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I've enjoyed this current series, certainly makes you think about over population and how it might be controlled and is very chilling.Anyone else enjoyed it? although I didn't like the love scenes between Captain Jack and Angelo, OH was cringeing out loud.
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Agree completely although I think the storylines get a bit convoluted sometimes, as is the case with Dr Who in general. Definitely not viewing for little kids.

I'm with your OH in cringing at the gentlemen that like to cuddle other gentlemen, not nice and does nothing to enhance the plot.

Still, Captain Jack can hardly die from Aids contracted from unprotected sex can he  [+o(]


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If you like this series of Torchwood, find the last one "Children of Earth" - much better. The trouble with this Torchwood is it is a 5 episode show stretched out over 10 episodes. The ideas and characters are too light to sustain 10 hours (or so) imo.

ETA: I'm perfectly happy to watch attractive men with attractive men [:P] - and I suspect that those men who aren't don't have the same aversion to watching women with women...

[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Still, Captain Jack can hardly die from Aids contracted from unprotected sex can he  [+o(] [/quote]

You've missed a big chunk of the plot if you've not noticed that Jack is now mortal... though no doubt temporarily.

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The plot though is identical to the gestapo rounding up the jews and other undesirables to them and cremating them, which makes it chilling because this has been repeated all through history one way or another to get rid of those whom others feel are a threat to them.

This series is very americanised, possibly to help with the costs involved in making such a series. The last series was good too, again very chilling undermessages running through it.
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[quote user="Catalpa"]ETA: I'm perfectly happy to watch attractive men with attractive men [:P] - and I suspect that those men who aren't don't have the same aversion to watching women with women...

[/quote]Me too.  I have a gay friend who did quite a few shoots for adult magazines which he was quite fond of showing proudly to me.[:P]  Odd to think that when I first met him and he and his then squeeze stayed in our sitting room, that we were breaking the law by allowing them to have sex in a room with no lock on the door.  Happily things have moved on somewhat.
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I think that this series of Torchwood is great. I have thoroughly enjoyed it, interesting story line and am looking forward to the the finale.

Not different to so many films, programs these days, where sex scenes seem to be obligatory. I do not like watching full on 'love scenes'. I don't care whether they are between a man and a woman, two women, or two men. I don't want or need to see someone simulating sex, although it has been said that in some french films it is not simulated, for me it is not stimulating, and simply boring. I would rather that they just get on with the story.

Sexiest scene I have ever seen on a film was a simple kiss, a couple fully clothed in a street, the look they gave one another, the kiss so delicate and yet the acting was such that this pair were to be  lovers, they didn't show any more, and didn't need to.


I enjoy Dr Who and Torchwood. I still get nervous when Dr Who is on, especially when there are kids or dolls  in it who are creepy.

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Apparently the BBC has gone out of its way to show gays scenes on telly, some have complained about it really not being necessary and the fact that some kids like to watch Torchwood as it is a spin off of Dr Who. I don't really know what they are trying to prove, except that gays are to be portrayed as  normal??? 

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[8-)] Are you implying homosexuals are not normal?


I do hope not!


Accepting sexual differences is one of the best things that has happened in the past few years.

It must have always happened and I can only 'suppose' 'men' who were unsure of their own sexuality decided to write a rabid attack on homosexuals, if it hadn't existed 'then' why would it have been mentioned, and they wrote that it was some higher being who was against gays, at the same time as saying that the higher being had created us all. And then 'men' wrote more books that kept the same theme. All as bad as one another.


No wonder I don't like religions.


I don't like to see sex scenes, I'd rather have some sort of initmacy myself,  from a cuddle to making love, depending on where and when ofcourse.

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[quote user="Georgina"]...and the fact that some kids like to watch

Torchwood as it is a spin off of Dr Who. [/quote]

First define your "kids".

