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Getting a UK passport


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I can't get back to the Uk to do it. I will need to ask a French chum to do the honours re the photo.Only problem is they won't have the required professional qualifications, is that likely to be a problem?

I did phone the number given on the consulate website, which was in the UK and they wanted me to pay the 72 p a minute call on my credit card! It was a good job that my expletive was only heard by a tape recording.
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Assuming that this is a renewal, there is no need for your photos to be signed - http://ukinfrance.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/passports/.

I renewed my passport earlier this year via the Consulate in Paris with no problems at all (except the hefty fee charged!!).

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Unless you look very different then you don't need to get your photos signed. See here:

What passport photographs do I need?

You need to provide

  • two identical passport sized photographs. These must comply with the IPS Rules for Photographs  although for overseas applications the background of the passport photograph required can be white and do not have to be printed on plain white photographic paper.
  • Countersignatures on the back of your photographs are not necessary and the countersignature box on the application form does not need to be completed if your appearance has not changed significantly since your previous passport was issued.

You can down load the forms and just send them off with everything they tell you to, including all that return postage fee.

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They are very picky about the photograph these days.

As far as I recall when I renewed mine in the UK a few years ago:

the photo must have a white background

you must look straight at the camera (no coy glances over your shoulder) 

your hair must be away from your face (I think the ears have to show, actually)

your fringe must not be at all long (I fell foul of this one, and had to re-do the photo in the cabin at the Passport Office in London)

you must NOT smile  (as if you'd feel like it after worrying about the rest!)

I think I did have to get it signed, but can't remember I'm afraid.


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You might have but the passport office haven't, why make it complicated [;-)]

As unlikely as it might be having a non qualified 'pal' sign could be regarded as misrepresentation or even fraud and could conceivably open them to prosecution. They have to be UK resident also.


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Sorry forgot to mention that it is only if you are renewing a 'red' passport that you don't need the photos signing.

Truthfully, if they don't think that the new ones look like you, then they'll send them back, so why bother.

But if you still feel like doing it, then if in doubt about getting it signed, then email the passport office.


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[quote user="AnOther"]

You might have but the passport office haven't, why make it complicated [;-)]

As unlikely as it might be having a non qualified 'pal' sign could be regarded as misrepresentation or even fraud and could conceivably open them to prosecution. They have to be UK resident also.



I haven't been to the UK for years so anyone I know the UK can't really declare in all honesty that the photo they are signing is a true shot of me.

I don't know any "professional people" in France who I feel happy to ask or that could honestly declare that they have read and understood the form in English.

How many people know their MP in the UK let alone expect us to find one in France! Plus I would question most MPs integrity over that of the people I associate with.

The countersignatory section of the form does say I am a British citizen/ Citizen of ...... So I can't see why a none British person can't sign it. But I will have a look at that link.

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[quote user="idun"]Truthfully, if they don't think that the new ones look like you, then they'll send them back, so why bother.[/quote]

I'm sorry but you'll have to run that one by me again I'm afraid, you send new photos and they don't think they look like you ?

The only reason you would be sending new photos in the first place is if your appearance HAD changed significantly ergo they would be expecting you to look different and the purpose of having them signed by a qualified 3rd party is to verify that they are a true likeness of you now so them having to 'think' whether they look like you or not should not really come into it.

Of course if the original passport photo showed a white male and the new photos were of a black female somebody might just think that a change in appearance too far [:D][:D][:D]

The requirements for the countersignatory is poorly worded IMO but I'm sure is intended to mean that they should have known the person for two years more or less immediately preceeding the current application and I think most would logically interpret it that way and not call on someone who had known them maybe all their lives but had not actually set eyes on them in the last decade or two !

EDIT: Can gardener or a mod please edit the long link which is screwing up the whole page.

e.g. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Passports/Applicationinformation/DG_174151

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I am sure I read on one of the passport pages that the countersignatory had to have seen the person recently, but typically I can't find that now.

The last passport we had renewed was under the old system where they were done in France and not forwarded to the UK. Has any one had there passport renewed via the consulate this year and how long did it take?

If the consulate's role now is to just forward applications on to the UK, I don't know how on earth can they justify our paying an extra 100€ for being a glorified postal service.
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[quote user="Val_2"]The maire of your commune if you are a tax resident here will sign for you, after all you are one of his flock so to speak and they do a nice line in official stamps too[/quote]


And just HOW does the authentification proceed.

They are unable to authenticate my original Birth Certificate so I have to carry both the original AND a duplicate.

Mayors are veritably mortals and could have a toilette à la turque chez eux.

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I was thinking of Pete Burns who was an attractive young man and now is, well works escape me!

Extreme plastic surgery, well if Gardner has had that, then they'll need a counter signature, but if not, well we 'just' get older, what is the problem.


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[quote user="AnOther"]

The only reason you would be sending new photos in the first place is if your appearance HAD changed significantly [/quote]


No. The reason for sending new photos is to stick one in the new passport and presumably file the other

Edit:  Or do you keep extra copies of old passport photos to use for renewals in 10 years' time?

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