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UK and French State Pension amalgamated? Paid by one country?


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Yes, we get everything from Humanis / Malakoff and they make the payments, but we still have a link to Agirc Arrco, they just do nothing any more.

The reason you need the info from the UK, is as if you have missing years  your french pension will be reduced.

So if you have all your contributions from the UK until you moved to France then they will not reduce the amount. The link to Cleiss is live and that is the pertinent info about how they reduce the amount.

The pension is based on the past 25 years salary in France, so maybe they will just treat your last ten years.  You need to get what you are entitled to, no point in accepting less than your 'right', is there.

You should hopefully get 167/40 at a taux plein, you don't need that reducing by 6.25%, or more.

La pension au taux minoré (décote)

Les personnes qui demandent la liquidation de leur pension de

vieillesse et qui ne totalisent pas la durée d'assurance nécessaire pour

obtenir une pension au taux plein (50%) se voient appliquer une décote,

ou taux minoré. Le coefficient de minoration est déterminé en fonction

du nombre de trimestres manquants et de la génération à laquelle

appartient l'assuré : 1,25 % pour les assurés nés à partir de 1953 (soit

une diminution de 0,625 par trimestre manquant). La liquidation de la

pension avec application de la décote est définitive.

Trimestres manquants Taux de la retraite
1 49,375 %
2 48,750 %
3 48,125 %
4 47,500 %
5 46,875 %
6 46,250 %
7 45,625 %
8 45,000 %
9 44,375 %
1043,750 %
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Thanks for that link idun. Crikey it's complicated, even with the English translation.
Well, in the last couple of days both retraites have kicked-in with their first payments, so that's a relief. I made the applications when I stopped work on my 66th birthday in January. The payments are backdated to 1st March.
But, the recent number of semestres they both quoted did not include my last year of work (2020), so I forwarded paperwork for that a few weeks ago. I have just had a tour of the CARSAT state website and it's now all changed and different colours as I'm a receiver rather than a claimer, the 'Check your semestres' option has disappeared, so I'll have to find out somehow if my semestres are correct.

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We had a list of the trimestres sent to us by the CRAM. And I think that you should call them and ask them to send you the number of trimestres in total. They included all those paid in the UK too.

Re the Agirc etc, every year you should have had a list of points accumulated for the previous year.

I hope you were issued with them, and kept them.

Then you can see how many points you had and look up on the Agirc etc websites and see how much each point is worth.

Unlike the CRAM, it is a simple multiplication and that is your annual pension from them so divide it by 12.

The complementaire is easy to work out.

Usually the last points should be included, for us they were.

You can call the assurance retraite on 3960 and ask for your trimestres, they should send them out.

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.... Thanks.
I'm not aware of Agirc sending me anything in previous years, but I was able to see my info online, semestres and points and predicted retraite.
In fact I have just had an email from Carsat that strangley went to my Junk box -
Votre interlocuteur retraite en région

Nous avons terminé le traitement de votre dossier retraite le  06-05-2021.

Votre notification de retraite vous parviendra par courrier dans une dizaine de jours.

Votre premier paiement interviendra sous 10 jours en fonction des délais propres à votre établissement bancaire.
Si votre situation évolue, signalez-le à votre caisse régionale.
Vous souhaitez obtenir un calendrier ou un relevé de vos paiements ? Créez votre espace personnel sur lassuranceretraite.fr !
Recevez nos sincères salutations.

So it's all coming in the post.


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 I am glad that they are sending this. But you need to know if all your trimestres from the UK are being counted.

IF they are, that will be good news, sadly how they work it out is beyond me and everyone I know.

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