Torchwood is classified 15 which means, I believe, that people younger than 15 shouldn't be watching it. I know the obvious retort is: try stopping them. True, but that's the responsibility of parents etc to control so what appears in a program should not be governed by who "might" see it. "Kids" might drink or smoke under the age of 18... that doesn't mean no alcohol should be stronger than 2%... though I might be persuaded into buying into the banning of cigarettes. [6]

I do wonder why people get so worked up about sex when violence goes unremarked. What's worse in this series - several homosexual encounters or the repeated killing of Jack a few episodes ago? Or the murder of the doctor in the oven? Depiction of severe violence should always more controversial than sex between consenting adults, gender irrespective, but so often it doesn't seem to be.

[quote user="Georgina"]...except that gays are to be portrayed as  normal??? [/quote]

You sound as if you don't think they are. That's really not what you meant. Is it?

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I was watching "Milk" last night.  The story of Harvey Milk - a gay activist in the 70's.  One of the major inspirations for him was the number of - particularly young and adolescent - men whom he knew who were taking their own lives in the sheer desperation of having feelings which were considered unacceptable and thus dividing them from their families and society both.  The way in which the religious right in the States ran campaigns to outlaw and ostracise the gay community just stank and he triumphed over them against all the odds.  Fascinating and sad.  So good we're getting over this stuff, as you say, Idun.
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[quote user="idun"]

[8-)] Are you implying homosexuals are not normal?

I do hope not!

Accepting sexual differences is one of the best things that has happened in the past few years. [/quote]

Why is it you "hope not", because the poster does not have the same moral standards, or lack of them, as you?

Why is accepting sexual differences the best thing to have happened in the last few years? Lots of people I know are indifferent to  the gay fraternity and their way of life. You can accept that something happens without endorsing it surely.

You seem to come out with these statements as if yours is the only valid point of view that everyone must embrace.

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[quote user="idun"]I  have absolutely no interest in anything you have to say. Ignore my posts, because this is the very last thing that I will EVER reply to that you have posted![/quote]

You find it very easy to criticise other people, it’s unfortunate you are not able to take it yourself.

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[quote user="Val_2"]............ although I didn't like the love scenes between Captain Jack and Angelo, OH was cringeing out loud......[/quote]

I love SciFi series but this was the one reason I stopped watching Torchwood.

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LOVE IT !!!!!!

The storylines, the characters, the convoluted plots, AND the sex scenes. (seen worse on Hollyoaks aired at 6.30pm !!!!)

SOME people need to look further than the "sex scenes" to how the relationship was alterted and complicated by the era the relationship happened and how the plot was affected by his survival...............some of the scenes were very touching.

If anyone watched the previous series then you will have witnessed the loss of Ianto, as a very relevant part of "changing perspectives" not only for Captain Jack but hopefully for some very "blinkered members" of the viewing public !!!

Some powerful stuff in this years storyline which bought back some horrific memories for my grandfather who is still alive and can remember the genocide of populations in his youth.........he's 98 and didn't mind the sex scenes..........good old grandad !!!

Long live Captain Jack !!!

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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Georgina"]...and the fact that some kids like to watch

Torchwood as it is a spin off of Dr Who. [/quote]

First define your "kids".

Torchwood is classified 15 which means, I believe, that people younger than 15 shouldn't be watching it. I know the obvious retort is: try stopping them. True, but that's the responsibility of parents etc to control so what appears in a program should not be governed by who "might" see it. "Kids" might drink or smoke under the age of 18... that doesn't mean no alcohol should be stronger than 2%... though I might be persuaded into buying into the banning of cigarettes. [6]

I do wonder why people get so worked up about sex when violence goes unremarked. What's worse in this series - several homosexual encounters or the repeated killing of Jack a few episodes ago? Or the murder of the doctor in the oven? Depiction of severe violence should always more controversial than sex between consenting adults, gender irrespective, but so often it doesn't seem to be.

[quote user="Georgina"]...except that gays are to be portrayed as  normal??? [/quote]

You sound as if you don't think they are. That's really not what you meant. Is it?


Yes me and millions of others who are supposed to keep our gob shut about what we want our kids (15 or otherwise) exposed to.  I don't want it on my telly thanks.  They can do what they like and I will treat them as the same as anyone, but I dont want to see it and neither do a lot of other people who are too scared in our ridiculously PC England to admit it, I am not

Can I just clarify that the gay scenes in East Enders where the two guys fall in love and fight against it were actually compelling viewing, but we did not see them at it!!!  But my kids are at a difficult age where all they talk about are gays, not girls and I don't want sex with other men to be construed as in any way  normal when they have not seen heterosexual sex.  Incidentally I don't recall seeing that in a while hahah.. Nor do I want them joking about gays which really is what happens when they see this.

