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UK referendum on Europe?


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Since all three main parties have said they will oppose today's motion it will be defeated tonight even with the tory backbench rebellion. I personally think it would be a disaster for the UK to leave the EU but hopefully that will not happen in the next twenty years. I suspect that if the UK did decide to leave the EU it would hasten the break-up of the UK. The SNP have always been in favour of an independent Scotland being a member of the EU.


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[quote user="Rabbie"]

Since all three main parties have said they will oppose today's motion it will be defeated tonight even with the tory backbench rebellion. I personally think it would be a disaster for the UK to leave the EU but hopefully that will not happen in the next twenty years. I suspect that if the UK did decide to leave the EU it would hasten the break-up of the UK. The SNP have always been in favour of an independent Scotland being a member of the EU.[/quote]

I don't think the UK will never leave the EU; no matter which party is in power, as it obviously suits the politicians and their pals to be in it. You  have to remember who said we don't want to go into it; and the other lot said yes we do, then who took us in, thats right the ones who said no.  As for Scotland getting independence I'm all for it , but I feel that the only Scot who wants it is Alex Salmond, like the UK leaving the EU it will never happen.


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There seems to be the perceived wisdom that if there is a UK-wide referendum on Scottish independence, the majority of  Scots will reject the proposal but the English will be overwhelmingly in favour!

Interesting interview on Radio 4 with a man from MORI who pointed out that a majority of Conservative supporters is still only a small proportion of the the UK electorate. Conservative right-wingers, such as John Redwood, make much of "this is the majority view in the country" but on other occasions will point out that people elected to Westminster are representatives not delegates. I don't think that there is any serious attempt being made to withdraw Britain from the EU at the moment - this is a bit of sabre rattling by the Conservative right wing to show the leadership that they are not happy with coalition.

I have long held the view that when a new government is elected, the new prime minister is given a heart-to-heart by the senior Cabinet Office civil servants ... "well, Prime Minister, we know what you said in your manifesto, but let's now face a few home truths. First of all, membership of the EU ..."


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