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The Company has just filed for Chapter 11.

Its hard to think of another dominant worldwide brand that has been so completely annthilated by technology change in the space of just ten years or so.

I can remember visiting Rochester (NY State) in the late 80's: Kodak was one of several major corporations with their HQ in that city, but they were probably the biggest. A massive manufacturing setup there and a very prosperous society. How things change. 

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Rosabeth Moss Kanter - one of the world's most respected experts in the management of change - was interviewed on Radio 4. She blamed complacency and the inability to innovate quickly. Kodak, apparently, had a better plain paper copier than Xerox but failed to get it to the marketplace quickly enough. Their R&D activities were well placed for the digital revolution but the trading company allowed itself to be overtaken by the electronics firms who found a new product area they could enter.
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[quote user="Mr Ice-ni"]

The only constant factor in a successful business organisation is change. The writing was on the wall but no-one at Kodak was looking.



No one on the "Board" and they like the Italian captain can drive the business on to the rocks. The staff should sue for compensation!

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I feel very sad about this.

It was an adventure the whole photographic thing and expensive, getting a camera and then the film. Taking photos and being so inept, not just me the whole family and then waiting for the chemist to develop them. And we would still get some good'uns and it was special and wonderful and a good part of life.

Life, so much  is instant these days, what joy? what gratification?  because I cannot be bothered really with taking pics anymore. People try and show me photos and unless they are talented, I mentally switch off, do I want to see 200 photos, never, 10 or 20 in my hands turning them was quite quite different.

And until I heard about Kodak's demise, I hadn't realised how I really fekt . And yesterday I got the old box out and started looking through our old photos, not all, just a few, it was nice, a pleasant half hour, the ones with half a head or of the floor and someone looking away..... at that price no chance of taking another one and so we have our terrible photos, but they are wonderful.

Kodak should have moved forward, but I'm sorry that something special in my life has been lost.

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