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Social Charges - here we go again!


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After going into the tax office to argue for, and obtained, printed forms, I note, as said on here, that there is no box OP on the printed forms.

Can someone tell me what it says beside box OP so that I can write the appropriate wording on the information section?


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[quote user="mint"]
After going into the tax office to argue for, and obtained, printed forms, I note, as said on here, that there is no box OP on the printed forms.

Can someone tell me what it says beside box OP so that I can write the appropriate wording on the information section?



You can download form 2042 here

Box 2OP is near the bottom on page 3

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[quote user="fittersmate"]Am doing my return on paper. Have found the 20P box and ticked it. As the two boxes re not being a la charge de la Sécu are not on my form have made a note on the "Informations" section that we have S1s. I cannot see a box to tick re the lower rate of CSG - presumably this needs to be noted on the "Informations" section - any suggestions for wording.

Thank you.[/quote]

The boxes re. not being à la charge de la Sécu, 8SH and 8SI,  are on page 8 of the complementary form 2042C, which you can download and print here

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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="mint"]
After going into the tax office to argue for, and obtained, printed forms, I note, as said on here, that there is no box OP on the printed forms.

Can someone tell me what it says beside box OP so that I can write the appropriate wording on the information section?



You can download form 2042 here

Box 2OP is near the bottom on page 3


Thank you, nomoss.  This doesn't apply to me because we only having savings interest and no income from property anywhere

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Hi Mint. They sent me Form 2042K and the 2OP box is at the bottom of 3. Next to the box it says " Vous optez pour l'imposition de l'ensemble de vos revenus de capitaux mobiliers (rubrique 2) et de vos gains de cession de valeurs mobilieres (rubrique 3).

Hope this helps. I am stuck on the dividends bit and am hoping that Parsnips will come along and help.
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[quote user="mint"][quote user="nomoss"][quote user="mint"]
After going into the tax office to argue for, and obtained, printed forms, I note, as said on here, that there is no box OP on the printed forms.

Can someone tell me what it says beside box OP so that I can write the appropriate wording on the information section?



You can download form 2042 here

Box 2OP is near the bottom on page 3


Thank you, nomoss.  This doesn't apply to me because we only having savings interest and no income from property anywhere


That's what revenus des valeurs et capitaux mobiliers is[:D]

"Income from shares and movable capital"

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  • 2 months later...
The French Government have failed to win the last of their appeals concerning the de Ruyter social charges claims. So there is now no reason for the tax authorities not to pay the claims many of us have made. I wonder if they will manage to "forget" to pay the interest due on the late payment, as has happened in the past?



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is there something wrong with the second link?

It says "le BOFIP vient de condamner la France à rembourser les non résidents

européens ayant versé de la CSG sur leurs revenus du patrimoine depuis

le changement d’affectation de la CSG en 2016"

I thought that reimbursements should be due to residents, not non/residents, covered by the social security system of an EU country other than France.

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I think it was an article written mainly for French abroad who have also had to pay the charge.

Later the article does mention all taxpayers, whether resident in France or not, who are part of a European or Swiss social security scheme and that is clear in the first link.

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="pomme"]The French Government have failed to win the last of their appeals concerning the de Ruyter social charges claims. So there is now no reason for the tax authorities not to pay the claims many of us have made. I wonder if they will manage to "forget" to pay the interest due on the late payment, as has happened in the past?




I originally made my claim at the end of last year. In March I put in a messagerie reminder to say I'd not heard anything (they go to the local tax office)and had a message reply saying it had been forwarded to the service des affaires juridiques et du contentieux de la Direction départementale. I did not hear anything from them.

In mid July, since the appeal had failed, I sent a further messagerie reminder to ask what was happening.

Yesterday I finally received letters from my tax office for the three years of my claim, with reference numbers again saying the claim had been forwarded to the departmental service.

So it seems nothing had really happened. If anyone else is still waiting for a reply to their claim, perhaps they need to do some more chasing?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Update and for information. My latest avis shows I have been charged CSG (9.20%), CRDS (0.50%) & Prel.Sol (7.50%) on declared dividend income! Payment of an AV has also been subject to the full deduction by the assurance company. On 31/07 I asked by email for an explanation/reimboursement (supplying a copy of the article "Le Conseil d'État applique la jurisprudence Européenne de Ruyter") also requesting an update on my claim for the two earlier years which had been passed to higher authority in April, but nothing heard so far. They are fully aware that I am not a charge on the French state as I received re-imboursement in respect of several years after the original Ruyter decision. I have to say the local office Limoux) are less than helpful since a mini re-organisation several years ago - maybe because there is a move afoot to "centralise" at Carcassonne! As far as I am concerned this is a matter that is not going to go away - in for the long haul!

Bonne chance!

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I've still not heard any more. They are clocking up additional interest payments to us which will need to be added when they finally sort it out. If the original settlement is anything to go by,they'll forget to pay that interest which will result in more chasing and more interest. I think it is paid at a pro rata 4%pa ?

I wasn't charged any CSG or CRDS as there was a box on one of the declaration forms to indicate exemption. However the Pre Sol is not a social charge and goes into the general tax pot. They made the change as part of the de Ruyter case. So we are charged that 7.5% and can't get out of it.
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Oops! don't think I came across anything to indicate exemption, but I have never been charged on my pension for nearly twenty years and I received a refund previously, so they have been aware that I am not a charge on the French system. It's too much to expect common sense to prevail, so I am guessing that if I didn't complete the relevant box they will say eventually it's down to me. If only the forms didn't change each year! Maybe I shall go to my declaration and submit a change.

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I think this is all?

On 2042 you should have put UK government pensions (e.g. local authority, army, police) in boxes 1AL/1BL and the state and other UK pensions in boxes 1AM and 1BM. You should also have ticked boxes 8SH and 8SI.

On 2047 your total pension incomes go in section 1.11 (ticking the public/private boxes as necessary) and you also need to complete 2047 section 6 for your UK government pension.

With those inputs I didn't get any CSG or CRDS charges for pensions or interest, etc. but there is no way to avoid the Prel Sol.

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Thanks,Pomme. I have checked my declaration and I don't think I had the opportunity to enter anything in boxes 8SH & 8SI! The first line of para.8 is 8TK (Revenus de source étranger.......)) in which the gross amount of my LG pension has been entered. All my entries on 2042 and 2047 correspond to your description, thanks, apart from the dreaded 8SH & 8SI. Further, on page 11 of 2042 (Informations - Mention Expresse) I declared "Nous détenons la formule S1, par consequence les prélèvements sociaux déjà pris sont dans l'erreur (ligne BH ). Aussi les dividends déclaré (ligne 2TS ...) ne sont pas soumis à la charge sociale ".

Playing silly bug***s come to mind. As I have previously suggested, I think the current crowd at Limoux are being less than helpful. We've been declaring since 2001 and in those days you could have a friendly chat and seek guidance and advice, but nowadays it's so different.


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I'm not sure which form they are on since I've done my declaration online for several years.

On the same screen online there is also: Revenus de source étrangère ouvrant droit à un crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français 8TK .

If you are domiciled in France and you have received income from a foreign source, you must complete a 2047 declaration and / or a 2042 C declaration according to your situation. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/particulier/questions/comment-seront-imposes-mes-revenus-percus-de-letranger
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