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Form 3916 -credit cards


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Do we have to enter details of credit cards and under what heading?

Have always completed our return on paper with a list of all accounts and their details but it looks as if a paper declaration will now require a separate form for each account.

Why do they have to change things every year?
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Don't the credit cards have an issuing bank behind them? So you would report details of the bank account?

They seem to have changed form 3916 this year because they've added a section for Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. cryptocurrencies and taken the opportunity to gather other, more precise, information.

Hopefully, for the online system they will revert back to retaining the 3916 information from year-to-year rather than demanding all the information is input each year?

This page https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/international-particulier/questions/comment-declarer-mes-comptes-et-mes-contrats-dassurance-vie states:

Lors de la déclaration en ligne de vos revenus, utilisez le formulaire n° 3916 (comptes bancaires, contrats d'assurance vie) ou 3916 bis (comptes d'actifs numériques). En cas de déclaration papier, vous pouvez télécharger ce formulaire sur le site www.impots.gouv.fr. ou indiquer sur papier libre l’ensemble des éléments nécessaires à l’identification du compte ou de l’assurance vie.

But if you declare on a separate sheet of paper you will probably need to provide more than the minimal information required in past years if you want to avoid fines. It seems the online system won't allow the declaration to be completed unless you input certain compulsory fields such as dates.
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pomme thank you so much. One of our credit cards is our current account provider so that's fine. I will have to look at the Barclaycard account to find the account number and presumably enter that as another bank account.

I might (stress might) have a look at doing the return online.

Once again - thank you.
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I always thought that, BUT I returned an item I bought from amazon on a credit card which I then paid off. Subsequently they reimbursed me on that card and I finished up with a credit on the card! Where does that leave us?
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I, too, had never even considered having to enter details of a credit card on the 3916 but the matter was raised in several threads on another forum. As you say it does not hold cash. Someone on another forum has sent a message to their tax office asking for clarification but, having thought about it again and logically, I agree with you and cannot see how details of credit cards comes under the scope of 3916.
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It won't be the cards themselves. As I said earlier it can only be because they are linked to bank accounts.

I'd forgotten about when we used to have Barclaycard Visa and Mastercard cards and they were linked to our other UK bank; we didn't have a Barclays account. But if we still had them I would have been reporting that other UK bank anyway so there would be nothing further to follow through on the cards.

I wonder how that person will get on trying to explain something like a Barclay card to the tax office? I can't think of anything similar in the French banking system; I suppose American Express might be a possible example.
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I was puzzled about where the idea of declaring credit cards came from?

But then I remembered discussions about Revolut and Monzo cards when they first appeared a few years ago. At the time they didn't offer any proper personal banking service but, I think, just an account to allow you to hold a balance to cover purchases?

So perhaps something like that was the reason?
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I noticed this in making my declaration:

Précochage de la déclaration annexe n° 3916-3916 bis

Vous avez déclaré en ligne l'année dernière un compte

bancaire à l'étranger ou l'administration a eu connaissance de la

détention d'un tel compte dans le cadre des échanges d'informations

entre pays.

Précision : les comptes de type Paypal

et Transferwise sont déclarés auprès de l'administration comme

étant détenus à l'étranger. Pour certains de ces comptes, la

déclaration annexe n° 3916-3916 bis n'est pas obligatoire.

Si tel est votre cas, décochez la case correspondante.


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