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Scaremongering - Update


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I wrote to Barclays asking them what the future was for my account after Brexit. Here is the reassuring reply;)

Hi Mr.XXX,

Greetings for the day!

I hope you're well, thank you for using secure messaging service regarding the brexit.

I completely understand the dilemma you might be facing at this about the future of banking services post Brexit.

I would like to share that currently the final announcement on closure of bank accounts and impact on banking is yet to be made.

I would request you to please wait as currently we cannot commit if your account will be closed, however if it is then be assured you'll be notified well in advance about the closure and so that you get enough time for alternative arrangements.

You may also visit the link below for latest updates on Brexit and impact on EEA banking:


I hope this information is helpful for you.

Please feel free to write back if you have any further questions.

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With regards to Barclaycard I have had two letters, the first in March 2019 and the latest dated 9th Sept. The subject of the last letter was

"Your account will be closed on 16 November 2020" Unless I provide a UK address which I won't. Strange that I actually have two personal Barclaycards (one used to be Mastercard but they changed it to Visa) and this letter only refers to one of the cards and I have had nothing for the other card. Both are registered to my German address. My German card is cheaper so if I lose both like I said not that worried.

There has been nothing from Amex I might add.
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I had a Visa credit card from Barclaycard and I had a Mastercard credit card from Barclaycard. I never had a bank account with them. Barclaycard stopped using Mastercard some years back and Mastercard became a banking card rather than a credit card.

Barclays replaced all UK issued Mastercard credit cards with Visa cards and that's how I ended up with two Barclaycard VISA credit cards.
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Our son called me from Denmark a few days ago, worried about his UK Lloyds account being closed.

I told him to start worrying when they tell him it's being closed, after which he'll have plenty of time to make other arrangements.

Withdrawing credit cards isn't the same as closing accounts, and there are many options to replace both, in any case.

Calm down dears.[:)]

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  • 1 month later...
I received an Email from Barclays Bank this morning with an update to their terms of "service".

Closing your account: We've updated section 5 of 'Being with Barclays' ('Stopping your service or account') to explain that we can close your account if you (or someone you hold an account with) are resident outside the UK.

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  • 1 year later...

An update on my initial post about Barclays Bank.  My wife got a letter from them yesterday telling her that her account will be closed as they will only offer accounts to those with a UK address.  Mine will probably arrive shortly. 

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5 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

If you need an alternative try Nat West International, Jersey. Been with them since 1972 and, inshallah, no problems.

Unfortunately, Nat West Jersey require an applicant for a current account to be resident  in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Gibraltar.

For a savings account -  resident in either the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar or the UK and be an existing NatWest International current account customer.

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Replying to my own post here - the edit  time window doesn't stay open for long does it?

For all those having trouble with Barclays closing their account:-

I went through this with Barclaycard - all they want is a UK address, you don't have to prove residency.

I gave a relative's UK address, a UK based email address and an old mobile phone with a UK PAYG sim in it.

It's just an ****-covering exercise by Barclay's management who insist that EU regulations say that they cannot operate your account if you don't live in the UK

I dispute that as we have several NatWest accounts and they are quite ok with us living in France. 

Or more likely, they just want to get rid of accounts that don't make them money.

If for some reason they find out and object - what can they do to you? The square root of zero.


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