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Like I would believe that your brain had been resting for all that time.

Mine tries to work, but I think it sort of compares to the memory held in an Amstrad Computer, rather than a Macbook. I 'work' with what I've got[Www]

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Did I miss something?

It seemed to be a UK postman struggling against heavy weather to deliver a giant postcard to the sound of a jolly Jamaican calypso. Oh, and a little dog jumped up and barked (to see such fun?) at the end.

(Would do "confused" smiley, but am using the wrong browser.)


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What can one say, were they disorganised, yes. Were they foolhardy, probably somewhat. Brave, yes. Putting others at risk yes. Should they have done it, MAIS OUI!  What else can people do, what else should people do. We cannot all be in big organised armies, but the little people have to try and do their bit and it is risky, but it is for me, heroic. 

You made me think of two things, one is, it was like putting Pike from Dad's Army in charge of the prisoners, and there is nothing so sure as they would have escaped.

And the other thing is the Arab Spring uprisings. So many innocents have died in these conflicts across the arab world. Sometimes 'casualities' happen for the greater good and the greater good is getting rid of tyrants and oppressors.  People will die and not necessarily those that start the fighting or do the fighting.



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I thankyou, I thankyou profusely, what joy to hear of all the birds, tis wonderful news that in some part of France they are prolific.

Our home of 25 years in France was surrounded by trees. The dawn chorus was less than it had been in our english town with few trees. It always suprised me as to how few birds we ever had. It always saddened me. Cannot say there were none at all, but just so few and en plein campagne, how can that be 'normal'.

I'm sorry they have been peppering your lounger, but seems to me a little price to pay for having such guests in your garden, I think you are very lucky.[:D]


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[quote user="woolybanana"]...the current viral ad is about Jenson Button and Mr Hamilton and the Monaco GP. Enjoy![/quote]

...not from here it ain't!  Am getting "Flashmob at the Brighton Festival" instead.  Would much rather view JB and LH at Monaco.
Like the coypu fantasy though.


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As part of  an ongoing campaign to save the coypu, perhaps Huntingdon Life Sciences might care to use a few for experiments. This would result in loadsa testers with mangled hands and hordes of screaming animal lib activists getting publicity for the Save the Coypu fund. (For anyone who thinks this post is out of place, or that their croissants have been spiked with the latest designer drug, DKW, relax, it relates to the blog.)
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I have never seen anyone with the spelling 'Jolly' before in France, wouldn't have guessed that one when you said M Pretty.

Friend of ours was raided by the gendarmes after the Maire had done a porte plainte contre X, but told them it was our friend. They raided said friends workplace too. There was a campaign in our village that had got nasty because of something that the Mairie wanted to do and the rest of us didn't want. The Maire believed that our friend was the author of the leaflets that were circulating. I have no idea if he was 'guilty' or not, he was more than capable of drawing the cartoons and writing the witty and at the same time, virulent diatribe against the imbeciles who were then elected. Lack of evidence and it was all dropped by the gendarmes. I started a much surer ball rolling and it all got sorted. Next elections and not one of them was re-elected.

Not just your 'Jolly' one, I reckon that many of these  'little' Maires often find that the job is a lot to take on.

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