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The wonderful subject of cooking veggies. So hard to ruin, over cooking, over salting, over thising over thating.

KISS is often the best way to deal with them, at least that is what I say to myself. I cook the way I like and enjoy and think that there is nothing wrong with you or anyone else doing the same.

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On n'a qu'à manger des artichauts. Les artichauts, c'est un vrai plat de pauvres. C'est le seul plat que quand t'as fini de manger, t'en as plus dans ton assiette que quand tu as commencé !"  Coluche


How true, lovely veggie.

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We used to own a house which had a beautiful meadow bordered on one side by lovely old trees. The person who rented the field next to ours cut them all down, claiming that they were diseased. They looked perfectly healthy to us (until destroyed) and the shady, naturel appearance was lost.
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Wooly, you can open comments to anyone, not just those with Google accounts, but you have to change a setting in Blogger to do so. Changing comment settings is something I had to learn early on with my own blog, as my daughter wanted to be able to comment without opening a Google account. This is all you need to do:

Go to your Dashboard and click on Settings.

On the new page click on Comments.

When that page opens, under the second heading Who Can Comment, select the top option Anyone.

Go to the bottom of the page and click on the orange button Save Settings.

After that anyone can comment without being able to be contacted themselves.

Comments are a lovely part of blogging and it must be hard work carrying on blogging if you never get any comments. A bit like talking when you don't know whether anyone is listening - though MOH would say that's never stopped me yet. [:D]

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Will 'everyone' be able to see the comments? or are they just for the blogger.


This is just a general question, I hadn't planned on making any comments that would make anyone angry or blush[;-)]

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Hi Wooly,

Thanks for adding yourself as one of my followers.  I'm putting your blog on my blog-list, so you may find yourself garnering more visits from elsewhere. When I began my blog in February, someone kindly put it on her blog-list to make it visible and it all went from there.


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Mr Lionheart, some of the early comments on the site did not get through as I had the settings wrong but they are working now. But I am sure you do not want me as your body slave!

How about a bit of a blog about the US of A or are you too busy getting ready for exams?

Coops, I like to add blogs as I come across them, if they are active, of course. There are so many interesting ones out there too.

EDIT: Mr Lionheart, are you Steve, or Richard, or perhaps Strichard, or .....?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Mr Lionheart, some of the early comments on the site did not get through as I had the settings wrong but they are working now. But I am sure you do not want me as your body slave!

How about a bit of a blog about the US of A or are you too busy getting ready for exams?

Coops, I like to add blogs as I come across them, if they are active, of course. There are so many interesting ones out there too.

EDIT: Mr Lionheart, are you Steve, or Richard, or perhaps Strichard, or .....?


Exams finished yesterday, get the results by next Weds. I'm Richard. And a blog about the US of A might be a fine idea. I have a lot of other projects this summer, but I'll see if I can fit one in.

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