Ern, I was being pedantic. [:P][:D]


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