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[quote user="Georgina"]But my kids are at a difficult age where all they talk about are gays, not girls and I don't want sex with other men to be construed as in any way  normal when they have not seen heterosexual sex.  [/quote]

Fascinating as it is to see you continuing to dig your hole (despite your threats to call a halt... don't, please don't... [6]) I have to enquire precisely what your concerns are. If your kids (difficult age or not) are too young to have seen heterosexual sex portrayed (ever?) then you surely aren't letting them watch post watershed drama? That being so, while you personally are uncomfortable with a gay relationship being shown, what has your children's tv viewing got to do with the discussion? They're not watching.

[quote user="Georgina"]Nor do I want them joking about gays which really is what happens when they see this. [/quote]

If they do, that puts you in a powerful position to start them thinking about tolerance and respect. Or not.

[quote user="Georgina"]Just think you are clouding the issues with other rubbish not related to this.


And while I think it's jolly nice of you to repeat my earlier post in

its entirety... twice [blink] ... while touching on tolerance and respect, I really don't think it is polite to

designate as "rubbish" an argument that you just don't agree with... or

plain didn't quite grasp. [:)]

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Please give over with this. If you hadn't put a ??? after 'normal', I wouldn't have said anything. Your sons know what male genitalia looks like, don't they. There were no erections, just some bare flesh, all very boring.

And there is male nudity and female nudity on french tv and in french films all the time, some actors and actresses are always getting their kit off. Your boys must see this. Once at  the Cesar film awards in France, they had a little film they had made up of full frontals of all the male french film stars at the time, said that it was only fair as they usually show the female stars nude.

Incidentally I know of homosexuals with children, I did in the 70's and never thought anything about it.

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Well.................... at last you're right Georgina, I am gay and don't have kids.............but both my parents do (i'm one of them !!!!)

Weirdly enough both of them are straight !!

I have a brother and sister who sadly turned out to be heterosexual (sorry I can't resist !!!!)

We were all bought up in the same household and watched the same stuff on TV (AGE LIMITS PERMITTING CENSORED BY MY PARENTS !!!!!!! It was their job !!!)

Mind you, my mum did take us to see the sound of music few times, maybe that turned me !!!

As Lady GaGa said "Baby I was born this way" and no amount of watching football, wrestling or " sexy straight" TV as a kid turned me straight, so going back to your argument about your "Kids" being "influenced" holds little water.

Your choice is to grab the remote control and turn it off !!!

Happy Viewing.
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[quote user="connolls"]Well.................... at last you're right Georgina, I am gay and don't have kids.............but both my parents do (i'm one of them !!!!)

Weirdly enough both of them are straight !!...............!

Happy Viewing.[/quote]

Sorry no offence.

They did not watch it, I did not let them.

I rest my case ma lord. 

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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]John Barrowman has to be one of the most irritating people on UK tv. Don't care what his sexuality is, (although he does make it overly obvious where his sexual orientations lie, not that it makes any difference), but imo he comes across as being so fake. I remember when Torchwood came on, Barrowman was on pretty much every other show produced by the BBC. It was like when Little Britain was popular for a while, everything was about Lucas and Walliams. He is irritating to the max.[/quote]

Saw John Barrowman at a live show - he is unashamedly showbizzy and actually I thought it was great fun - I don't care what he or who he does in his private life.(although he talks openly about his partner and why shouldn't he? His parents also take part in the show and he chats about his sister and nephews and nieces, dogs etc)  I wouldn't want to see him every night but once in a while its a pleasant evening

Georgina : the view that there was something not normal about homosexual relationships is pretty unenlightened - should any of your children find they are homosexual, how difficult will it be for them to tell you ?

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