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Amy Winehouse


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For me as an avid reader and music aficionado, Wuthering Heights was the most perfectly appropriate musical interpretation of a piece of fiction. I had read (and loved) the book and, when the song was released, was in awe of the talent which wrote such a remarkable musical accompaniment. I still listen to it regularly.

IMHO Amy Winehouse had a wonderful and original voice whichmhas inspired a host of inferior imitators. Her interpretation and phrasing of her music was as remarkable as Sinatra's. Addiction is a disease as much as any other, it is a tragedy when anyone succumbs to it.

And, as for the 'is she worthy of all the press attention?' question, well, we unfortunately live in the age of celebrity culture where faith of any kind has been replaced by the God of fame, but that is not Amy's fault. May she rest in peace as may all those whose lives have been cruelly cut short whether by addiction, disease, war, famine or violence.

Hereby endeth the lesson with apologies for strange typos etc. It is late -early? And I'm too lazy to turn the brightness up....
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M Coeur de Lion, do you really believe that about Kate Bush, well knock me down if you do. Wuthering Heights make me cringe like running a nail over polystyrene, and for the rest, well, nothing exceptional at all; someone I had forgotten about and am amazed that everyone else hasn't forgotten her.

LOL when I saw you say 'I dare say Bush even inspired Winehouse' really my instant reaction was, why would George Bush inspire Amy Winehouse, the penny took a few seconds to drop.

Anyway good job we don't all like the same things, be a funny old world if we did.


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[quote user="idun"]

M Coeur de Lion, do you really believe that about Kate Bush, well knock me down if you do. Wuthering Heights make me cringe like running a nail over polystyrene, and for the rest, well, nothing exceptional at all; someone I had forgotten about and am amazed that everyone else hasn't forgotten her.

LOL when I saw you say 'I dare say Bush even inspired Winehouse' really my instant reaction was, why would George Bush inspire Amy Winehouse, the penny took a few seconds to drop.

Anyway good job we don't all like the same things, be a funny old world if we did.



Do I believe she keeps herself to herself, yes I do. When was the last concert she performed in? She rarely gives interviews despite demand, and rarely makes public appearances.

Regarding Wuthering Heights, I don't like that song either, but she has written some very good stuff, but I do admit that I think appreciation of her music is an acquired taste. There is a great deal of depth to it that can't be seen on just a few listens imo. Even now after 30 years of listening to her stuff, I am finding new ways to appreciate it. Her old stuff is definitely the best but I think she has done a couple of really bad albums too.

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[quote user="Frederick"]It seems her drug of choice was Ketamine .

As its mostly used to sedate horses it must have been stolen from or sold on by from a vet I assume. [/quote]

Ketamine is widely available and its use has long been extended from its original purpose to become one of most popular recreational drug used by clubbers in

the UK.

There was a recent news item about a young woman having drowned in her bath after taking ketamine (article HERE).

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We live in a strange world when we forget that many great past writers/musicians took then legal drugs and no one cared. Sherlock Holmes was portraied as a drug addict in the books and Queen Victoria - like many women in her times was taken with Laudenum (opium I think???). Victoria is supposed to be the first woman to have heavy sedation in child birth. (I don't mean gas and air!).

Some of us inherit an addictive personality but are lucky enough not to mix in circles where the real stuff goes round - Crack is supposed to be totally addictive at first use as heroin can be. We are all in charge of ourselves but for some, one try and they never own themselves again.

I remember reading a diatribe against someones alcoholic father - He died, she said as I knew he would, with a glass of whisky in his hand, drunk at 78. He fell dead to the floor. I am trying to find a better way to go - but then each to their own poison. One of my friends will not even use toothpaste with flouride (might give her cancer etc) but has a hangover every day - we are all different.

Amy knew what Amy wanted and it was out of this life. It is not ideal for everyone. My daughter was given 3 weeks to live at birth and has celebrated her 40th birthday this year - very disabled but very determined to make the best of everything, her holiday in France was almost all spent in Figeac Hospital - no language problems as she has learnt to sign for her deaf friends and sign language is universal. Perhaps the wrong people get the brains and others get the determination to make life good for all around them. I don't know but I hope Amy is content now.

Each person is their own person and I would not compare her to anyone - May She Rest in Peace.

Er indoors.


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Amy knew what Amy wanted and it was out of this life

 How do we know that ? It could just as easily been an accidental over dose IF it was an overdose...., or just could have been reckless one time to many.....

As far as I know autopsy results are inconclusive at present and they are awaiting the result of further tests.....

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I was thinking while cleaning today (I do sometimes, I know it is dangerous and very tiring) that early on people made some comparisons with other musicians that have died but who really would you have to compare her with dead or alive.

The first 'problem' is the genre of music she sings namely R&B, Soul and Jazz. The only other true female artist I can think of to have bridged all of these genres is the American singer Etta James who many believe is the best female singer of this type of music. Strangely there is a comparison between the two in that James was, for a time, both an alcoholic and heroin user although fortunately she lived through it. If one was to look at a combination of any two of the three genres I would have to say that Aretha Franklin, Alison Krauss, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and of course Etta James were better artists although I would put Winehouse in the top ten of all time greats I wouldn't say she was the best. That said it's a sad loss but then if a person is so intent on going 'self destruct' then there is not a lot anyone can do.

RH, I believe the wait for the report is due to the quick burial as she is from a Jewish family.

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