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Proms - Hollywood


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Just to show how 'odd' I am, when I was 15 my first album was film music. And when I heard the Panorama theme tune, I said, to no one in particular, that's from A Man and a Woman, and it is, but I don't know one  other person who would have known that.

I'm going to put it on the iplayer now. I'm pleased that you posted that.

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I shall be out tonight - I'm having a meal with friends having just arrived back in England from several weeks in France. I have just checked my PVR and I have lots of Proms recorded. This one will join them.

John Wilson is an excellent conductor and appears regularly with the CBSO, he specialises in English music and I heard him do Holst's Planets a year so ago. It doen't matter what its origin, good music is good music. The Proms has featured Rodgers and Hammerstein on a number of occasions - including a concert performance of Oklahoma! The great Hollywood film composers were masters of their art - there is a lot of very good music lurking in the soundtracks - it is good that we can hear it like this.

(PS It is good to back on broadband - my French dial-up was so slow it almost drove me to suicide.)

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It was brilliant, I heard most of it "on the night" via Internet Radio 3 and even though the feed kept stopping, it was a great listen (Satellite dish had shifted and I didn't have a signal until I could borrow the neighbour's ladder). So I made a point of watching the TV version (Dish is now fixed but... I'm back in UK anyway   ). Clare Teal surprised me, I had only ever heard her voice before and had pictured her so differently.

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The concert disappointed me a bit.

Difficult to put my finger on it: part of it was the content, part performance by the vocalists.

The 1st half was unmemorable, the 2nd half got off to a good start with Caroline O'Connor just about staying on the right line of 'going over the top'. Clare Teal got better & better as the concert progressed. Then it all fell away again.

It was enjoyable, but if I say that I probably won't bother to save the recording, you'll know what I mean.  

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[quote user="Gardian"]  The concert disappointed me a bit. Difficult to put my finger on it: part of it was the content, part performance by the vocalists.......    [/quote]


Ditto [:(] I thought of many things : my TV was on the blink ? the sound technician in the hall was still in training ? my hearing was defective ? average performers  (I'd never heard of any of them before) ? ... Just couldn't find any depth or colour in their voices. 'Put on your Sunday clothes' from 'Hello Dolly' was nothing like Barbara Streisand belts out. This one last night was flat. Even the Fred and Ginger numbers were disappointing [:(]

Oh well, I am looking forward to go and see Carmina Burana in late October at the Albbert Hall, that should have some colour, depth etc... with 400 or so voices.

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I was going out and so it went off, but the singers, well, poorly chosen in my opinion and spoiled it a little for me. I do believe if it had just been the music, I would have enjoyed it better.

I know lots of the words and can't sing, so as I was in on my own, I would happily have sang along to it.

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Phew!  I am glad that so many of you didn't like the concert.

I didn't like to give my honest opinion in case I upset people.  Actually, I couldn't stay the course, too boring, and I went off to do something else.  I felt most of the music was totally unmemorable.

Like Norman has said, the choice didn't include any of my favourites.  I thought the Bernstein might have been good but, alas, no......

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It's a bit like when the latest novel from a favourite author comes out. High expectations: sometimes disappointment. 

I see that the BBC SO is performing 'The Planets' on Wednesday. I've scoured the TV listings, but it doesn't look as if it's going to be televised.

A great pity: I know that it's seen as being 'pop' classical, but apart from the 2 very well known movements, there's plenty more in there to enjoy.

We're going to be left with the Last Night, with all those moronic squeekie things - why can't they be confiscated at the door? 

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