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chuckling away here at that blog.  It has been through my old village at least a couple of times and there really is nothing there but a street, still it was on an old route, so I daresay they took that into account. We had other races through our village too.

I have no idea what they did for The Tour, none at all, but the other races and maybe le tour, we would either be showered with gifts thrown from cars, razors, combs, sweet, little flags, or be ripped off. A car would stop give the kids a flag and sweets each and then want 100ff from me, causes ructions that does, especially when Maman has wised up and no longer takes her purse at these times. And I never could tell if the stuff was to be given or they were going to 'rob' us. 

Nice blog. You missed out too,  you could have sold banana sandwiches.

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Well, had I been younger and able to have coped, I reckon I could have made a pretty penny. It was so sad to have people (of several nationalities) asking where they could get a simple snack and a bottle of water. And impossible to explain why nothing was available.
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Wistful Wisteria. Good title.

I wonder whether fear of the gendarmes (or the taxman, in this case) might be what puts anyone off trying to make a bit of cash. Entrepreneurial spirit has been thrashed out of French people for generations, a kind of genetic passivity has set in: they don't want to be caught doing something illegal (i.e. not having filled the right forms or not having the right tampons on them, not having passed the right concours, not being fully paid up with all the cotisations and not having a Siret number), so that in the end, you just give up. If you do some work on the black, it shouldn't be in full view should it?

Unless, of course, you are a vendeur à la sauvette around Barbès in Paris.

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What I don't understand is why the various assoc in your town didn't do something. I cannot say that the assoc I helped run was so dynamic because I was there, it was very energetic before my time with them and I just took up the flame. In fact all  the assoc's in my village always took advantage of anything happening, to open a buvette. The Mairie would then decide who could run one, usally one or two were allowed and if more wanted to do it, they would do a draw to decide. 

It is a grand way of making some money for local interests.

And the commercants chez toi, what is wrong with them not making a few extra euros?

Bizarre Wooly, very bizarre.

Anyway, sounds like you had a very pleasant day and in good company, what could be better![:)]

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For those of our little circle, even the native French who are alas all too few in number, who are seeking an intellectual challenge, as opposed to the physical one of eating andouillettes, I have given a few examples of translation texts from some 90 years ago which I hope will amuse, and perhaps cause some of you to put pen to paper in an effort to show your erudition!


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Angela, are damsons something like a pack of damsels, so are they distressed, so is your part of London full of distressed damsels? I did hear of some folk in the wealthier part of London who found themselves a bit distressed who rented out their garages to immigrant families. And they didnt even provide electricity? So, would you leave your vintage Bristol on the road to accommodate foreign folk, or is the car more important?[6]
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The silliest thing about this is that the supermarkets will IMO not sell any more stuff by putting all their stuff out early, so why bother. Seems strange to me, especially as many colleges don't dish out that bloody list until term starts. AND people with four kids haven't had their alloc for the rentree yet either! or have they? not that we ever had it, but it is a substantial amount, to help towards those huge costs of all the cahier etc of which half are never needed.

More importantly is it a proper summer apart from the supermarkets playing silly beggars? If it is put on some nice rose coloured sun glasses and enjoy.




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Presumably if one supermarket chain decides to start selling the rentree stuff early, the others are obliged to follow suit, or lose out on sales?

[quote user="woolybanana"]Angela, are damsons something like a pack of damsels, ...?  ...would you leave your vintage Bristol on the road to accommodate foreign folk, or is the car more important?[6][/quote]

Well, strangely, my damson tree is slightly inclined over a garage, so if there is anyone living inside they will be hearing soft thuds of overripe (and quite possibly distressed) damsels dropping onto the roof.

If I had a garage I would probably keep garden rubbish in it rather than my car, which is quite happy standing in the road.


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[quote user="woolybanana"]To take everybodys minds off the antics of the happy overnight shoppers and burners in UK, I blogged. Some of you may recognize yourselves!!!![/quote]


Very timely Wooly! 

 Have upped the vitamin dose in the hope of increasing resilience- likely to have a busy week  ( not two surely?)

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