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[quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="Pommier"]Good luck RH. I looked on Google and saw a video of this operation and it looks like a miracle cure. My son in law recently had a different op on the NHS for this condition, but they appear to have mucked it up and want him to go back for them to have (literally it appears!) another stab at it.  [/quote]

Too much information at this time maybe?

Good luck RH, we all promise to behave whilst your putting your hand up.


That's why I emphasised that SIL's op was a different one - as RH says, the procedure she's having isn't available on the NHS, even though it looks like a miracle cure.


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 This is a NHS procedure, if I had gone to the Doctors earlier I may have been able to have laser treatment which seems to be popular in the USA, but as far as I know is a private only option here.

The surgeon would rather be doing the bigger op on me (general anaesthetic, 6 weeks recovery) but my 'social' situation doesn't really allow me to be out of action for that length of time.

As I said my husband has the same condition, as did his brother, mother and two of his aunts. His aunts op was successful, his mothers op was not, though that was 25 years ago so hopefully things have moved on.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

The surgeon would rather be doing the bigger op on me (general anaesthetic, 6 weeks recovery).......


But it remains an option in the future should the contracture recur.  One of the benefits of the fasciotomy you are having is that you avoid the scarring issues which can make a second 'big op' more difficult.  It seems a sensible way to go.

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Well that was quick, in just after 7 am home by 11.30, the actual op took less than a minute, having the numbing injection was like having an injection at the dentist, well maybe a little worse, lots of covering the hand and arm up to the elbow with a bright yellow antiseptic, then 'snip' that was it, 15 minutes in recovery then back to the ward, tea and toast and home.

It hasn't straightened the finger apart from the bit from my hand to my first joint, and that should give me increase mobiliy and stop it pulling the adjacent finger down.

The hand is still bandaged but I should be able to change to just an elastoplast over the weekend.

For those interested my surgeon ( Mr Palethorpe, who came to see me before and after he had performed the op) has a web site : http://www.readinghandsurgery.com/fasciectomy.htm I had the Fasciotomy, at a later date I may have the Fasciectomy.....

If I had caught it earlier there are other developments that may have helped....


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[quote user="Russethouse"]For those interested my surgeon ( Mr Palethorpe, who came to see me before and after he had performed the op) has a web site : http://www.readinghandsurgery.com/fasciectomy.htm  [/quote]

It fascinates me that a simple 'snip' in just the right place can make such a difference to someone's well-being.

Hope all goes better with your errant finger from now on ... It is such a sound idea to have an informative web-site such as his, most reassuring in a potentially stressful situation.


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RH - good to hear it went so smoothly.

Strange thing is before I got Dupuytren's it was one of those things I sort of knew about (from somewhere in my studies) but never really came across (other than as a part of a patient's history - even then it was never relevant to MaxFac surgery). Since being diagnosed, and therefore rather acutely aware of the condition, I've been surprised how common it is.  Like when you buy a new car then notice how many cars of the same type are on the road.

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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="Russethouse"]For those interested my surgeon ( Mr Palethorpe, who came to see me before and after he had performed the op) has a web site : http://www.readinghandsurgery.com/fasciectomy.htm  [/quote]
It fascinates me that a simple 'snip' in just the right place can make such a difference to someone's well-being.
Hope all goes better with your errant finger from now on ... It is such a sound idea to have an informative web-site such as his, most reassuring in a potentially stressful situation.



Sue I know many a wife who has said the same thing .....;)

Great to have you back RH and that it went well.... so can we start hazzeling you again now? ..... ;) ( I jest....) although my smillies dont work..... !! ;)

The websites are very good , I have found a few NHS sites forsome procedures I have had  but not very good one's 


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[quote user="Pads"][quote user="suein56"]It fascinates me that a simple 'snip' in just the right place can make such a difference to someone's well-being.[/quote]

 Sue I know many a wife who has said the same thing .....;)[/quote]

Ooh la, la !!  LOL  [:D][:-))][blink][;-)]

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