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John Barrowman has to be one of the most irritating people on UK tv. Don't care what his sexuality is, (although he does make it overly obvious where his sexual orientations lie, not that it makes any difference), but imo he comes across as being so fake.

I remember when Torchwood came on, Barrowman was on pretty much every other show produced by the BBC. It was like when Little Britain was popular for a while, everything was about Lucas and Walliams.

He is irritating to the max.
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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]John Barrowman has to be one of the most irritating people on UK tv. Don't care what his sexuality is, (although he does make it overly obvious where his sexual orientations lie, not that it makes any difference), but imo he comes across as being so fake.

I remember when Torchwood came on, Barrowman was on pretty much every other show produced by the BBC. It was like when Little Britain was popular for a while, everything was about Lucas and Walliams.

He is irritating to the max.[/quote]

Gosh yeah, he is so full of it........ he is portraying himself as some kind of gay icon

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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Georgina"]...and the fact that some kids like to watch

Torchwood as it is a spin off of Dr Who. [/quote]

First define your "kids".

Torchwood is classified 15 which means, I believe, that people younger than 15 shouldn't be watching it. I know the obvious retort is: try stopping them. True, but that's the responsibility of parents etc to control so what appears in a program should not be governed by who "might" see it. "Kids" might drink or smoke under the age of 18... that doesn't mean no alcohol should be stronger than 2%... though I might be persuaded into buying into the banning of cigarettes. [6]

I do wonder why people get so worked up about sex when violence goes unremarked. What's worse in this series - several homosexual encounters or the repeated killing of Jack a few episodes ago? Or the murder of the doctor in the oven? Depiction of severe violence should always more controversial than sex between consenting adults, gender irrespective, but so often it doesn't seem to be.

[quote user="Georgina"]...except that gays are to be portrayed as  normal??? [/quote]

You sound as if you don't think they are. That's really not what you meant. Is it?


Just think you are clouding the issues with other rubbish not related to this.

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YES.................Georgina, as long as they fight against it that makes it acceptable !!!

Glad i'm not one of your kids !!!!!

But surely enough now of the debate about sex scenes in Tourchwood (although i'm sure no one would be having this debate if it were the same scene between Rex and Esther !!!!) Mind you one of those is technically dead, now there's a whole new debate !!.............(look I can't stop myself)........you either love it or you don't.

Anyway, get to get off and sort out Dr Who in my TV planner

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[quote user="connolls"]YES.................Georgina, as long as they fight against it that makes it acceptable !!!

Glad i'm not one of your kids !!!!!

But surely enough now of the debate about sex scenes in Tourchwood (although i'm sure no one would be having this debate if it were the same scene between Rex and Esther !!!!) Mind you one of those is technically dead, now there's a whole new debate !!.............(look I can't stop myself)........you either love it or you don't.

Anyway, get to get off and sort out Dr Who in my TV planner


No you have interpreted this wrongly, I was dipicting the storyline as them fighting against it, because love won them over, all totally acceptable, but i said that because I did not know the characters' names but the point was that they were not AT IT on telly in front of kids.

It is amazing how people can pick a fight on here and totally miss the point.    Sheesh  I give up, I have better things to do.

And you are you to say enough, this is not your thread!!!!

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[quote user="connolls"]YES.................Georgina, as long as they fight against it that makes it acceptable !!!

Glad i'm not one of your kids

But surely enough now of the debate about sex scenes in Tourchwood (although i'm sure no one would be having this debate if it were the same scene between Rex and Esther !!!!) Mind you one of those is technically dead, now there's a whole new debate !!.............(look I can't stop myself)........you either love it or you don't.

Anyway, get to get off and sort out Dr Who in my TV planner


Well I keep replying what just once after I said I was going????

Glad im not one of your kids either, oh that might because you are gay possibly and don't have any?  But then you would not see that as an insult would you and it was not meant as one????


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